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To be held at Gtaudelands, Hamilton: April 1 to 6, 1926. This CHURCH or CHRIST EASTER CAMP provides a programme of Happy Outings, Sporis, Concerts, Bible Instruction Hours, and Devotional Exercises. It will Bhan VT RES REX YOUR Be ee neg Secretary, C. CLARKSON, 52 The Drive, Epsom. Come to the Easter Camp THE BIBLE STANDARD. “ Che Bible Standard. MONTHLY ORGAN New Zealand Evangelistic and Publication Assocation. EDITED BY GEORGE ALDRIDGE. co "ie Notes for the Month. Armageddon. Shr article ander the above heading, bs the Te Salil reels appear Sn. the Si inetd an han, apparently, to jude ig the covrenpondence which followed, caused a aeret eepectlly to those ho do ot iw high pies fo the verity of the inept Be lee ster of the article om ite the view tnt the Revelation sntends tert that there be an actual bate terMiteaeion at armiee—a future Arma- annette clase of tir ge, but that the Auta ie giving in cyptc Langaage at aenumagement fo the Christaans of hit day to {Rive dat Christin trath woud staph velit tarfore of pagum. To suppor hia Aer, he Save not boeeate to spe que psl- {Reig Wt artain knowledg, on the mest- BE'Te"the terme employed in the Book, He 2 tt he shook sto gee ‘Allry of the post nt propheey of the fare Ml egies tthe theory o it inkrpre Ton which he adopes mot determine the mat fm yetop tte iden thatthe writer of See apcatypee “thought Hebrew and wrote in te 3s tion whieh, once genorally recive, Wing disouad ae’ reslt of tho modern Thacyeey thot the Gresk of the New ‘esa thant isthe commen languoge of th. peri in Misch was written, Dessmann eye, he Tohanuine wetings, including the Revelation, {value Linguetealiydeep-zooted in most pope: Tee Uoguial language?” Moalton, sn is Pracgumtaa, “Ben the Greek of the Apoen- Toetitd ows not seem (0 owe, any of its {thee to Tlebrisn’ == Apart fom places ‘here my be dei tamiting a Seive Tnument, there no reson to baler that Hae maar would have been rately dif- Manes 1, 1926. erent ad he been a native of Oxyrhynchus, Zestuning the Greek education to be the same. oberison, in his Greek Grammar, afirms that ihe remecular” som is far more intense it the Apocalypse than’ in, the gospel and the pistes” Private Interpretation. ‘Mr, Smallfield is quite curtain tht the “seven nents are “eeven emperors" thatthe “woman” ett city of Ilome? and that the “ten homs ee tinperial governors.” None of these ine given in the book itself. Ss i, hese interpretations are not equited, because the book itself as ine. iat ema, “Suey i i bt wor, folly to suppose that un interpretation (ails fora interpretation, For ourselves, we Ste contented. with the Seripture languag’, (Blor gis mo one of these interpretations ins fovhing to tay of “emperors “imperial former” oF ome” Why, #0 support Fee teld any peteom prestne co say what ee Repired weiter has not said? Tt i farther Bae nee hat tho wrter of the Revelation, wre eiving the "muse of the bens,” bad the ume Nero in mind, end this it suppored to pwr torted bythe fact that “Caesar Nevo,” nt tGe nig Hebrew, confaine the numerical vee PE Gb. hiss am opinion to whieh Dean Fae te odbers have. given. their spport, Fafon up one of them aa veutured to show wee aition in the name Nero, the title Cakdar should be added, in onder to get the fate “ut the theory welcomes the far- fxthea fies. Not Tong age, travelling to Aiuitagton, we were conversing with s genie: rot who, with equal certainty, firmed that im Tver iene he Pepe; who caries en ue aa fie words VICARIUS PILLIL DEL, we ihe Latin numerals are taken. fom this ‘ecco the fateful umber is found. His Giuaes demanded that the Papacy be identified eer cipaat ani. this expression vat good Bsus ae evidence in pport. Such interpre fatices do not help to am understanding of a TQM ateued to. froish blessing” to ite readers ‘A Few Reasons. ‘Our inability to. accept the article as being ‘a worthy presentation of its eject, are ftst that it practically denies the inspiration claimed ye books Tt is supposed that the writer tf the Revelation shared a commen belief, which ime has proved to be without foundation. TE fhe wrote in agreement with the command DOUBTING THOMAS. “opecept T shut co in Hie hands tho pat of the salt SRE gut my Anger into the print of the nals, male eee and ino His aie, 1 Wil nok ieee er artnet See Se es oie rea ores Beer es aca oa oes aga en et ee ea Fe earete: ote eee Soe ran gad aay Se eae eee eee ean ee eee eee Pee ae nee gee Pop ieee Ser re ear oe ea So ee eat as ee ee: See ee ae ee ae a oe eee aces in cena Sr erage eh nes Bl Ce pce: se ere a eed porn aera ere eet ae eee Fes fe aes are eee ee a pea ee ae ee Mancow 1, 1926, 30 ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. Another case, that of Paul and Silas (Acts 16: 26, 27). Prigonloors locks and bars ors ‘obedient to the Voioo and Will of God. “Wont