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THE Bibk Standard. “ERE GI of Gat ura Ee, AUCKLAND, NZ,, MARCH, 1914. ‘Tamenrexce. Ta or [eonrans “= Che Bible Standard, = New Tesnd tvanestic and Pbcaton Assocation, ‘eStanoann ropomiy fer mime anes cpm he Association Notes, This is an Has Noo, artes on Hestaniowon. ‘The Bilitor and his wife, in company with Sister Palle te, lave tho Dominion on March 0 for England. The Editor dosrs to wish the readers of the St4s04nD farewell forth present, an Hopes fo rename ie duties in conection with the paper no bis return, Als ate in charge of the Acting-Raitor, x0 tha the page= fivon to Eebocs fram West Stove will be cerned a onl, "Should any wish to cominieate with the ior during his abence, his addres ll Soper will be c/o Mr. AT. Arie, 51, Grnfll Road, ‘Thornbury, Bradford, Yorkie During the Bator’ absence, Mi rest Aliidge vill eapevie the issue of the Sruxpunn a Acting: Baitor. Tt is necaanry, therefore, that ll mater Sinended_ for inwrtion. should be stat him at hie ves, Jervis Roud, Herne Bay, AveKand rom the prot date to the ead of the year, cho Bagehill Fund wil bein charge of Mr, Harold Asie, ead caofally the s/o Batkner and Ca, Karsnghape Houd, Avekland Will ll who wih to elp thie and plose hand, or etd, hei donations to hin? ‘That the Srasmanp is ao highly appreciated in other lands by baliovers in the Tie and Ade, is ater of reat couragenent Io hast who tou apn it. One, ‘whois himself a vetonm tncher aid riter of repute Amongst the brethren, write in a private commune fion'="The Bau Stanpanm ie lays rlcme, and ts ‘igomons notes on Current rents, abd wtclee on “hing Inare aay blved place i think, the bad of ll our magazines” ‘Tho fllowing is an enevuraging sem, from an Asian corespandent:—"T trust hat your paper wil sep going, and be a blesng. kei Hecnuse of is tmparste ton, and bing fee frome carping rtm of diftrent bodies of Critons and it sould win its way Int almost any choc, a any rate ‘mong ite members” ‘Sach commendaton ie high; let, ‘wm try to dere if more. If readers wal ean out tffors, Uy placing’ the magazine befie oer, ed fnveaouring to eoeare Cee sseripins, the tak of fhe who ase reponse forthe tur of the paper ‘would meh brightened ‘or bealth reasons the Publisher anc Treasures aw ined ning month’ lus of absence fom the by he serves, and is about lo procnd the Old Coury. During hie aence from the Dominic, is dite as Treusrer and Publier willbe Ald by Mt. Ja, ‘Thomson, Chambeelain Stet, Grey Lyaa, to whom, it is requesed, all subseriptions forthe per whould be vont A telegram reeived from ro. King, of Tiara, on March 18h, conveyed the sed neve oth death of Bro Smith, of tat town Ovr deoused toler wae a fit and patent member of the lity ehuseh ‘hich for many years held is mostings in Sophia Strst Hal, and foro Tonga ho was abl, ton ded the meting fr fellows. is har bows « loug and trying Ife. Often hare we ‘hough and sid thatthe Burdens he ried would hare Lille let optimist man. But chogh all hi tile Ine manifested say dap, and war fll of prlse to God for His gooduse him. "Thouzh his own long tnd frying nes, the tetany is boro, King, ‘ho viitod him to th last" never noe waved {ita in the Lord Jeeus Crete the fevers that ves his faith and op” 6 ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. Dlotes for fhe Wonth. sp NTHUSIASTS slew th erection and ine guration af the Tenpleof Peace at The Hague an inle(oken of the spread of ‘ke prineipe of pace, a a earns Dat fre long the dea bors f war will ave dered from the weld beowuse of the settled amity of nations, To. dose who are not inte by the glow oftheir oye, the magaicent. building eppaes to be Dut Hiking winerisernnt of man's hepecrey A Pain Cathie paper suk a hldly agua th isu which ‘Die Temple emai, "A Terple of Peace? texan, Ata time when the whale word tro China to Pere either at ar or preparing for it, and tlio are Ong. spent by Gere tnany, Brace, gland andthe Calta Stats in ware Tike raging, io ary ail wep of blooded) A ‘Tempe of Peo, when Meson Sx standing with drwwn {iif the Blo the Balls bat i not fet deny andthe pole allover the work! are being ould alone te sat thir plnghabare into evorde iat tie rani hooks into spears! We ever Hugh the Tollanisee had quit 50 Keen a remieof peal honey next; a ie joe” ‘The Temple of Peak Says the Soleil;—"Phe moment singularly rasen for the foanguration of «Palace of Peace Shevaly vivn all the Great Powers are seni aig ranting heir onlitary fore, wad ate Just ripe far ‘etn upon a wat, ‘The Temple ALName that of Pease at) Tbe Hague is ‘Afsnames. | uufortnatly butt for ane fend HL tarts withthe sup- wwition that the whsle world it at pate st any cace, the coremony_ mative Tso 10 inara as wel ae inghter. Men of seme an septs (cH angi ‘The unhappy pple eho eared from war wl wep Tt is indeed an dea to Fave bmi thie Palace of Peace ab to have given i Tue wih taro ii jet. general, edifices mar the name hich corsa with Unie objet. A lnuch en shh, tate ta hear, peo is Pyicon, fat what can possly be « Temple of Peace Ihre hore ie no pence? Tis mane expres noihing nore ete than wish, Chan & area than 4 obit, Tt Palace of Peace without peace: it Teas if churches wett ult widout worship or wore thippers tent. witha plays oF suns, prisons ‘witout tile we pranera, Teka palace empty and ‘hjctlesy pce withont bahia, and so today 8 tre came Spain, Some things thew inaugural ervmanies will not lak—fne specs, hollow, Dat luau, But wha wil pa amy tenon 1 the "The Units Stes Oe an of “tons” am mt ‘few of thew have Ween adopted elvvhere with Santage to the communities wha have profied by the vad! develapmenty of their Aten exemplars hi etre in feand tlio seular One of te lets of thee the things made Kuom to 08 by ‘he vlgiony pret of the Stee the Borement aoe fe GetoChurh ‘Sundiy.” Sear lt took up the fia with the seal that erased attendances twee reported for that day, In New Haven, Con- Gosto-Chureh “sunday. Tretia 30000" persone attende tbe iney-fe0 horeiee,Ofber ites ngort a double atande fe Chicage alps. Stosie and compen: Site plans fon Vebrunry Ist "Goo-Churel placards ‘ere pce it ste windows [mee and sig were wed om diners wagons ail tracks: bina were ved srkers ere plc al a ata cae were Incerial in par selon; tlepbone vompanien wee fet Uo rng pall anette ete ie lok ‘Sturdy sigh and tepede the meseage, Goto Chor fan insta af "Hello the mation fo the week. p= (ing fhat Suny was “Cp tp Chueh” ast what Sree atte that sks enspaizn we have mt Inara, tit fable movement Will thi fir slce thn problem ie reser, 00 dora going? We do not think it wil” Probale the its wil Tape tnt she wal state of lethargy and faire, wil anther aparmodie for is made fo revive the inert, Tat i mast ea atimotating ting for « whole fouunanity te have intently ice foe eres ea this ion of Chon atterinee, TY stems to Tt the Tater wark ll be how taro sich Tore that fhe tenance for one aay) maybe sonnel nto w Tatiteal church going, “It” napa tbe Worlds Cris. “Seopa to church for singe svi, it may do eign. Tho that ay, somthing ean Ted) oF done tn awaken then 10 the in rtm of the church, inthe comunity, and to the Thportancr of aitaining tei owe seligious it, the ‘ifort el ate fava.” 11 Che cerent asso fries Ian, nei probably wel, the wht are tothe taken to anake fhe ossion ane Sn-whic Ho tora 0 Gof oll be hasonred, stato mero fort to prsunt ive reponse, orto put the Char Nefore ae ae centre for saci seri shall pee ‘An Awakening tort. ‘he presentation of the Word of Goi at he enly cute for a, snow and deat (On tbe tte page of the Autoristd Version of the Bile appear the won, “Appointed. to be relia ‘ure and i ha long brent fo determine ju ‘hati contained in this ents "No vidoe” says West, ie History, "har yet ‘The Authorised ben prolived to show that ive Version. Version van ever publicly we tioned by Convection, oe by Pa Fame, or bythe Prgy Coun, ot by fv King, TL find its edrzaey partly it mony’ have Bea hy the ‘ight of Ue Kings sume, partly the pero be iy of the peelaten aot scolar who bat en engaged "pom if, but ail more hy titre pero aver ites ical” ‘Phin hos buch generally accepted by hola" the “utmost” thit cond te sid In justieaton of the expression, Tataly, = ct, writer in the Bie World (Chicago) elas that & sang cae canbe Made out to place the cae, and digpte. Hu folly adi Ht tere no record af the Version being saetioned by the Privy. Comal Tne points ou dat ine at Whitebal on Janus 12 ts (0.8) all the tone and myers of the Connell fiom 1600101613 were destaye. He a emplaies ‘hea thatthe King pact tho Version, als Sint the work, and mains that o¥ch eid a2 we have ull eats itt fs timehonoared names the Aauhoried Veto, ad King Jams Version, "Ta inpresson anreyed hy the cable menage anent Desig, tha hat county is at present nw rexy te appr siete Stele al bloodshed ares present charace fers before the yen of the wold al these things ‘en to be acsoapaniments 38 Rating for sate af superstition wad ignorance Souls. that is appalling, Where ian be bined tha prt an ae sonle out ot Paratery at se much» irony and do hokey there we any appeal ae tun tinea an jenorancr ca ented The fellow ie extracted ftom The Moucr of November #4, 1018 Sith the acmpanting nate atts een take pin Cae Chan a ht iy seer acetate Rit veh ea tat ae * oor fete rhc eee zee ‘estat foe Se aero Nena ab Wo said store “saporstion and ignorance,” and we THE BIBLE STANDARD. ea that er is dens jgnorance on man’s nates for ‘here isn eonsione oul to suffer in dav, and, Artory, no Purgatory to engender baman fours Te ie taste rath on man’s nature were aught i would Jie the death of platy deinaton ‘The etadent af Romani, in ite teaeingpractie, tami with the persistence wih which tert 1o be the ole athortatveexpreion of the wll vl t0 men.” owetimen the eae Pt in ay ‘rhih ean fut protute a sil i howe hove fall i rooted, ot in'may, but in de revelation of the Holy Spot chich the Lord Yomieed His follows (John sie. 28). In ‘Ctecent arnon, » Roman Catholic peather wig that ft stence of Thoma nin doting the earetion of ‘that she did not acept te authorly of Chins Pear” nant, Peter, whom had been given the power af the keys Hence, the deat Sy a Gal nd a sin a mad ita th Chase ny held rine hahaa ne al ttn they hve 20 Fe th Ufo, Peter rcp to tte bd ot teen 0 mablente io rae the tngualiid se toptance by he falw-cp of eesti he wa. They had ard th act ey to “Ge ie ee Hn Ney Satan” ends nt of dn a Jeg Intl wer stil nt miso of high war iets hae ter Chee a en Nin "the por af te Ke” Pr Ifo Peet ie ky fondalen foray Church a ie ator Tig pnt a for fa te hg be Ine he “ve” air nt ft bat of 0 La, 31) Tae hatin Aton it ia «result Of modern march that we hare fmm our impreeine ofthe grates a Hh ay ito mpi, yet we oe our Sem Satins of the cxstence of mach power t the Old Tetaent Serpe ree (Hoh; 1 Ringe 3.2859 Kings vil 6). She thedaconer, in rent star, of Hite mane rents on the Ruplrats, renewed Ineo eben tal in thie niet pple, and by "lgres their national tary in Beings Tn thise clvematanom, stadt of Bibel ‘ecology wil era with stifntion that apart ‘of Toglish exearatoe at Catches have sured ‘lage numb of ioerptons, oe of a i splendid ‘onitian, ant promising to make raat aon to Cae Bowie ofthe ities and ther land. "The di {aie af thi digvery ate anated with dic infer, Meanwhile, anodr pagot x tomishd of the onigoe Jmportane af the O14 Testunen, even ven timated oely a ancient Iertase-—The Chitin, ‘The Hittites. 