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Animals have always been victims at the hands of humanity.

People turn a blind eye to the ill-

treatment meted out to the animals. Since the beginning of civilization, man has believed that
animals are his slaves and used them accordingly. He tamed some animals, some were kept as
domestic animals and some were hunted for food. This abuse continues in the present day. The
circus is still a popular form of entertainment and draws huge crowds. No one really bothers about
the pitiable state of those animals. Stray dogs are treated mercilessly everywhere. Many animals
stray into populated areas after losing their natural habitat. They also become an easy target.
Animals are exploited for selfish interests of man. Chicken, pigs, buffaloes are bred and raised in
horrible conditions in factories. We need to spread awareness about this cruelty of mankind to
ensure that animals also flourish on this planet.

Animals are an important part of our lives, whether they are companions like dogs and cats or
teammates like horses. But it’s important to know that animal owners can be held responsible if that
animal injures someone. Cruelty to animals, also called animal abuse or animal neglect, is the
intentional infliction by humans of suffering or harm upon any non-human animal, for purposes other
than self-defence or survival.
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Animal cruelty facts are so many that they can easily amaze us. More narrowly, it can be the causing
of harm or suffering for specific gains, such as killing animals for food or for their fur; opinions differ
about the extent of cruelty associated with a given method of slaughter. Cruelty to animals
sometimes encompasses inflicting harm or suffering for personal amusement, as in zoosadism.
Animal testing laws concerning animal cruelty are designed to prevent needless cruelty. “Millions of
animals, mostly frogs, are killed every year expressly for educational use, in the same way, millions
of animals are confined for factory farming and chicken farming. This action leaves the impression
that animal lives can be wasted if this benefits humanity. Divergent approaches to such laws occur in
different jurisdictions throughout the world. For example, some laws govern methods of killing
animals for food, clothing, or other products, and other laws concern the keeping of animals for
entertainment, education, research, or pets. Pet Cruelty is not the same thing as disrespect towards
animals. In broad terms, there are three conceptual approaches to the issue of cruelty to animals.
The animal welfare league holds that there is nothing inherently wrong with using animals for human
purposes, such as food, clothing, entertainment, and research, but that it should be done in a way
that minimizes unnecessary pain and suffering, sometimes referred to as “humane” treatment.
Utilitarian advocates argue from the position of costs and benefits and vary in their conclusions as to
the allowable treatment of animals. Some utilitarians argue for a weaker approach which is closer to
the animal welfare position, whereas others argue for a position that is similar to animal rights.
Animal rights theorists criticize these positions, arguing that the words “unnecessary” and “humane”
are subject to widely differing interpretations and that animals have basic rights. They say that the
only way to ensure protection for animals is to end their status as property and to ensure that they
are never used as commodities. There are periods of mass extinction of species and times when
new species appear. All things come into being and pass away. We are responsible for animals on
our own. We can be held responsible for injuries or other damage caused by your dog, cat, horse,
cow, reptile, etc. We can be held responsible for Our  animal if these conditions are met: the animal
is in our care, for example, when we  take it for a walk, bring it to a friend’s house or are in your own
home the animal is in the care of a third party, for example, our neighbour is watching it while we are
away our  animal is lost or has escaped. Even if you’re not the owner if an animal was in your care
or control when it caused damage, both you and the owner can be held responsible. For example,
you could be responsible for the animal’s acts if you rent a horse for an outing, transport animals or
operate a livestock exchange. Generally, if you own or are taking care of an animal, you are
responsible for any damage the animal causes. Even if you take precautions, like posting signs
warning that your dog is dangerous, or putting a leash on it, you are still responsible as the owner or
custodian of the animal. the victim’s fault : the victim could be found at fault if he did not take basic,
reasonable precautions when dealing with an unpredictable animal (by provoking an animal, trying to
scare it, not taking necessary precautions, etc.) the fault of a third party an event or series of events
considered to be an act of God (beyond human control) or fortuitous (unpredictable) A dog owner is
responsible for injuries caused by the dog even if the owner had no control over the animal when the
incident happened.