to God folks would obey Him as well, oven @ difference there would be in {her dors flew open. "The keeper was abot fovconmit eis eopposing fey had gone, al their exeape would have moun dent ia by {he authorities “Do thyself no bat: for we te all ere?” aid the conrageousaposts. A Tater, when the magistetet sent wand hat they mist oy Pasi replied that *shay have hette ts openly mcondemned, eing Romane, Inve casts into prison; aud ow do Dey Crust ts ont povily? aay verily; bo let them cone Themuelter ad fetch ve out” ‘So then doors wil obey the Wall and Word of Ged and people of fel asd ond and ones faa go tough abarmel if they are hut and Tooke, if 31 fakes an earthquake to-do aml {fe the matter all the mor publicity, xn the Ete of Panl and Sia. Tow cold a person of fh totes go thong ae wat bring opened, as Jess proved Hinselt tobe to "Thoms stisaction and to every other patton of eense? 0. B. Copp in "Worl Criss A PREACHER'S DIFFICULTIES. A young proncher in a college town war cnibatuel by the thovght of eriticen in his tallvated congregation. He sought count! His father, an old at wse Christian wor Saying: “Pathor, Tsim hatperel i my’ minis: fy in the pulp Lam sow wring. PET ol fing trom geslogy, there fe Prof, A teacher ef dhe sien, right before me. Tf 1 ‘wo an lustration of Roman mythologs, there i Dro By rena to trip ne sp Zor fay lle inaccuney, “IF T ioianee something in Boge ish iterator that pleases, Tam owed by the presce of the learned naa who teaches that braneiy Waa aball do?" ‘The sagusons ‘ld man reed "Do not be discouraged, preach the gona They probaly know ery ile ot that "The snleamned and ntutoed. disciples afd. wrolie wonders "in he Holy servant Jesu” (Sete 4: 18, 8, Wh not -day?—Witnee “Thera is nothing formidable aboat death ‘except the consequences of it, and these we onr- selves can regulate and conizol. The shortest Tite is Tong enough if it leads to a better, and the longest is to short if it does not.” THE BIBLE STANDARD. Echoes trom West Street LIGHT ON THE SECOND ADVENT. 0 No one truth of the Word of Goil can be quired, or further knowledge be. obtained from it, without all other tratha being affected thereby. "This is m fact verified in the experi- nce of every studious believer. Bible truths react upon each ther to throw inia clearer ‘ision the whole counsel of God. As the matter of dispensational teaching becomes clearer, it “follows that the truths already acquired stand font more strikingly. ‘A testimony to the verity of these remarks ean be found in the consideration of the Serip ture presentation of the Second Advent of Christ. ‘That doctsine ie an oft-told theme in the pages of this magazine, yet it may be that 1 fe presen OF ty be elcome Tt is possible that a mental predilietion muy lead 4o the astertion that this or that truth is ff prime importance, but i can be surely raid that the doctrine of the Seoond Advert is & Irey truth, for it is that which gives poteney to every other truth. There is not a promise ‘which God has made to men, not a blessing ‘hich is to come thzeugh Divine favour, but is dependent upon the advent of the Lord to ttve it reality. Without the Advent the Dless- jngs of the future are not brought nigh. Tf that is sownd position, it is quite certain that the doctrine of the Second Advent is of prime Importance to the believer. ‘The Bible centres all ite blessings to man kind in a Person, Tip is a feature which dit. ferentiates the Bible from all-otaer books of ‘moral of philosophic kind. To that Person tal are to look, and upon Him all future good to mankind depends. But this ean bo prosed farther, and the ascertion made that it is to is Advent that all must look; that, from the first, lis presence on the earth, amongst men, fas the means of bringing the promised bless- ings ia contemplated. Tk is to this earth— the scene of the Fall and human ruin—that the Seed of the women must come in. order that there may be « reversal of the evil then introduced. Tt js to thie earth, and to a defi- nite geographical centre, that the Seed. of Abrabam must come in order that all families at the earth should be blessol. Tt is here fmouget men that the prophet like unto Moses will give forth that word to which men, on Manow 4, 1926, gonalty of uiierdactrustion, must earken, and Tes here to un earthly throne and metropl that the Sou of David must eame to exeteee {His bnefcient sway over ‘His. poople Teac, erertatingly "The mere mestion of thee outstanding mat- ters covtainel the Old "Testament. promise find precetons ts ecient to eal fo ind the reall of prophetic testimony whieh guthors ‘ound thie central Posonage and His Advent. Tem His Coming which is always before the Ola ‘estament. writers, ‘On paning over to the New Testament, we fail the histor roomed of His actual presence soygat men. He came, an upon this earth iiend“ahd moved, taught and