2: What Tt Means Co Ine. PRY ated roxaretin of Joos the done on af power ome pete prove at oman what He aime to be “ined be hn ook bgt Son of Ga Ho suidTand ny Faber ng” He esate Hilt Ah Divine ile "TAN" sored at fe horn bush Ho aid o Pate iasnerr tothe quiion wher Ho nthe lnginedor Mein “Ton mt i”, To the high pret, who ese Hi i terme quivering wih arty" ane tet the Hing ol {hoa tall on weber ton be the Chr” He answte, “Thon hat si" aig, eater yo sal ts Som of lan siting fa power and toning inthe lout at haven” Whespon be wes promunced guy of ‘spony; nd He wae pet Yo dath for the mang Himelf equal vith God “He psd thin sao o Diino Masahhip on His serurttin fom the dee.” Tn aooer to a lon Semana for igo, He sad, “Desoy tigen in thre day wl ear fas" nd tie epee of is hoy. And agin in anter ft slot emand He sei “fil give you no tgs ot ht f Jona” iy {he dasin help af ll ad hep noes ite! "Tho tion thn, Did dem ise tis da? 1 nt, His Mewsahchip ma hy He own ainison an cmp bom In Selina’ exertions among the ‘ine of Myce he cw aon a royal fou, The le is of is innace wat tort. byinfalile tokens hy ty golden mut raed stor, and a Senta sil He conde that Gwe he gave of Agwnemnon, known 2 "King of Mon” "The mes was there nt where wes De Higly fac? The eer wae there, bnt where atthe scone sem hat wild I? The tilda tr, bt whe the ight ar at bad een sete Dy it?" All that ens ae 4 haifa of dot! ths ben the stay of Chis tn thie Shot wile His Hah sw eon, who ‘onl tw tat po Hit itee a igh ane sri “Ring tags att ord of Inde"? Bat Iie me rum Seo the ese, He ncntsbly ‘stabi ht aia i oy He es dae tebe th Son of God wih power by His meuraton from te de> “end, proves that Hs tebing tom In Hs fucking Te trrened tbe whole stem of ‘hii dre the pn neh ise set fr in'what i knows at "ne Apowiee Ged" On What soon do all Uta, Deri oven, ent tothe formulary of truth? On tin le etry of Ohi Not tht th deta aot veils atthe aro reacn. Tura auth Tit! Por on the aid of Anratvo ert Kine th Rotate under {to eroebiet” Wee pripared. to asp alt Shmanations of tac mn pileophy touching He lat aio of the dotins of Crist But, when id, wei acento thee tenet can of Hie words, Very, verily, T ay wnt you” We rt faith ot ie ips rita the aceroised Som of God, Ae Oe: ‘ipl wo gather shot Bu fet saying, “Spe, fr Thy Servants Bear": and when He spon there fa an end of contoversy fr ton what dd Ho postulate this authority of Eis 1s the great Teacher of truth? On Hig reurction from the dead. This was the great redial ot Hie oneness with God And herein He sands solitary fn alone among th tacers of the wel. Go, snd ‘in the gateway af the City ofthe Dent and eal the rll, of the wie men. Plato! A roi cnwers from fhe Tallow recess ofthe font, “Tere! —Sencca! Rpt: {ust Marow Aurelias!—"Hlee—Crnfocioa! Saye tounlt—"Here!” Jesus of Nareets1—"Tfe is oh Tore! Ho i leant “Come, ace the pla where He a.” ‘Rind, it proves that Christ did what He camo to do, ‘What, was th orrand that brought Hin int this sword of oun? “Thier a faithful aaying and worthy fall soypation, hat Christ Jus cae int te world fo save elnnerg”” "Tho qoasin i, Tid He raced? ‘The anaver it the open spurs All objections to the detrne of tho stonemeat, as Ua Ee samecet not anes forthe guilty and dat win wad rightavnenes ‘eo non-tranferals, ate fetually mt and confted here.” Tf He conquered deth, thon mahing itt lined for Him. Tf He conqoored dat the death sentenco is Hite from mae when T hear Hin sy, “St, thy sins be forgiven tet” "He came, als, to bring life snd immortality to Ugh ‘The od question, “= man do, wil belive again? J ancnered at empty tomb." Te eed that whos Faraday wa wandering stung the Alp, he came pon ‘rum grovoyurd where the pease ofthe seghon Ing vilgo ad aid away thar teens Tn the i [presive proscico of the mulitudinus dead his here Inigave him. Hs faith "was forthe omen shaken by the quetion, “Cun tha bane ive?” "He fond en rare marked by a hovaoatl lb, bath which wat ‘Obit of parchment wth a name upon it and bide the wehment ‘var Nature's conetbation t the pilosphy Df Tfean empty ehrpall ‘The eater db fransfonmed lato a buttery which Bal taken ight. A the art of thereat scent wae filed with 3 ‘ew enadenoe in the God who islet ring Tight aut af darkness and Iife ont of death, oie ont faith ‘drengthenod by ho sesurance, “Because T Hive ye shall Tie ae? "Bat Jes care to do more than this, He came to ‘enygoer the word.” When Hin enemies who std how the eros, heard Hiv ry, “Tt is Tnisbed™ they went thr way saying, “We hall hear no more of Fin.” lear np more of Him? A few dap akr le rjlned ‘is depts athe upper room and gar hem the gent mmission, “Go ye to all tho world and preach the Ginpel to evry centre”; saying, "ha, Came with You slay een unto th end af fhe wold” ‘See the Bittle hand of humble levers going fmth in tue mune of Chit!” We close our epee far tree ca fare and open them; and lo, the rod cross base i saving sore the eager of Rome.” We close our eyes Agein for thos hundred are and open than; at, Jo ‘rom Iialy a monk is bearing the Gospel crs the Cano nto Britain, where a sceeyed people, ch in ins and wielding Bdgoons, will ba the mesage and {nid themaves to Ohrist.” We clos oar aye Tor fhowand year and open thom; and, J, thee are hone Aro ef millon of people glorifying Wan. And stil {he sya andande onan go! ‘Wherefore wo conclude fom the reauertion of Christ that He vas what He claimed toe, that His teacing fan to depended on and tit Ho is ale fo eave even ‘ono the uteraost all at cae unto Him, ‘Oar eligi te trae. On the lial of the emyty opolee ie ite dvine wal. “He that was de i alive St ive for overiore and hath he Raye of thd Tl” Hr Kingdom oom relating kingdom and Hie Aominion ie forever and vrer. 1 know that my He- ewer liveth and I know thet, beause He lieth, 1 Shall live ale,” "Thor eno room fr doubt or quation fr misgiving, ‘The too israllodavay. ‘The problem fn aed. The mists are catered DY the ig ae. Tie end immorality are brought to light By David James Burl, DD, ‘World's Largest Cemetery. “The sea isthe largest of the cemsterio, and all ite Somborere slop. witout” a monument,” All other sgravyerd in all and, show some aj of tinction ‘newer th great and fe anal, te rich ad the poor Dut in the onan cemetery, the King nd the clown, the ‘ringh and Ge peasast are alike wdistngsiahe, "The fame wave rollover all; the requiem by tho minstise of the cor it sang to thes honor, Over thee te lasing dhe mame storm beat the me sun shits and ‘here, smmerked, the wesk and. the powerful the plumed ad the unonoured ill lor ox wnt ake ‘toed by the tramp, the sn wil give wp it dead.” No taal vin to pst oat wir their wine aro gather ‘Yet this cemetery bath ornamonts of which no other am boat On no othr are the esvonly obs sete ‘in such plendour.”