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Analytic space

A generalization of the concept of an analytic manifold. A local model (and, at the same time,
the most important example) of an analytic space over a complete non-discretely normed
field is an analytic set in a domain of the -dimensional space over , defined by
equations , where are analytic functions in , which is provided with the
sheaf obtained by restricting the sheaf on ; here is the sheaf of germs of
analytic functions in , while is the subsheaf of ideals generated by . An analytic
space over is a ringed space that is locally isomorphic to a ringed space of the above
type. If is the field of real numbers , one speaks of real-analytic spaces; if is the field of
complex numbers , of complex-analytic spaces or simply of complex spaces; if is a field of
-adic numbers , of -adic analytic spaces.

An analytic (holomorphic) mapping of one analytic space into another is a

morphism in the sense of the theory of ringed spaces, i.e. a
pair , where is a continuous mapping, while is a
sheaf homomorphism. A point of an analytic space is called simple (or regular, or non-
singular) if has a neighbourhood over which is isomorphic to a space of the
type , where is a domain in . Otherwise is known as a singular point. A space is
called smooth if all of its points are simple. A smooth analytic space is identical with an analytic

The dimension of an analytic space at a point is defined as the dimension of

the corresponding analytic set in a local model (cf. Analytic set). The global dimension is defined
by the formula:

Let be the maximal ideal of the local ring ( ). The vector

space over is called the tangent space to at the point ,

while is the cotangent space. The number

is called the tangent dimension or the embedding dimension at the point (the last name is
connected with the fact that is the smallest number such that is, in a
neighbourhood of , isomorphic to a local model in ). One has , and
the two are equal if and only if is a simple point. One also defines the dimension
Each analytic mapping of analytic spaces defines a
linear mapping , which is called its differential at the point .

An analytic space is said to be reduced if its local model in a neighbourhood of an

arbitrary point has the following property: consists of all germs of holomorphic functions that
vanish on . In the case of an algebraically closed field , this statement is equivalent to
saying that the fibres of the sheaf contain no nilpotent elements. All smooth
spaces are reduced. If is reduced, it can be said that consists of the germs of certain
continuous functions on . The sections of the sheaf on the reduced space are
identical with analytic functions on , i.e. with analytic mappings (cf. Analytic mapping).
For any analytic space there exists a natural sheaf
epimorphism (where is a reduced analytic space), which is called the
reduction. If is a section of the sheaf , one can speak of the value of at a
point (which coincides with the value of the analytic function at ). For this reason
the algebra , even in the non-reduced case, is often referred to as the algebra of
analytic (holomorphic) functions on . Sheaves of -modules on an analytic
space are also called analytic sheaves.

If is an analytic space, then each open defines an open subspace .

On the other hand, one can introduce the concept of an analytic subspace of , which is
necessarily closed. A set is called analytic if it is defined by a finite number of analytic
equations in a neighbourhood of each point . The sheaf of ideals consisting of the
germs of all analytic functions that vanish on , is connected with such a set. Conversely,
each analytic sheaf of ideals of finite type defines an analytic set . If ,
one obtains an analytic space , which is called an analytic subspace of ; there
exists a natural morphism . An example of an analytic subspace
of is the reduction of this space.

The concept of an analytic space originated as a generalization of the concept of an analytic

manifold. Such a generalization had been suggested mainly by algebraic geometry, in which
spaces with singular points had been under study for a long time. The effect of the ideas of
algebraic geometry was immediately reflected in the ultimate formulation of the concept of an
analytic space (for reduced complex spaces see [9]; for the general case, see ). In particular,
any scheme of finite type over a complete normed field naturally determines an analytic space
over . This correspondence between schemes and analytic spaces over for reduced complex
spaces was studied in [9], in which the theory of analytic spaces was named "analytic
geometryanalytic geometry" . Subsequently, the two geometries developed in parallel, and the
exchange of ideas between the two made a substantial contribution to the results achieved in
both these fields.

In the theory of functions of several complex variables, spaces with singular points appeared, in
the first place, as Riemannian domains (cf. Riemannian domain), which are analogues of
Riemann surfaces for functions of one variable. Using these as local models, H. Behnke and K.
Stein in 1951 defined a class of ringed spaces which, as was shown in [5], coincides with the
class of reduced normal analytic spaces (cf. Normal analytic space). The local geometry of
analytic sets in had been studied by W. Rückert as early as 1932. Finally, non-smooth
analytic spaces are a natural product of the theory of automorphic functions as quotient spaces
of analytic manifolds by properly discrete groups of automorphisms (cf. Discrete group of
transformations). -adic analytic sets were first introduced in 1935 by I. Skolem in connection
with certain problems in number theory.

The theory of analytic spaces has two aspects: the local and the global aspect. Local analytic
geometry is concerned with germs of analytic sets in the space provided with sheaves of the
above type. Principal stress is laid on the study of the properties of the algebra of convergent
power series in variables over and its quotient algebras — the so-called analytic algebras,
the foundations of which were laid by K. Weierstrass. The local theory comprises the theory of
normalization, the study of singular points, local properties of analytic functions and mappings,
etc. The most important results obtained in this field refer to the case of algebraically closed
fields [1], [4], [7]. There appears the important concept of a coherent analytic sheaf, which
continues to play a leading part in the global theory. In particular, the structure sheaf of the
analytic space and the sheaf of ideals of any analytic set are coherent for any
algebraically closed . The case has also been thoroughly studied.