acted, a8 the vron’s Redeemer by Divine appointment. But itis whit Te was thus prevent that ibis made flee that this not the Advent to which the front promiegs Teter. ‘They invariably assoe- Srethe avent of which they speak with “power And great glory?” and He Hse! qnnowneee ‘hat ase ‘in His teachings, and adds details Connected with it unknown to tho Old Tear tment ser ‘Te dectring ‘of His Coming, a8 told by Jory Be doctrine ofthe seco Avent an its bearing upon the nation of Taae, oF upon the fatal ay unfaitfal ofthat peopl, He Sleatiy sets forth To His) dsspls He’ an- ounce “The Sou of mals ball come in the fry of his Father with his angels” And to fhe ehallenging. Pret He dedared, “Henos- forth yesh see the Son of man sitting ab the Hult hand of power and coming in the douds A heaven.” Not only to, but the incidence of hat Avent in fh events of the tare Is de tay placed as "immediatly after the tibu- Into Of thowe days” Te is, however, to be borne tn mind that Chis Advent, thus taught and ist ‘upon, was just the amo ar tat foretold hy the prophet. [eivas'e glorious manifestation to the people of lure), resulting in the establishment of tho Slilennial ‘kingdom, To the late af the fools no oh new i ond an thre {ib right given to prea f beyond that pin ‘Wet hogerer, tere is ehosen the Sad who shouldbe the apostle to th uncireumcision iho vn Grim fr ht upon te ‘Advent of the Lordy showing itm is bearing pon, th intivdoal believer, in the mesage prenehed, whether he be Jew or Gentle. Thit Iessage ropurding the Lords coming pre fen by the apostle as “by the word of the Tord” and it airs the presenco of the Lord Ji The ar before His-weath is poured ot pon Manoa 1, 1926. pas ast tere and hes ia ns A es jered to Himself. The meaning Bee crc iat ben el See GUAT Recon of to date oe ee Tlubte der the provalont and s0-alled ortho- Be ee ee ee tent al Gad ray roe vee tithe Dose hw ae Tere ase oe he, mary ae ree tic Batol sah hc het had Sond HR tat Retin o's itn de at teas atin: whch ete ken inp sob Weer afr etek oe Soom tp ha nee pe ae Poa Bs the lsrmaln rel dua te dal net only be abe bk et os SYS tte a ar pe pas a | IMGT Dal, ig te eE enn tat et cnt een a HeLa i not ll, In dverbing Ms mine icy Bal eotpots Kiel raise Oe HS Ste Bat wep foe a te belaf mts ot ne eat os Bro hie sunboet’ He teh Sea Mate, 1 fe fs i rare Rainy glow. Bet in ity Br aaa nie dren tba Bre formas is he ae age par © gy, eats piogs atta Hr oe Yn en sey Hi end Me‘ adtent ie navi fe the poe os Eo ae os ental" d a oles eile he Be ence ae ages ee eT aap an eer Map cya ee Bar ea ME igsa any oe oles dota ee eee cee Cita: We hal Juin ew ie Voy fou Heine, ta Fee penal lot boty of = Das stings» asig co tn gies itamae tad tig; nosie® beh eds te Ferme God alee ink tc vide BPRS Soa ace ad nee Theil tthe. Upon cain n pei Ona naaies gen peste are Sanu bole eppakniy, Tis beet he poutdon at heehee, tag ash trotahte“ioaone sing sade Gok tol ts Bi Dacha Rete ahs ee filing fo n'a ore ting te eree Gch iow ie spam oe OS Ba, “ ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. this full epistle the writer shows the future tabita of thee changed and glorified belerr Home, position, priileges are heavenly. ‘The Hope of the Adveut of the Lard is found im a Sols settings and int the rxoqe of vision ome hewvenly pce, “fer above all le and Stthorty and. power nd_dorinion”=—alin tubjection to Christ and He je declared Tletd Soyer all things ‘TO THE CHURCH.” Ths ely isthe ay to dat thre ergy tatement in. Philippians fi, 14 "ihe pe ot the ealing on high! onthe margin fives it the spend all We are. persuaded that the fed of truth rogarding the Second Advent af Christ is but fiw vetting the fire-frait ot investigation, fu, We stl delays He. Coming, the poople At the Lord will discover more aud more ofthe things whieh God hath prepared. for those who tor ttm Eorves SIMILES FOR CHRIST. “Hove dificult were it to name a noble figure, a ssveet simile a tender or attractive relationship, in whieh Jesus iesant set forth to woo a reluctant sumer, ov cheer a despondent saint. Am T froundei?—He is balm, Am T sick?—He is tuedicine, Aut I naked ?—He is clothing. Am T poor?—He is wealth. Am I Imngry ?—He is torent, Au T thieety?—HTe ia water. Am T in ‘leht2—He is a surety. Am Tin darkness?—He isa sun, Have Ta house to build? —He is « tock. Am [to le teied ?—Tle is an advocate. ‘Ann T condemned ?—Hie is pardon, “Must I face dat black and. gathering’ storm?