—Swtertod Bro, EH Taylor hae raced Qucenslasd, and hae njned upon his dates as Ongaser under conte af tho Good Templars of hat dine On Febrnry 5th 4 public sception was tendered to hin, and ty anther Organiser rent nppointed. With thew editions to he fighting foes of tho Temperance folk in Queen land, tho hope ie erpreaod that “the trimaph of the noremen ie aware.” Th experience analy auld by To, Teslor in this kind of work shoal be of eat ervize 10 the Queensland fort, THE BIBLE STANDARD. Che End of the Way, ‘ia following beoutfa ince were writ bya young vwoman in Nowa Sct, am ineaid for ay yors with ‘pina eee, ada great sere My life in « wearisome jooroy, "Pm ick with the dust andthe eat, ‘The rays of the sun beat upon m4, "Tho bias are wounding my fey ‘ity whish 1 am journeing, ‘oor than my ial mp, AIL tbe tals af the toad wil ase noting When T get t th end of di a. ‘hese ate wo many ile do elisa spears, Totes am longing for ty Bul He who appoint mo ny paheny "Suows just wha la useful and Wests 1 iow hi His word He has puis ‘Thal ay atength all to ayy, ‘And the tos of tho road el seem othing ‘When get to th end of the way "le loves me ton wll t forsake ma, ‘Or give suo one tial too AL TG people ve bon derlyprcise, ‘nd San ea never ela sh, ‘By and by Taleo Hi end pie 1, ‘nth City of unending dy, And the tile of the road il mm aothing ‘When I got t the end of the wey When the lst fsbo sep fs bora ikon, ‘And tho gates of the City appear, And tho beutiful songs of tbe angle “Boat ont on my listening ear When all Bat now sams <0 mysterious ‘Will be plain and ler a the dg, “Yom, he tol of the ond el son nothing ‘When I get to the and of the way ‘Though now T am footzore and veurs, Tata ost when Fm safely at Eom ioow YI receive glad weleome, or the Saviour Hinelf her wid Comed Bo whan T am weary in bay, “and sinking in sprit Ts, ail the tilt af the toad will cen aothiog When T get tthe and of thn we, Ceoting fountaing axe thre forthe thirty "Thor ave cole for Ue why aee fait; ‘Thee ae oes th are whiter and pater "Thun any hat fone eam pnt ‘Then TU to pres hop emma, ‘Thinking often through cach wens as, ‘Th od of th road wl oom Botan ‘Wien T got tothe cd of th way 66 ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. Echoes from West Street. SnHE POWER OP HIS RESU! sy. Th atteative sent ofthe opie to the Philippians wil mely lay ia Teading for Hide while to ak, What ie ere intended by the pase “the power of Hie resort"? Balleving that the iagaiy wil yell Tipfa reals, we dest thie paper to he of eine te the see Mt thie Enstertie here wil bya at ea nating Baer there hare my senna lier nei the imporanee ofthe fat of Chiat teeureton fom ‘he da willbe enforced, an it wil be sown that ite the fundamental fat of Chua, ‘The resurrection fhe Lard la premted ta en athe egret fact te heaely asp in onder to be amined of alraton We recenily eas a eminent divine ase that w man oul hele in Chet and acapt His lorihip widout Sovepling the Gospel acount of the minal. Juat Tow a men can bet bllver and be asund of slain idhoat the aceplance of the gratrt iva ofall, ithe reurection of Chri ia dil to ondertand ‘Tho apt Paul has pat tom noord tat the sot bce af that miracle Se route. man must “bene 4 his beat that God hath tvnod Hin fovn the de” He who accept tha irate ca eray have no beitar tion in read to the otber miracles recorded in the Gop. "He som from the dea, and the ‘wonderfl ‘Murwetion” thaptr, 1 Cor. xv bulde-njon it an argue wih Teas to eobeaqunece utterly beyond ihe power of the human inaginaton to conceive, ‘Without making any atiempe to ere prot the ceuge forthe fact af the Resurecion of Chyst, we proceed to extmine into this expnenal wih of "the pose, and to ask what he meabe by tbe language Fe wh was in th forte rank af Jevish lamin arms for s knowledge hich cold not be supplied hy the velone, or could be evolved bythe most ssidooue though, He daze to "now Chri.” “But slocld we not sa, How wall he knows Him? Almay he wont al but lowe for the exeleney ‘of Hs knowlege -Abd now he knows ins well as fo know that thre ie dp, a hgh and ong find broth of excllones" in Hi whi bea not See compusui Hix He the grt hilo, ho, Stor having gone dep into fhe nw of knowlege tar Tad a yet boo granted to any eter mn could mea sf himant ax oly like + litle boy gathering pebble br the thor while the great ocean of truth ay before NM teplored. So preely with this gra pode Ts th sto iangontes of he wegen vith the bomalesexcllone af the Objet tobe known, that ao tis up his cou to further tisinments. 1 i the exeeing clones of he prewnt itaey thal Ieade to all thie ponting afer a fller, perfet ‘scqunintnce, Ta there one singh apt which Ie ln isnot yet known or enjoyd—one kil St i Yrsble Hs ay be. Koown or eajoyel beiter—then Tint is soaugh, yt sitple thongs Pat's mbit ned with the longing-—"THAT 1 MAY KNOW HIM” ‘herein womething more dat the Aponte desis ‘ry know Cetin aia, ut the ern a compl: ‘ion of that Roeedge can bo only a thi lias ie react Snow the per of Hie resurrection, ‘To iow experimentally, to rspevienee ir hie, upon if the operation of he ma laos power whieh Sionght im the estretin of Chat from he dea, Teot that the inple sensing af the expan? Why sean fr tomae somite abd dabtfl meaning when ‘oe a spl Tie fo baad? Ta thie not the repetition ‘ot what i found elsewere inthis epite? Aled he ‘depres “es tm dant wl abe with Chris, nih in far bnter” In hi prayer for the Ephesan hist he Bat noe hat he aga now “TELE EXCEEDING GHEATNESS of His PCIETE 0 ward who aliete, sowing to that WORKING of" the STRENGTH of Ihe MIGHT which 3» WROUGHT 4 Christ wen Hl raisin fom th dead” Tha fs notoworthy collection of dynumie tems emphasising th thought of the POWER reguisite to bring Chit from the dad. Je not thin dite of Paul the echo of ‘hut wonderfal vers? He aio dae to “know” the ye may bo lmparte to the beloved isan pile. Tela tere tore Tin woe -th sight of tip Person of the Rison Lord “Ture He iat im powesion of the indelble ie! in gloions inconraptble onan! How lovely, how gore Heist What ighey power that ee which, when He had meal ato ‘death and {hw grave ander the eight ofthe. wor’: si, ok the bande of doth and so Ein in iat flxy atthe Father’ right hand! The spoil was ‘ought out of the naturel, when, He was made the rstbrn from the dead. It wes “THE GLORY OF ‘THR FATHER” which overcame the power of the rive Ob that Laight know —velly,expeetentally Sete, perectly know the power ef that romrec. lion! Coated withthe, Maowiedge, what other jects of naan Koowge are worl of consider Te it aot well that for « moment hig strong deine tthe Apel sould e coined in te Yering P00 ‘he guestion of man's mitre? That deste ie by m0 tonne ero ithe Chun fonda. Ney, inded, do ee se how itis pombe chat it should exit a all whee heres the baie that hy meus of dah th beer is uted into the premio of Gol. Why sould may nan wit haw exerinealy te “peer af HS neuron,” sf by mete of death escape om he fetering tay is posible, al immediste trance in Iaicity ts award? Why aloud auch one dese ‘eo agin cnbodiat? How eat this fervent def ‘th Apostle id echo ind reas of the bait sonimeorulis? Yet thie inportne longiog eee ‘here y thin servant of Godt He never gh Tor this inlenoetine stale; sow contenplater fut desible hay thing meted to him by tw mai of {it No, br Toke on from tha preent ie to tht hich i fo cue and ith ‘rereiig logy kina te kw is Lordy ado experiene the se teaeetion war that rue! Hin from the ana Brethyen, Tet that deine fin at xo in your heats This sth Baler Hope, to be LIKE, IM. "Phat ‘a be experienced ly a the power whic rsd Hi from the dead tas alo the bles, "The reureton of Cit the pledge, the sample of that ef Tis pope, for “IIH SILAML FASHION ANE the buy Of a Inuitin, ae it aay he CON FORMED 0 THE BODY OF HIS GLORY.” “Thasshull “the power of Hx roameetion” be actos, esyernetally, prstally kaon, How stage it i to find thit men professing (> belive the Seriptres ny acsiy for any tare etre to Ulieter who hare Ad i this Pcuephilcophie and “nwarratale idea of outs Immortality dati the cate of the denial Solon it igalowa to domisate the tht of sen, fo 0 og ‘il i opmrate ana seas of porverting the Script Tr tess the vale ofthe wotk of Chi dele en wit vax opes atl takes all irae outa thie apse intense desir to kaow the par of Chit neuterton Avene with this Satanic eit tan dgna, an Te ae ome to the Word of God itr weet aa. snes ia their plain grammatical et, believing tha Gait mea what He aays Why adould erst to any ‘nine ntrpreter tv dinette nee of faith.“ Wor nd the Wark are ttf Gu an He Aight He therefore ie wel able to perform, Tat we beware Ist we ton should come under the rebuke aniseed tn the Saddces, “Ys do ee, not knowing the Sipe Ins, nor Use power of God” resort af Christ fram the desi the base hich thn fith of the Apostle reset the ounae "io for the faith of all. ‘There i ao Chitin whe st Crit; a Christianity without miracle; Chiianity without « reumetion from te dead, If ot not vs, then arp we of all me ust “pth sii Hs ais donot Hee from the de hn they ‘ue “pts” for eer. “The effect now aad within the hare to expninwvy tbe detrine ofthe ree ‘i fenm the dete am er fo stn the old dan of sulimmortality atthe expesoe of the scifoe of ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD, ‘ho only promise oy which man Bae any hope of a Etane Tie and etl fm view the Dive peer pledged to it the wlio of the whole ta, 4 tie reewneton of tbe Loed Jie Christ was cchibitel Divine yower expressly mani to sare ‘alten for ben. Gods lve ia wan ve acted Wo provide the wamdrone pla, and He powers seled Inti the Sedo the erection ofthe ngoe Chis Te fully gpprate what thn nunifeaton icy the Further ae te rare nancy ta his ese ‘ion of Chat foun the dew asording tothe eprt of Fist pledge and wares of Ue eurection of ‘ne wio ac His contr, an baie In the heart ‘ht Go had ruse Hm fom den Hating lid hold of thee foeaont fc in the New ‘Testamant devin, may it be te pret privilege ery rader to ow ional to feel fe ever-present ‘ontlling ong to know alo THLE POWER OF ts ESC ERECTION, ores Why Insist om Sound Doctrine ? Ae wall ak, Why fist upon sounds i anything? ly be ao particular abou the quality of articles Sou buyin the soe, or Why mad hat the abel ad he {hing elle a hasan wih eae other” Wha pre fd i forthe bay wat len erate is for the mindy that sound doctrine in Tor the sul Suteratd food i Te arma to sen hat fl ‘trina while the fet of hone my be sk, ‘or even phic death, tbe eet of the ohn if pee ‘eed ins trol det, ‘oun doce i of supreme ienportnce because Jt Je that “Fora of sound words” iy which he Chun Conese the true Gol. "The Chane i nob issmer the trth which is cnfeed, ad abe id nt arent, Uta ive in i parity and conto ela snes, "With the bstance of Her confeion abe as ting whatever Woo, Tor Ut i the trvth of the Word of revelation, bu ouly with ite foma, ‘The wb stance found i sou cing ier, eaven and arth hall pase aay, ut Sly word allDot pas ‘Sound doctrine is spree igportan beau iis the frm Which the Zaid of the Chor contact ith ‘ueie a eror,aismies. 1¢ ie ho amor yb Tet, who aie in ts canfeion, tthe question of thee Loe Who ay ye at Tn?” He ata ‘inate of greatest porta, ‘That tnth which Go reveled fio Deavenprogrsiel the revelation recchng te highest posse ealminaton tH Son ‘ertainly portant ctough to he pt fos from err Uy Hie Chute Sound doce eer Ik fort todo “toople-wbo think ae he once wha ae” ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. TE BIB OEE Resurrection or Cranslation the Prelude to Tumnortality. (Conclude from page 50.) mart i ‘Cannel with oat Lars deth and resurrection was now wenderfel currence, In Matt, sav, 52, we foul "And the roe were reat; and the tombs were pened; and many bode of the sunt thot had fallen ‘Biap were reise and coming forth out ofthe toms lifter His recurstion they eared ato the Holy City wea ppeued unto many” Commenters wom Sight ‘iy al this poses Hor instance, Canon Farrer cals t {WU cngular and wbolly Golated allusion,” and further ‘ark "Laces to Oe aginaton of many that: the fake despised he spit of the ead, and Sea"ibe ir with holly vitanta” De. Blsrtesn ye, dre Bat exper mgelt dogmatially om the pele import ofthe passage.” Dean. Alford, however, lor