Animal Lovers Club was recently invited by the Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care
Home for a visit where an opportunity to oversee the working of the organisation
was given. 
It is a home to abandoned pets, rescued animals and the ones injured on the
streets. There were many old animals as well. It was astounding to see the
quality of care the animals are being given. They have a family-like environment
for them. This helps them to heal faster and stay happy. The animal home has all
the facilities ranging from well- equipped medical room to a veterinary surgeon.
Regular check-ups of those unwell by a team of veterinary specialists are carried
out. The surroundings are animal-friendly as well. They are not being ruthlessly
kept in cages. They have green surroundings with enough space for them to play
and nurture. 
Mahatma Gandhi Animal Care Home is doing a mind-blowing job by
understanding and fulfilling the needs of those who can’t speak for themselves.
The experience was an overwhelming one.
The Silver Spring monkeys were 17 wild-born macaque monkeys from the Philippines who were
kept in the Institute for Behavioral Research in Silver Spring, Maryland.[2] From 1981 until 1991, they
became what one writer called the most famous lab animals in history, as a result of a battle
between animal researchers, animal advocates, politicians, and the courts over whether to use them
in research or release them to a sanctuary. Within the scientific community, the monkeys became
known for their use in experiments into neuroplasticity—the ability of the adult primate brain to
reorganize itself.

Cruelty to Animals -Man suffers from a distorted complex. He always considers animals as inferior beings
only fit for exploitation. Man has been using domestic and wild animals for his selfish ends.Many animal
lovers joined together to form the 'Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals '. The society has been
working for the well-being and welfare of animals for many years. Its main aim is to change the attitude
and thinking of people towards animals. It is quite sad that animals continue to be ill-treated, tortured
and killed according to the whims of the people. About 15% of the people entertain the belief that
animals are man's slaves. They use, misuse and torture them accordingly. About 50% of the people
exploit animals for selfish ends. Horses and oxen are used for transport, carrying loads and in
agricultural activities. Dogs, cats and many birds are domesticated for fun, entertainment and
convenience. Wild animals like elephants, tigers, lions and deer are victims of poaching and killing.
Animals are forced to do acrobatic feats in circus shows. Unfortunately, about 35% of people don't think
about the animals at all. They are totally indifferent to them. The Government and the animal lovers
must work together to bring a change in the attitude of the people. Animals should not be killed and
poached for fun, furs or financial gains. They should be treated with kindness,s care and sympathy.
Cruelty towards animals must be legally punished.
At the mall I walked by a mannequin that looked just like me. Something odd was was my
birthday and I further moved with my father towards my uncle’s cloth shop where my father would buy
me a new dress. However I wanted a new remote controlled car which my father had promised me to
buy 2 months earlier. I persuaded my father to follow his promise but he didn’t say anything and we
moved on till we reached my uncle’s shop. We entered the shop and my uncle greeted me “happy
birthday” My father said to me “stay here till I don’t come” .I am going to the washroom. My uncle
started talking with me on how I would celebrate my birthday.2-3 minutes passed and then the lights
went off. Darkness all around and only 2 lights switched on after 5 minutes. I was horrified. As soon as
two lights switched on I saw a mannequin that looked just like me (the same I had seen earlier).It had
the same clothes that I had been wearing.And now two more lights switched on and I could see 2
mannequins that looked like my mother and father.I was terrified.I cried but there was no one to hear
my cry.And to my surprise,now the mannequins started moving and communicating with each other.
The father mannequin had promised to buy his child a new rc car but due to a huge loss in his business
he couln’t do so while his child always complained and cried for new toys.His father worked too hard
but the odds were against him and could not gift his son’s favourite present.It was actually a mannequin
show which my mother had organized to make me realize that how my father worked hard and I only
complained about a toy,I realized how hard my dad had been working.I hugged my dad and never ever
complained for a toy since that day

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