—He is an fnchor sure and steadfast. ‘To deck Him out fund set Him forth ‘Natire culls her fairest ower; brings her chojost armaments; ys her Tichest tretsnres at His feet—the skies con trite their stars—the sea yields up ite pearls from feds and mines, and mountains, Burt comes louded with rick ‘tribute of gold, and eins, and myrrh, ant frankincenso; the lily ft the valley, the clustered vine, and the frie farant ese of Sharon. He indeed isthe chiefest mong ten thonsand, and altogether lovely: in Hin dvelleth all the fullness of the Godhead hod. T odes, I make a full, fre offer of this Savion to you} and doing so, dare challenge the ‘whole world to name a want for which T shall not find the snpply iz Cheist—something thut fits your wants az well as do the works of a key the wards of its lock” —Dr. Thomas Gutiris in “The Goxpat in Bzekiel.” THE BIBLE STANDARD. PLAIN FACTS. Crit al of me, By tht eal rts” atc tay th da {fb ioiy Atte mal sh tt by ‘haan Tt ditnoum Gal by amling the rally a sen sho in a lSaet we od fT eonfam the silencing of tho Ibi by ijeting acti TO Bh erp, ce pole to fa Se {av apport anon ery fa alg, Tenner any bat inh dxran of tie etal ect ing of th are, hawt psa ten Ter ie Sve een ann IE aie hypote for_sint wip, Sila, ol emanation 18 lie they fr end caning of Chit ie ema etl Syreturtn nda a the ee age tw Ringo of God pen ath fhe fring et the va al ager Tat theme andar be apie th Sa tring of contin tg 11 honour Go hy tnkng His Word the col toute of rg rt dnd tt 2 Te he key that calc eay ey of sured srlion and mate te Bila ha onto tak of pln aaresn to rey She vane fon he Wil of Go 3, Tk ete Clr oo nly Oy aking Hin tye thr of tral estan a ao he i by wich tone cn aed cit reel God art Gu of Tove, Whose sit ory, teh 2. Te mab the aco com af Cio a acelin sete yee 2 oth eto of the De afd ‘ull pom ttn bbe feng ie 1k omer the ane dine that, mors sha ant ssp the ho Wich hr atagd ts bea ee end nig hn tld Moe ben sng end vc Shs an harmon ling th ty ale tin ole an ng mori he wing ods of ie ttre ne 2. RECAPITULATION, 2, Conta mortal andrea bi ath 2 caniliont morta i aye by ‘un won et wel Manor 1, 1928. . Conditional iumorality armonites the Nore and jetica of “Conditional inmoctalityexate Christ not only a Saviocr, but es Oh Giver of Lie by rn the log of salaton cau be edjored 5 Conditional immorality isa unifying doerine TE neat by the Churéh of Christ {foul cote her with power th would sake her “uaftt asthe moo car atthe wun, end terrible ag an army wi banners” and eed het for with'e masege founded ‘on rah, te adi ipa Ive, a baptized with the: Spunk f Him who, came to OR nd to save tnt ybich at lot Clare V'Brown in “Ileal of tafe NOT WELL POSTED. We gather the following information from a newepaper, the em comiag originally from the Taterny Digest. Tels rlerence to rendent in th Taher of Nort Dakota, 130 of hom were asked 10 give eight-quotatios from the Bible "here wae an average of les than forty econo cre ener Of Set Pot Vernon Suites say the figures show tha ‘Syon per cnt could not name a Hook in the Oia Testement, and Te than fifty pee cent Cond give ten’ Books of the. Old "Testament. ‘Kid esi double tt iv caused. by the apeling of some of the Books, sch ag “Dente amy,’ Deateromety,” “Deuteromeny.? “Deuter, ‘ominy,” “Goshua?” “Salm” “ooh,” “Fobe,” “TNetemiahy Fourteen nad “Else” te one of the “Books of Moers" oid Testament Books, stu an 1 osang” “Phin” and Serco he enames in zegnd tothe New fectament ‘were ail more uotstnactors. Toaie—eight and’ ole all por” emt—vere Aube to mention a sgle Bok eal forty six “ihretitee and oneird. per tinea: Gina tem a8 sequel, Bie pat Sameel tn {ite New Tadamen, fee, the ralma, thre, toy Hatha Oue mentions “Kan 2 oveaten spoke of “Paul” of "3 ual en suggeted Simon," to “Jaooh? Phare was he mention of Thal na Philip ad Saran “Agonitea™— Fons Tidings Pulllled prophecy is one absolutely unanswos- ble argument for the authority and inspiration cf the Bille Manon 1, 1926, 43 THE MOST QUOTED BOOK. {We occasionally 560 in a review of some book thud has been recently published the phrase pis isa very quotable book.” What is meant fs not merely that the hook is attractive or fmportant, but that its subject-matter aud ite Hiterary style Tend themselves readily to quott- ‘ion. ‘We met with the phrace a choct time ago, ani wwe at once began to think of the Bible as the Bescon "he mos-qote. Book. nthe ‘world, "The phrase of the reviewer lifts the ject into a higher and wider realm than that Gt mere literature, Tt challenges the central trath of revelation, It questions the modus perindi of tho. Gospel What is te Gospel but an embodiment of God, of Christ Jers, of grace?