tol nore the Meal signifeation of thie wonls etmarky, The whole trensasion vas suprnatra, ft e symbolic Gsaraion tha Christ by His deat, Int broken the bata of doa” Te eile fo spent ‘wnt lloyd this rerzction of the sia, whether fer the forty days they ssoonded with Chris, or, at Lauran afer bret fe returme to the tae of dete ‘Bnovgh fr cur purpve Uat as bolls they roe from thai rare “One oro reflections evggst themselves in cones tion with te bodily resurection of he unient inte ‘Sho were the fst fo aio after ho vakening aad the Rly ot ee Horde Aud the thought ar proto tno, fr in tht sini We go asin a mizorourevee ‘Tnrotter by grace wo tay be among chat company of "je ea in Christ who nse fi.” We would note ‘hot, Unt tho remeron body has relationships, and Maw japrtant ony wilh Che provnt body. Fer (@) "Tha rvurvetion boty presupposes the xitenes of the ‘ort Vt "hey ss tobe anther a he pant doo {othe seo, Unies we havo previoaly puma Stoal dy, we ean never pose a eptitua body, fae ant devine tho spiritual sof, but | the ‘atu and afterwards tho spistal (1 Cor. 2%, 48), {U) Th one peronalty ataches to cach body. A per= Car esience ts iaposible without n body. 4 Lring ‘Ban comssa of bri ou ol a sul and pint, And ‘Rntrer the outa pint ayo, it by his oad orm or toi tiat we swcognite and deciminate one owe from another. "The resurrection body wil bo Wa raly avi tne present bod which now fies and mower aad hae ie ing this year of grace 1914, When Tam a remrnetion body the memory of past oocioumee in ennnedtion with the departed mortal Toy wil show Wat Tam the sume man, and though T seas dad yt om alive agai, to all nents and purpnes Te very ame pen that existed in the dormer Ti {c) hs Evo botioe lke are conneced wth thi neh, ‘Th Serigturee ere represent this cath asthe eco of ‘hg romrection A that axe in th tab hall ea ‘is vice au cama for” (John v.38), “Tow who lop in hd of ha cart eal ava” (Dan. 2) Si na gave up tho dead ich were in” (Rey, 5 3). Not in some for of eon of fhe Univer, and Topi’ of new and sage cements of woe distant we vlaney, or ten hee if, wil originale oUF ew fiver ‘ih petareguon body, though It may not be “omsracted ofthe dential prt Whish cmpowed the fevious moral body, and thoogh He may Bot azie ost tthe rey grav i which the boy was aid wil yet be formed ut of saatente of the same wot oat of which Tera fashioned at the is, and ais, moneorey, ott of tho commnm geave of our Taoh—the grat earthomoter {favs loge vob wo all tall be bor And tho sal ae"dted for the pert eerie and the eters {n= Iertane of the ta hones and the now earth wherein AIvelleth ightoasnes "hee three facts concerning (Do rescrction by Lt, continuity, dent, enue ton wi earth--are cary st for a the aieresting octal of the vig of certain vans, a reonrde in Matthew sv 52 But ere we right i laying coc emphasis ypon dhe rsurrecion of the body? Yee; Seiginge ditly p> proves fh, For instance, we re hat “Tovey of "RSimathen begged the body of Jesus”; that “be com ition grautel th core $0 Josep; hat "in the new top they laid Jeg” (Node tho bly, tho corp ‘Yeas aoe one and the ame.) "Then ws sud how, after {he burn, the women “Whol how His body am Ii.” ‘Bevan tho fe dy of th week thowe wane women, when fey cane othe fob, “found uot tho body of te Land Jester Tt had gee, The body hd resumed it ie, ‘Thonfore std the angel, “Why do ge ace tho ising ng. the dead?” And Inter stil the ie Jats ‘Howat the Gaciplas Hin ands and fet and calle ication to the fie and booe, wid costed the ffaumpot of His sen body (Lake n-380). Aad Pal Tostrcts #0 tp sume oft in thowe fain stage “He wh Taine) wp Crit tom the dead will Tie fy alo fo sour moral bodies (Rot. vi 2) Vain for ovr ope reoguition at wos through he ‘lire of bur bode” (vee. 23). "Who will tant bran the bay of our boston anil it resembles “His ova glorious body” (Phil i 24). And inthe Old ‘Testun Tosa ees, “hy dead salve, my. ded thy sal ase Awake ye iat del in the dot, dh (hth tal cet forth her dead” (aa, 19). We most Sot onave one other reference, Our Lond forewarned Te the oly av ella the aul of the-wngodly wil be tet into Gebanns, therefor it mast eas human ods on stndotore the Judgment tu, and hi after Feuretion from tir det tnt, "To. many this resureseton of the boy stems ine probable, aluost inp. Apart fom faith i the power ofthe tving Gad, and a lap credi nthe Divine revelation, his doctrine unacepiable, as ‘rudle, an to be unbesitaingly rejected Paul oer: tion aghin vies tothe lips, "How cam ibe dal Sue? sud with what Kind of boda Gey came ack?” “And {te only answer we can make isto again Borrow Pale words, an ropls, "The boy i wen ma atte of decay, IV rain fre fom deay ti sen dishorouy Is ridin glory ti sows én wen sed a over: an “animal body i soem, apiital bay in” "The point wo seve to establish is tht, 1 cannot ‘cxst as a patonaity wid boy. Thoreor, Ine be horn sseond time im order to anew and second lif. "Tht birth ent tl the enreeton may ing nt tho time of the econd advent of our bwed {ard when we aba be born agai nn the wom af fhe cath 1 this be correct, then it dllews wr mate st cour tt Roureection mart pro be 0 pele to Toorclty; that no ane cad ihert heen tie uns his st heen delivee fom ate of dat fou sat of fiving. Of cours wo an var to eet {rom the genta Fale the eat of sin rho ave alive when Chit returns. asl, by spel evel, ie ries us that uh will ante calle pont pos {row tho ate of death and the experience of enue tion thay’ wil, without dso be change trae, fewas our Lon on the Mowat af Tentligartion, “ehunge nowt the twinkling af ane” Cor, sv. 82), tata, wx Bock ea tale at tn sould nok sew deat, tacenting t hates we Bj “alot by wii inte” (I King i 2), ‘Sir Olver Lg, the caine nuit, Preiene af {he British Aswocttan, i ie late tna at Biringham bly deviared Minuet cuvioed by ett eridauoe ofthe porsitence of pasos tegen ily Sth. He sage that three seas tay ofthe ube Jad eauviseot hit "that weinory aid aston ave not Limit to tine esccaton with Intl by whic one they ean nif thenstves ery aad ow” ud he sees on omy that evidence gou to prove hat “he ‘arate intelligeneo;” under earaln conditions, ean Dave infreourse with etaste mortals sero: the chuat that Aides thon fom us, While we pay Homage to slnce, ye ve must remember that in the realm of eligi ‘ru sence hs n0 claim to board and no power Akcide- any question Scene mts and wenge weapons ean never fake the pase of sip fath Goats porcer wvlation. Oxr supreme atively ‘eoms Chie. Sie Oliver Lge word have we belie in te continuity of huni preoraliy atter death Death lows nse destoy the man,” He aay “pean pests Ivana deat.” "This valve the dental ofthe Truro ion af the dad fram tbe grav. Now, the inerring THE BIBLE STANDARD. e fue ie that, athe in the fou gs, wr the epistles ‘hat fall, ean we disor single whigar of aneion for sel whit we thi "Take one satan, and if tie fone is mot consi, w hud. oters "woul ‘uoied in vain Inthe ssth chapter of Joni worded, 4 digowrse by our Lord.” Ia tht seman es hn our tes (verte 39,40, 24, 64) we Oa this rear ‘le pre, “nd Tl ase him ps the lat day” ‘et ae quote aoe rose: “Everyone which eth fhe Son ‘and bniveth ox Lim may havo everlasting Ie; and rll esse him up atthe lst da” Hence lary, Ae eteraal lite hat Chie pomite is eolional upon the believer Meng “ral "In onder that he tay crv and inher thie git af imaoetalty. And iti ot “ibe st day" te thie ising tae place "To deny Cat death i os of exsence. to arm tbe survival a de son while the boy i dead tamer that ster lie is pol by th sol le Hh body is orrapt in the gene, are eros the faring fete of wie can hey tod. we usta — witingly or smwitingly—dy see tle Scriptural Shire of tho reueeetion of the dead; they dedi Dono siatemene tthe sleepers in le Geet af th arth shall ape; the sar te glaiow Smmoraity ‘commencing at Hh samen of glam Heth iste ‘of pmnponing itt the Bswacpation Das, tbe mors of {he laren reumetions tiny fall dy th wero of ‘ymenaens and Phil, wh sid that ty resection iepuet ead (2 Tim 1418) Al mom. Suh «view ae oy robs ke of bet in Uh resunlon of the den, hott ie tes guilty of ety the verp spel ne prached Chit end Hie Apotles,ae also forcannannosl by Propels in DOM Testament time, ey tat the reurecton ite le ‘he only fate if, for ae Paul nr emphatically de lars, “Hf there bo na restent of te dea: ‘gy which ur fallen aep Chet ge prshe An yt again, “I the rat are aot rae! a al why fo we alo stand in jeapuels every hour, wat oth i Droit me? "TE the dead are oot rus. ee ea and Arik, for tomorow we dic” (1 Cor ax, 88}. Pant ihe whe weight of Ua pel aesage rang wpm {he teat ofthe ring of the ed fra of Jose Tet, td den af His followers. "To Pel there var no future Tite tote enjoyed, except by passing froth wate of death tote flict of iauortality theo the ses of reat, Tews hy reiting the wards of Chet. They that are tcounied worthy to ain 1 that a, au the esnrecion from the det, eat de ay move (Uh 1s Uy ary ioral, sev abet tena Tile), te fie cin of Goi, being the. cilda ofthe ‘euretion” (Lake sx. 330). ut ogni aks when hn “endlegs Ite shal he bestow. hist expert ‘gurls against any misconception a tothe tine Sa He to one of His heaven apeking of Uh time when ter tia ife rows all he med on, "Thon Salt Fees, for aw alt pense he reure ion of Bi jot CoCRISP BROWN 70 THE, ‘A CURIOUS PIECE OF ANTIQUITY CRUCIFIXION OF OUR SAVIOUR AND THE TWO THIEVES, | Epean| 1 |Seees | | | | feet J a | & ol i | | i i i | & : : om a a *] Rartasamos, — The mila Cros represmts our Saviour’; tne on either le, the two thee. On the Tet of the top, an down the erst, are our Sariurs cexpresionerify God! My God! "Why tas thou forsaken me?” Amd on the top of ho eros ia the atin insertion: “Tnsi—Jeaus Nusoroms, Rez Jude tran te taterpetation "Tose of Nazareth, King {t Be Jenn” Upon the eros, on to eft band, is the Dror of one of the thins! "Lard! remember me when hon cost ino thy Kinguow” On the eight hand rot je the saving or sopra of che otber: Tt thon Iv: the Christ save thst and us" The whol come rind togelier, snakes am exellent piowe of poetry, ‘whic ix toe rod acrneall dh cleans, and maker ‘eran inn there ae ltr he apabet Tt e Dethape one of the most carious pte of enmpoitio fo found on reo Lt ie now sss yan since we tal this a» eating fom am American eachange—ve Beli, the Worlds (rine Tu a note which secompnied i It was stated fat i tad appeased inthe year 185% in the Advent Hort, bu i author and orginal dae were unknown. The apling and spe incite that ie avery old com Dion, Tt deserves «careful pera and is worthy fn preservation 36 penitent prayer Horo] Our Lord's Entombment In a careful andy of ur Sviou’sMiory when He ‘aemacled” amen men, a gusction aries a fo te “ies of His ection, Dui, and resureton, whieh Includes the queetion ato the exart length of tine We ley tn ome new tm Bar amore is inolved than a mere grtieation of idle earoty; for me landrsanding non thee points has let the chars, ‘hat vpn ths eabjeet the Fourth Gore ix in hopeless ntugonisn to Ie predecessor and the errno idea Fae Ted many’ to atau her one ele in a errant Bible ‘One fact connected with this ebjeet stande ont so clay that hers aw ever heen any mimnderstnd= Ing or alurge of disrepaney zeguring it” Oat Lard row trom amoog tle dead om the fit day ofthe week, ennmoaly called Sunday, Tei oqally cle that ‘ay, upon which He “becume the fet rit of th tht slop” was tho sinteenth of Ninn, the day of the oer: Sng of Ht tat, But up what dey wer He croc and busi? ‘The Ser>peunes answer She onsiry by four alent, phase. "Ta eur Bogleh Bibles the sstment bree Psa loven thas, that He abo rise ord ie ‘the ied doy,” meaning, of comme, thatthe fine should Ye reckons from Hie ervticion and burial. "The Jowe alan aned that the sepalsire shold be “iad sre unt he ted day"= and tho tw dpe om hal trey to Emmaus “upon the fst day of the meek” si “Toy isthe tied day.” ‘Mark vi, Sh tll ne thet our Savion aught Hie iscpls Oat He shoo rise sean “afer thee day”; and Mathew xxvii 0243, that “the chief priate and Phariaeseexmo togstior wnt Piste, saying, ir, we rramnber nt that downer id, while He war yt Ale fter tren daye Twill rie again” ‘Jha iL 19 preserves oor Lon statement to the