Global analytic geometry studies the properties of analytic functions, mappings and other
analytic objects, defined "globally" on the entire analytic space, as well as the geometrical
properties of these spaces. In the process of studying complex-analytic spaces natural classes
of them were isolated. These include, first, the class of Stein spaces (cf. Stein space), which
can be roughly described as the class of spaces with a sufficiently large amount of global
holomorphic functions. Stein spaces are the most natural multi-dimensional generalizations of
the domains of the complex plane considered in the classical theory of functions of one complex
variable. This class of spaces in fact coincides with the class of analytic subspaces of the
spaces . Its algebraic analogue is the class of affine algebraic varieties (cf. Affine variety).
For a domain holomorphic completeness is equivalent with the fact that is a domain
of holomorphy, i.e. that there exists a holomorphic function in that does not extend into a
larger domain. The boundary of a domain of holomorphy is pseudo-convex, i.e. it behaves with
respect to local analytic submanifolds as would a convex surface with respect to real linear
submanifolds. The problem of the validity of the converse theorem (cf. Levi problem) gave rise
to a number of investigations and yielded a new characterization of Stein spaces.

The class of compact spaces is, in a certain sense, the opposite case. The following
generalization of the classical theorem of Liouville is valid: Functions which are holomorphic on
a reduced compact space are constant on each connected component of this space and
therefore form a finite-dimensional vector space. A generalization of this theorem are
the finiteness theorems, which confirm the finite dimensionality of the homology groups with
values in a coherent analytic sheaf. Holomorphically-convex complex spaces, -complete, -
pseudo-convex, -pseudo-concave spaces, which are generalizations of Stein spaces, and
compact spaces are also considered (cf. Holomorphically-convex complex space).

These classes of complex spaces have their analogues in the theory of holomorphic mappings.
Thus, to compact spaces correspond proper holomorphic mappings; to holomorphically
complete spaces correspond Stein mappings, etc. "Relative" analogues were found for many
theorems, and the "absolute" variant of a theorem is obtained from its relative variant if the
entire space is mapped into a point. The corresponding generalization of finiteness theorems
are theorems of coherence of direct images of coherent analytic sheaves under holomorphic
mappings, the first and most important one of which (for proper mappings) was demonstrated
by H. Grauert [6a].

An important role in the theory of complex spaces is played by holomorphic mappings of a

special kind — the so-called modifications (cf. Modification), i.e. mappings inducing
an isomorphism of open subspaces , where , are certain
analytic sets. One says that is obtained from by "contracting" the subset on ,
while is obtained from by "blowing up" the subset into . Of special interest are analytic
subsets that can be contracted into a point (exceptional analytic sets); these were characterized
by H. Grauert [6b]. A natural problem in analytic geometry is the following problem of resolution
of singularities: Is it possible to "blow up" an analytic space so that the entire space becomes
smooth? It should be noted that modifications in algebraic geometry were studied as early as
the 19th century, while modifications in analytic geometry were introduced by Behnke and Stein
in 1951 in the context of the concept of a Riemannian domain.
Another natural object of study, which is also closely connected with the ideas of algebraic
geometry, are meromorphic functions on complex spaces and their generalizations —
meromorphic mappings (a mapping which yields an operation inverse to a modification may
serve as an example; cf. Meromorphic function; Meromorphic mapping). Meromorphic functions
on a reduced compact complex space form a field of transcendence
degree (this was first demonstrated by C.L. Siegel in 1955 for the smooth case).
Spaces for which (Moishezon spaces) form a class which is very close to the
class of projective algebraic varieties; they are characterized by the fact that they are
modifications of smooth projective algebraic varieties. Another class of analytic spaces which is
very close to algebraic varieties, are Kähler manifolds (cf. Kähler manifold). A number of criteria
for the projectivity of a compact complex space are known [3], [6b], [13]. Studies of automorphic
functions in several complex variables have made a major contribution to the development of
this subject.

The theory of deformations of analytic structures (cf. Deformation) is concerned with the
problem of classification of analytic objects of a given type (e.g. all complex structures on a
given real-analytic variety, all analytic subspaces in a given complex space, etc.), with the
purpose of introducing the "natural" structure of a complex space on the set of these objects,
and in order to describe all analytic objects "sufficiently near" to the given object. In the former
case one speaks of the global moduli problem, while in the latter one speaks of the local moduli
problem. An example of the global moduli problem is the problem of the classification of all
complex structures on a compact Riemann surface (cf. Moduli of a Riemann surface).

The principal apparatus of global analytic geometry is formed by coherent analytic sheaves and
their cohomology spaces. The first successful result of the cohomological method was Cartan's
solution of the additive Cousin problem and of problems of prolongation of a holomorphic
function from a closed for Stein manifolds (cf. Cousin problems; [8]); it was found
that the solution of these problems is obstructed by the cohomology
groups and , respectively.

Most of the results of the global theory were initially demonstrated for complex manifolds, after
which they were generalized to analytic spaces. The difficulties involved in this procedure often
necessitated the development of completely new methods. Cohomology spaces of a locally free
analytic sheaf on a complex manifold may be expressed in terms of differential forms (the
Dolbeault–Serre theorem, cf. also Differential form), which makes it possible to study them by
methods of the theory of elliptic differential equations and by other analytic methods. In the non-
smooth case this approach involves major difficulties, and it is often necessary to define
cohomology classes in other ways, e.g. using Čech cochains in a suitable covering. The
technique of Banach analytic spaces, applied to moduli problems, proved useful in this context
(cf. Banach analytic space).

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