—a quotation lit up by the radiance of Redeeming Loves 8 ‘quotetion clothed with the power of the Holy Spirit; a quotetion walking in the garments of holinets? If the Gospel be not quoted and preachod, “How shall they believe In Him of ‘whom they have net heard?” We daze not think of an unknown God, how over imperfectly we may quote Him; for that ‘would be to sell the birthright of our hope of Jmmortality. ‘The unfolding of God to a sinful ree is the indubitable evidence of His greatness; the con- vineing. witness of His existence; the chal Jengeahle testimony of Hie love, ‘That mnfold= ing is the sign of communicabiity and com Intnicability 1s the promise of spiritual felon hip and that fellowship isthe essence ofthe life that ie Divine—Kev. Jesse Saif tn "The Bible ull” We eat with one another, The lat and the ap pam from hud fo and, "hie mae hat Sate padst fo help one another. The Supper Bs for thee who ate one aly of, olin Gut, for thon ho love Hi, ahd, therefor, Tove oe another. "The farnily na soa pects at the Supper ary too often overlooked The Ton, aco ag to Pa, spenlafo ue Bo of the Sof Chine which van iven for us and of the nity of the Church the body of Chris Sie, who are many, arene loaf, nbd for ee partake of lhe ono Toa? We ener ia 4 ‘oveint relationship with one another; we Homie to sek or betren's good, and never Tha haem This thought rile our coe ception of the leuwlies of “the communion ot santn?—Astraian Christin, : THE BIBLE” STANDARD. ACCURACY OF THE BIBLE. ‘There is no book in the world that has been handed down as bas the Bible, and we to-day study every consonant of the Bible, There ate ‘20 kings of Egypt, Israel, Judah, Moab, Damas- tus, Tyre, Babylon, Assyria, Persia; ten differ tent countries mentioned among these 29 both in the Bible and on the monuments, so we cam ‘ace them. Beery one of these is mentioned in the Bible as king of the right country, Brery ‘ne of the 29 js mentioned in the correct cio Togieal and synchronons order. Remember, som ot these kings eigned, like Ramesos TT. for 62 years, some for two months. If yon were going to wite history of this cemiury, and had to got those Tittle kings in the Balkans and Germany find Anstria and Ttaly own right in the ynehroniam and in their relativity, you would find a big problem, Bt he Bible het its kings vight!—B. Diek Tilaon. TOO TIRED. Why aro we not more Tike litle children in cur dealings with God? How many a tied smother a said, “Heart and brain are woo fut when my lobg day loses; T-am too tired to pray, too weary 0 think. OT surely God ‘Cannot leas me~all must be wrong wth me.” ‘And the desponding thought alls to the weari- huts of body a deep weariness of soul.” But God is your “Father,” dear ons, If one of Sour merry little ones ran up fo you tt the loos of the bappy summer's day, and. just Jifting up a Towing look to you, ata down the funny head spon. your boiom and. slept, ex- heed yy play aid frais, would you frown pon him? "Woald sou put away dhe golden inead.fsom. its esting-place? No, n05, yo ‘Would It the child ia your loving arms, an clasp. him’ the tighter) beeause he was “eo fire.” He conf not speaks he knew he aid ot need to, for was he not in_ hie mothers arms. Deal thus with “God. He. Who gave you the bay life knows all about your waute Ur ite, Only be careful that nothing afal Keeps you from iting wp your eyes tothe Father's face, "When oo titel to do aught ‘ie, Took with unclouded row 40 Him, and ‘when the weight of heavy sorrow has ‘made Jou “too tired” to. do aiyhing but wearily Sink your head upon the Father's bosom, there o-wonp oat all your grief, remember how He ‘ill elasp you rotnd with the everlasting arms, Sud lay you, as sou laid your dos ons, thus folded, 40 est THE BIBLE STANDARD. THE GOSPEL OF THE GLORY OF ‘CHRIST. 2 Cor. iv. erator ee Lee errrgeg et rif vay teh = ews fo all me fueeaet ee ‘of the Godhead bodily (Coll. ii, 9-10), and is ‘Manox 1, 192%, fe, all things being very_ good, witness 19 then ofthe exceeding grace and Kinde of Co ‘Almighty, representing to the inhabitants of these worlds Godse Love, being of the grent wok of Hi salation wrt in She Chie though Chit Set not thyself to attain much rest, but much, patience —Thomas « Kempis cine of christ, West Str i | iy the wish of the Committee named. lor, tu following statment fnerted are, 1026 hen te i 1 ing t,t onshore oa rrcrs: | tied ke ee eae rir ceca a ! — | ee aire ara een Sted‘hy she’ Chardh at the open A. Committen consisting of Brox Ves Water ui Donaldton as appointed to ea Sonat tie hee ‘ould appa to all members and friends of th | Church EP feeome Arcet anna aubserbars to | fiw fund. "To this ends withthe wsow con ‘lence ‘now minke out appeal to. 300 Trtierdeg that yon will account a. preiogs Roewaperate ‘rhe Commitee St anions to get at lost Atay sends who will beer £1 per sear INT iitger ier who. will contstete or anil vil"be Teoived. he iy "nd chert apie in whieh they” are seccipts Hiull"ts invested tobe oddence with fhe Wishes of the Cre fae" decided that Mare Stat, "1906, sho ove ‘the tee guar, and Bra’ Vorle, whe ‘Trensrer of the Fund, Wil weleome Your reply iron hat date, ‘Youre in the Master's cervie, , DONALDEOS, ‘Chairman of Comttes ADDRESS OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS: emer aan| ©, J, NBALM, 2, Tubernaele Bldgs, Auckland, = || , DONALDSON, 3, Spencer St, Remuera LL. WEBBER, Belgium St, Newton Manon 1, 1926. Church and Mission News. AUCKLAND, ‘he summer vastion season has Teen