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Atividade Página 58 e 59

1- in the first image, we see a frame with the phrase "shake it off" which means to let it go,
in the second we see a happy person despite having health problems, and in the third we
see a group of friends having fun together. This shows that we can be happy despite the
situation we find ourselves in.

2- A) I, III, V, IV

B) Helps prevent sickness and desease, helps reduce stress and anxiety, strengthens
relationship with others.

C) “Shake it off” its a phrasel verb, which means to rid or free oneself from someone or
something that one finds aggravating, upsetting, or annoying.

3- Mente sã em corpo são (sadio)

4- Yes, because mental and emotional health are also important, because even if a person
is physically healthy, he can get mentally and emotionally ill.

5- A) The environment can influence peoples' behavior and motivation to act. For
example, a dingy corridor filled with extra hospital equipment will invite staff to leave
another item in the hall, whereas a clean corridor and adequate storage will encourage
staff to take the time to put the item away.

B) No, because there are people who have some kind of mental disability and it may not
make a difference in her life, as she may not have full control over it.

C) The pursuit of happiness is the foundation of individual liberty, since it gives us the
ability to make decisions that are in our long-term best interest.
Atividade página 60 a 62

1. a) Slow food – a movement founded upon the concept of eco-gastronomy.

b) Suggested answers: someone who supports the movement (“we believe”).

c) To the general public.

d) We, our, ourselves.

e) Colors found in nature, like brown and green. Fonts may remind us of wood, artwork.

f) Good, clean, fair.

g) It does not harm the environment, animal welfare or our health.

2. Because its purpose is to convince people to prepare healthy meals themselves and
take the time to enjoy them. It's a pun with the expression “fast food”.

3. by eating slowly, we have a better digestion of food, it is better for health because we
can absorb nutrients better.

4. a) As an anxiety drug.

b) Yes. Food can alleviate anxieties and it can be like an addictive "drug" and the
medicine becomes the physical exercises.

c) Exercising.

d) Anxiety and depression.

5. Yes, here it was used in the sense of being heavily consumed or used as an addictive

6. Alcohol, drugs, cicarets...

7. They can help by improving the management and sale of these products, they can
also open up more places to help these people overcome these addictions.

8. a), b) e d)

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