Tons, “Destroy thie Temple, nnd im fre days T wil se it up” as to whith the falar wise id not ages topstiee. Vinal in Matthow xi. 40, wy dnd fir Savoury saying: "Ar Jonah sas tive age and ‘hee nights in the whale’ belly; m0 tall the Son of ‘Man be tive dage and hoe nights in he ett af he arth” A tat sight i some at dae sever) acount ate Ipeeay serpent In the English langonge the ur plase dot seas he san hing "The apparantly lies, ot in th Divine Word, lot in hott snisusdertanding. Tangoage ie an ie stromeot for he expresion of Soogh, and tack of ery pe Lethe thong St waa intended ate, Worc-forewond tralatios somelinesmisrptent the ‘tought expressed by the ovina text; womaties ron each its exact opposite, "To the Chinese, each phrase of thi langunge hae 2 wellandertd mening, fle gute dere fem THE BIBLE STANDARD. a nyt thet cold be gated fram the deiitions of ‘ie waver charactors token separately. Te took a dvcated Chinaman, Mr. Kivong i Chia, former & sere ofthe Chinase Eductional Mision, to fetch tw that English, and other European languages share the same peut. In 2881 he puied "a Dietione sry of gle) Phrases” intended mainly to help is fellov-countzymen Touma Huglish. Opsing it random, we did on pige 14, of itt 4 octavo pages ‘et nglich phew eine’ ze are Jor of hem Tabor, Ina perplexity. Tn @ ste; Boe tnd; worried 1m evryone® mouth; Comanon talk Tw ld Bla In templet operation, usta both Chines and uglinshare phrase which ad explanatin, 20, ton, do" Bile! Hebrew and Grecks Let at therefore examine the Wheto lean the thonght that i expresed by the phase “he hid iy” "Tks ai, 38 fell os that ot Lael si “To utes today and vo-morom, ad th tied fay | shall be etfecte” Tn the teenyaorenth dhuptr af Acts we Feud, “There anosn a tnpestuone wid ‘The ‘ext day they Tightenod tbe slp, and the ind day we ‘ast out with our own hands the taclng ofthe ship” In both eas 3 the eves of eventa narrate had agua on Friday, Niom fourteenth, i wool he sompleed om Sunday, Na extent A Grec apeakng off tind sg ubsasseoants the day om win he peaks the frst day of tho they period he has in mind. ‘eto the pean “ftir nee day” this does not mean what wee express in glsh ley thow ard a inequivalent to “athin thre days” oy ven the Ted lg” “Aga, let the Bible be on lutroc ‘Tana i 11: “Within thee dayy yo sill pase over ‘his Sordan, (Chapter "it 2)—Aud it came to pus after tee daye «= (erm 16} the people pated Second Chronides x. 5: King Rekotoam dad unto ezobun nd “al Tere” wih him "Come again to nae after three doy” (Varse 12)" 0 Jnvoatn and alte people cama to Reba on he fk day, asthe King be” Rather i. 16: “Past ye for mo, and aelher eat nor ink tree dye, night o day: ssa atid ay tnidens wil fst Iewise"(Chaptee vera 1 and 5) “On th third doy . the King sal Haan came to the bengine that tier had preped” Te it-not pefedy clear an crn that, in Biblical Inguago, “Within Ee days” "Afr Uwe days and "On the id day” all sean prvisly the sn things fond Gat any seton beginning om Friday, Nisam fury teenth, and terminating at atime deste by any one tof thee phrases, woule come to an end on Sunday, ‘Nis sistenth? ‘One move deseiption ofthe tne our Low ly in the tomb vetnains for ezminaion, Mae i 40. As SJopah wae thre days end thee nights in th ‘whals Telly; 2 shall the Sem of Me tht dae and these ight in the heart of arth” "Again, bt he Bible 2 tne ity tas. What tine does the word “a” ery fa Jon x vo sed “Ary here not bee ou into Soyo word ay” Hela, Cher at ewe oa "The guston now arise, bow the thought of tneng-furbour dey ie eprom inthe Bil Soom Corinthians 2, te Grek word ahi Soo Sight-dny” 1 eplege; ut Paul robe Stal sts for fe aot food eerste Now ‘Patamen, ane dove i eur either in hw Septuagint tras of te OU Twtament oF in wsy erly Grek biter lst cin. whether he Heb language bad 8 sot ena ho pe f ime, orn Exod [ettuyctng tho tana ONDNet, whi cr nl no pssze for ithngh a word simian fon, 10, ie feo another root, end THE BIBLE la arianartin acm eae eect cu ad Benim ities, Sree Ese aig epee ee ese i Spee re st. ‘ANDARD. eid, dating the nt oe Lod yin he tr uly Saf tin ot the fll AON, bt never, tar De cst of be pope, ee of hve factions Mai be cma cw OMONGAL na Ur, with the ie mca wef day; wal ens hee i dase pit At the tne tat the bok of Jonah eas writen the wort kONadf employed ty Mawes be bse sh Tin and ven te Tabbieibe west sche ofthe seit yeople—were in nb ay to He eaning. A Studia dy. war thufore died Cll TTR" ong ig and ire such ptda wee ‘She Ser dae an te igh’; fr both i Hebrew Shin Geek Ge om of the Inguage rere. the ‘open ofthe nueva Tonal ws in te wll ely daring at ut some era oe oe of ti aU er Bible eid, abd ie vader wel tow Hiatt tant fe ve of thw pes weve psy sy Ec Tommy nt out of the way tll aenion the fut that nt ou sy ct on at ny aru dys A saan sno on Fda thee dle npsontnt woot be sleneeo Sep: te tive doy bang Py, etsrdapy sel Sendey; orn Stough tery few bons of ido and Soy were Sent pion.” fo, 8 goung sas bom sty efor night oh anna day 1692 wel some of $e Ell gh wg af tree yee away ‘he the might wich whch Dasther 8, 301, Somos tt The Section of Jest a 189, tthe feat o€ Dever He 3 m0 matter ow Sal ier of Ue ayo, il uch bo ome wt May ant they withthe intrest age wl a xp fhe fall nombre in apie af tenia seers Thon sere la by wich ve are governed, fell a ender 0 ests of the Fabre td ‘Gok ny pat ay, ld a pond af ay daigated wml a tay conta Rwre fl Aap eorfre is eideat fh a can sorely Syren we cat be a= wanes a eg ait be dpe (oii : Bier ev, such a» Ces and. Porphyry, at tacked “Christos in ite alot ayy tnd ced faint every ton hat mai could dn ‘hey ra no bjtton on hsp, were, sly Sevan they tivo Ge and mew tat tae Stroma of the New Testnene gon hi sje sone eset aceon wh ea otha, od withthe trath, In fest, Porgy inulin haber cme ion, lly explana the ing sachet th Grek thse “ater (wea) tee dag” Joa ten Stong the ary Chrean, many of whom be inet poral note fe fat, ad heal fiom cmon ae the Grek et in whek he New Testamen was iten, ther nat er out ar dnt that Lal cae Chit ran eed

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