accomtabl for te absence of one and another of our malar ‘lenders, baton the other hand we have nd the leave of welcoming oor mestige ethene Aer plac, Who Dave been viting ie ig. Te aa ajo" to meee with me "hone “The Suaney” School Annual Prise-giving Day was ken Sunday. Febraney at. A smber of parents and irlens responded the favitation to he preset {th teen to 8 ale, onan nese Ue pre ‘tame a won and ectationy preentd by certain Gri aolars” Our extewwel Pastor gave a abort ‘dest the eoheol on the acta" Se Notas, int nerds banded the pote to the mucosa Schotars."A' toad of RAt:i¢e Soaks was presently sel A yi pia ten nts ho ent, tad their ntmes inert on the se ll ot Honour Teas recalled thatthe col hal heat lowed for thywe mont on account of the infantile Datalvleepidenis, an turing that Gave all webolats {acm granted full marks thus making somevrhae afer tat usual the gui of prise ‘We are grivol to hae to separ Dat tare of our number are very I (Sister G2 Sith an Beeteen eChrnaban “and W~Grladrgd) the rat ae ive “had "to ‘enter "Boaptal dor tyentmene, od et cic, ce Gh omits te Jeon “deeply etized, “ee all shtce "have witht ent muni ndergone amie capris Te Paes ofthe ‘roterno ate rained dee Atough definite mmncemsnt as not yet en a rth site o ee banter Camp, there itn wood deat of evidence. amooget sur yotinger folss that reparations "aro eing actively pushed forwart Comittee are’ esting “sequently andi scene apd St eet ryt trata ap ‘ite iecuog, me wh WALTERS ROAD, Another month of the new year is passing, 2 step seater the day ‘of our Lord's tearm, We ak ‘Walters ‘Mond ave steiving te be Taithful Wont trast and rejoice chat aut orang tsetings are shoving’a beter attentases, vere ow af, the irethren thacutingchemeevey fromthe Corda tae or the conventenee of thane who ty teason of Fores Af lreumstancee cannot attend nthe morning, oe Spportenity ta break bread it-mow aforded os the ‘Sat Sunday o¢ cach month. Tha dais was nected In'evidence ‘by the fact that at onr frst evening fOr remembering our bard there were ten prevent ‘We aze pense to record that gar Sister Towers, fg heey hrc, Sey Sag Apekisnd, wae given the right band of dello dry Be. Wiese on the mring of Tobe fe We wl our wiser Gods blosing, thd trust that And curselven will be greitiy-banelted yer me were plented 9 soe at the church Bre and ‘Walker and fully. who contemplate se ‘ing hare, having eee Welington. "May the Tard Dratper thea ia all hei way THE BIBLE STANDARD. Dae evening meetings are not so well atteaden bythe brethren a9 the Momuing sete, mae fll realite hae thet preset im tie svomiog service 5 an agsstanea Yo the spese and an onesuragemeet 16 Ge vin thea agin” ret gen In the evening ate worthy af more enestrgeeene oar memhees : ‘On "eeulay evenings Bro. Aldstge is now giv dng'n very latcresting seri of tle a dh Bible Chas on Te" Ageting’ Contiet" which Meerees All the tupport of the Chorehs noma heaving them, fan fil to be Snterestedy nail the beter Sbie five reason for hs duit he Sunday Sedont i baek to normal aftr the holidays, most of the children ‘being again ia me tis UE. CLAUDELANDS, ‘The ust two mouths Dave soon varied. exper aga coment oy Guiana Up to the advent of ee. Salah, the gevices hao dbe oat art “contnted uy" fo time duting the heliday season that yam to might tot be left without spelen wid we ate SEGALL oar eres "Our oa rete, ‘when eaed upon, were willing 10 do teh Pit aad vt. gacaiont "frends fn" the. Breabycien hate ably lied the gap. The all te aur Bre Sulary appears to be Mapp sholeg, judging by the good! Wishes exprested all side, antPoee fiche heen feasted, fist, by ue brother's seceptance of the all an steal, by am aony ‘anus letier received by the writer I Whish wae ‘clea 9. 250 note to he word to makeup uy Aefeteney” in the salary for the new Bvanyel also expreesiag'a desire tht «statment et thie ‘out shouldbe. published tn the “Standart” pet Januaty, and giving’ promise of a ‘urther Eig au te oma he 0 le Inge th, farts own, eave this um intact ‘We ave pleased te relate that tt satay are to be ‘uptied du 2st February, Mrs. HPearoa aed Niles €: Hobest ‘The weleome: Social tendered. ty Mr. and ee selnhay ad eile aw avery ements with"'as ‘on tits occasion Bro. Langford, from ‘Thumes, otd Bro. and Si" Aldridge, Heow Skenter 4nd” Donati, "from" Avcklaat” Tho" nesting that the form ‘ot welcome addresos interspersed Seth mseal Hema” Bey. Fe Coonsy” occupied the ‘hale. the Chairman spoke of the Torent need af the Cur xenon hy the Neath Gf Bro ose ‘nt moudioned some matters leading up te ie eal ‘of Bra. Salisbury, and on behalf of the Humitton {Gharehextondel cam: and his famiiy very Yeariy’weleome, “An the ‘vsti brattenepe find expremed feelings of pleases at the eat to ‘ito. Salsbury, anda hts 'necoptanee theron, a¢ fhe ene tne extending to ham thy” Bowt wishes fro lina rompers, ro eae sprang aw ropreseting the NZ. Rymagelatie en Bubicaton "Asertation, Bro. Aldesige for, Weet Street, ond Bro, Langtord for Tuamen A Tettr of ood wishes "was tend fromthe Walter Tra Stren” "Hawn" of the speakers also referra to ‘ha"good ‘work ‘lone by our beloved Bre, Hoste ine ast Your, Which wore spent iu hie Martet's Srvice in bur tldet, "Muriel dttme were Riadty 4 THE BIBLE, STANDARD. “6 rendered by Salers Butt, TH Poaron, Bros. F Gooney, Jathaon, and KP. Ea Bro, Saliabury, la his vepy, sc te call amt a ‘he blaning to himself his fam foie. fe wealed new of a the Okura ha ploagant export nets with the Hamiiten Ossrch, when he war here Fila ort ie 1 yeas go "The"tadien of the congegation provided supper, at thas booght to ai en's vor? enjoyable teen F 7 eniovae re in ‘TAME, Jennary and Feorvary are qulct mths with the ‘tamer Ghurshy as meat our fle ate bollday aking Feet fave ‘bon bell ah Bim ‘Sunday Stbool went into recess for two Sundays, Iu hae now retuned ‘hm ga Chae etng won Io Janay arth Pastor Tangled prcted over good ten ‘hee of unbera “All the oles weee relected ‘Bustog. the month the er "prewnted Sister ‘aria Robinson wilh handeame Gk, and Wishel ‘rery happioear in her fare “re pathy. of the Church i extended to ur Sister Cnty: aed’ family tithe loa of thelt son ‘Witla ttor'a fox days Ms, “To th Bator of the Bite Bander, tina long time since T fell he same shaxp pane cf rgtet arf Sid when Tread the announcement of fhe dnth of Brother C.Crisp Brown’ Its ere that fing my ta even Nw Zeta See stare pe aig nad ie ged cts onc ot ‘vo ‘ususlahe to "enjoy the compasionehip of ths fou ‘eiend and’ Bear, bute sce eT had {Eso him etimately sor macy years So far au T ‘whe conoroed ths mgsterioas aft wus partly counted for ly" talanity” with Ria Stadt (tries which 1 Bed followed loudly and with el {ore ong tine, Consequnty ‘on meeting “Carpe in he nd all eee ot ven of th ten wn mnt ere wot as to hm memorahe There {eta In'a tan which ce can fea thon walting ‘eure of xperieee 0 forty: what te i oma wordy nn Ide‘tirtul tumacy." fie the contact and Toson ct apie with ‘ait of ena tad feng” tepoatton and." Palicte tninrstanding, anf kao hat West Steet na al who ever enjoyed ix company in New Zola, Fe fin not for nothing tat Beal ikstrated the rolatonasip. of «Christian fpurital brotherhood by the piysolgical uxt of fhe Iman body Fae fiat aa there existe that ater fependence of parts and sympathetic adjestanent and interaction beeen varios embers of sur phyical ining, 20 tat heal ia whoences snd herstoy to ‘a oe way th Lae of 8 umber uate aesing felt‘by he toembere he romain. To thave who ‘our bie lon T extend ‘my ainece symp, nd {ake this opportunity of paying this aight dlbute To hia meaty. JOHN MeKELLAR, Menourae, ‘Manor 1, 1926. IT ISN'T THE CHURCH, IT's YOU. (By RR NEWBERRY.) evnenoas nal wade se tas on en eB was 1 Let the way the work is dons, (OF tha ray dn money's apn ‘on wetine the Gospa'sabrght i, ‘on wheter there saute that set 1 Gael the Kind f trad they Tore, Of prealiae things tay 3 ‘or wee the doctzine ele your tates ort rt the Cheb, 382 yon, For chain's ax strong aa the weakest lin, “katt bree wid shea Lady dait'e Chuva that's fa ef he Bn that pl “Ca etl the rougben ron 1yom gue a tune with the Masters wil, ihe hat te I Yon wit ove your Che, though 1 hu ie Sats, ‘For ie ae the Chr it go he! hiatian Herald TREASURERS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. ‘ible Standard Saber (read 4/- such, wens ‘urine sated) —To atet Deeombet, 1083, Aru A King Fe Me Werden, G.Hatsher A. Turner. Te Bath’ Nevemier, 1026: Mea Peony (a7). ‘iat Dower, 036 ‘ise Mabel ate, Highaa Te Manele Mill (8/"), “Ca Whee Ina, Slee Boekonse hw. G. Sohaston, Mie Bova, HW. Sith, Te Atsander Mew E. Wigh fan. J. Woodard, W. Shleram Mw Rasta, ts AK, Murphy, € Moon, BA Westerman 1G Sat Adige, INES” J Raye (Gi) "een aay Associaton Member? fubseriptons (read 10/- ea, ules otharwise tated)“ Slot Deeember, 1830 EL Brady, Mee Kelly, Afr and Mrs Jog Tha fm, Wake, W Malcom, Airs, Hardy ise Hardy, or and Mrs. WH Howdy Mit 43s Ewe Mowery (7/0), Mri. Metieown, FA, Wor they le andra. ¥. Garrat, Wr Jy McCormack C's. Carita, aod, Philip Sone, 6. Spenge © Paste, WA, Sint, W. Redohaw cL) Wi Cite J. Sastry W."Thomeon, G. 3. Fowler, Mrs G.. ‘ratthwalte, Thos Dickson, Mr. and Alea He Tan” feel, D. Somertille, W- Gallagher Dovatione (as per resp lnued) —E. F. Brady, Mine "he Kellys Ura “tiady, Mine Gy Handy 1 Barve, Mire and Bee W. Hood, Dies Be: ‘Keown, FMC Worden Me. and Mra. C.F. Garrat, WM" sith, W."Redataw, "Sarsbeld?* Thee Disk ‘ha, hie. ands, Langford, He A Western ‘Sen maar, 108 (Onantes ¥. Gamay, 14, Aratongu Avenue ‘One Teee Hl, Avekiend. you 3, 1926, a“ “THE NEW CAMPAIGN.” te all fig, mee for fue Vat their han to any auth, Poe forty year fhe Churches ly New Zealand hare, though New Zealand “Autance,extried vou” warlare "he ricioos ami dograding.lguor teste ‘eon a campaign, nota mere batie, The bef wat vated, aa whilst individual battles tot be won, the'tatal effect af the campaign rat has toh taken inte LOOKING BACK, molto ofc femindoxrave that when fght againet the liquor trae in New Zealand Megan he promect waa tot nearly no hapetal ‘today. "Wor one ‘hing, the acute ef the ch congregations vas then not the me a todayt it in tan that there ave’ ll some SiS the! Chrcie wo ‘hry tt Soe "wom {support the policy of abolishing the hor bt dy the am few tn mints eo ith what they sere whom the figat began ears ago. In adlon to that, progress ll Sheer im sogand to tempersade Sad poe ion tentiment "ge avunceaxtentatagly liquor trac ned, onthe defensive all ine, und toning grasa all th time tere here Ht mayaeem ae th trae were sirongth, but actually ttn only is de sion ta’ the “foyeee Chat wil eventually ph. Slowiy but urely the general pubic 1 9 eno that watever plane aoa g beverages may give to some, they. ate in fhe patie wel blag and the tae fa “is someting that should be abolished ‘THE YOUNG PEOPLE, is fair to may that the eostimianee or sbol the liquor trac in Xow Zealand vets new ‘he declson of young New Healsalers AL nae faced ih phon of Tigh hana reeveuing, and fang fo grasp the wig ‘ot tha ocnomte nn Moral ier involeel hibition question. he new young. voter: cymes the yoth ho hs st tren ating dri, and’ who, mere tough thought se than anything cay eazsesny fadalge Sa Mt the continuation of the teadke. A evel tion res upon the Churehes, and wpon those us to ote the. curse of the liquor ale sw IP The young mrt he educated) nad edated ly. Teas true the children fenive certain etlon sn. the pablie mhools, bat. there are rata: years etweon the lenving shoe! age re ariving ae voting tg. “THE NEW CAMPAIGN,”* “ane programms embraces inspiration, ion, orgunination, aad politcal ation Itt “dizeetion of inepration and education that , congregations fan do inert seefal erviee ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. The Alliance has alreudy done splendid service by dpoperating with Chareh an otter workers i th {tin tana of ory dhe amber fick ‘Dominion, here ix fo0m for tll more work {his direetion, ‘and h weason Se fart approaching when, with the Tenewal of Baud of Hope sad sin Invatvities, moat vateale work may done ‘THE BIBLE CLASSES, Many banat of young pempe anicated with sired during th past campelgn ta Yaka an interest In the Profi tavemest, Thr inert ad sevice ato still ialiy"neveary, and there fo tn Srportuniy in The New Campaign’? for them to ‘tr great werk by geting into touch with those ote eho hte notactivly rapporting the At shee ‘and also by maintaining tontaet with and ‘winnie ncw voters an thon eho whl be frst voters wen the next poll in taken, ‘THE DALLOT PAPER. Broryhody Inows that amendment of Tieensing logan ovis flac ste pa long evurdon Te is expected. that the new Fi amen il deat with che matter sige T'woule "ibe to propay dogmatically, Vacanae the liquor ‘eatte 18 powerfal, sneerapiusy aad ever siking fo exert fr iaduence s0 ut 10 secure Teg iemearres Sat il petits ater members of the new Parliament to thie Sonstiee- ‘ts, tere in avery reason to aatiepats feat how’ Parlioment wil grant longlooked Zor and Ting overdue twovueut balat paper Hven i this Devgrated, however, there will ati he need for the most tamnest' and. farreseSing ffrt ou. the [are of amt who ak to ace thw lnjudrtrate abet fntea Those ef"eur readers who Wish fo tolp in eitie New" Campaign; which. ir designed” ot Simply stenighetorwatd’ Lins, ‘should combunlente twit the Now Zealout Alliance; Box 107%, pe ead CHURCHES OF cHRIST. ‘ea ee veep iat damage Sea eta Nee: tetas ete ‘ieanselseebere Langtor, Posen vga ote armen mis _Seerearr, Ras peciet tei, erin nm stmyrrogn 1 am, at fein o Mr, WF. Wickham, pore i tee ae ‘THE BIBLE STANDARD. 48 Manor 1, 1926. ASK FOR AND SEE THAT YOU GET PEARSON'S CARBOLIC SANDSOAP. Awarded old Medals and Firstolane Oertnoates at Leading Exhibitens, SOLD BY ALL GROCERS. MIGHEST TESTIMONIALS FROM COMPETENT AUTHORITIES. NEW ZEALAND EVANGELISTIC AND PUBLICATION ASSOCIATION (Ine.). TeesteredOmee: 2, West Stet, Avetad Press. BD, DORALDSON 8, Speers Stel, Rem R. S. HOOPER Sucroe 12 Premier Buildings REAL VALUE » YOUTIS AND BOYS’ CLOTHING. ‘You gat the Pinest Selestion and Best PPouuifle Vulue in Clothes and Yura Inge for Boys, Youths and’ Young’ Mea FALKNER & CO., 414 aranganape Road, AVOXLAND. Tt Secton Ca Bop. ALEX. PAGE unio scours, orron AN sEORTARY, (QUEEN STREET, AUEKLARO. WILCOCK & COLE DENTAL SURGEONS, H, TREVELYAN KING Xe, 481, MOUNT EDEN ROAD, AUCKLAND A aso aes ste ‘FURNITURE WANUFAGTURED, Axo DELIVERED FROM JAMES FUNERAL ‘UNDERTAKER, 27 BELGIUM STREET, JAMIESON, |AVOKLAND (Late upper Queen street) ‘Near Newton Rast Sohoo! Pagan crease ata cay

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