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PS 03 (WF 5:30-7PM)| 13/10/21

Estrada, Benette Emmanuel D.
1.What is state-building? Regime change?


First off, State-building refers to the construction of a state to unleash the creativity and
strength of its every institution necessary to provide a long-term foundation that will support the
basic needs of its citizenry. Moreover, this strategy is based on dimensions such as: Security
dimension, Political dimension, and Economic dimension. Thus, among these dimensions the most
considered is the Political dimension. Therefore, state-building has the primary objective of
helping every state in terms of peacebuilding in order to establish a safe-environment and grasp a
wider political and economic development.

On the other hand, Regime change is the transition of a regime to a profound system that could be a
corollary to the reactionary measure the government has established, in order to avoid an oppressive
system of government from the past to happen again. It could also be correlated to the fact that a
certain state is in the midst of recovering from a failing system of their government system.
2.Discuss the two main theoretical approaches to
definitions of state-building?


Basically, theorists have provided a divided approach on the definition of State-building. And this
theory has become an outspoken view as it embarked on a salient theoretical approach on how state-
building is defined.

Such approaches are: Theorists see state-building as it may take form through means of establishment
of an exogenous institution that has a primary goal of overseeing states that have taken part in
such international intervention. Thus, this kind of external relations is very significant to any
state that will be involved as it creates activity that involves relation to another country usually
following some form of intervention, and in our case, the United Nation.

Second, the most salient theoretical approach is the Developmental theory. It contains a set of
principles that was developed by the OECD in 2007 with the intention of supporting conflicting
states--which then considered as a state-building measure. Because, they believed on some level it
may unleash an area of development that will assist every state involved and start building self-
3.What are the approaches to state-building?


There have been three approaches established to state-building, which exists as techniques to how
every state will build strategies that will exhaust their strengths thereafter. And those approaches

Good governance - Which refers to a paradigm shift of management of every governmental authority in
order to secure the citizens' rights to live a harmonious life.
New Public Management - This pertains to the reactionary measures that the government decides to
establish in the intention of strengthening the governmental powers to wields its power with
justness and compassion to its people

Decentralization - This means the transfer of authority to a subordinate government unit.

Basically, it is the dispersal of authority and responsibility and the allocation of
powers/functions from the central government to regional bodies, or from the national to the sub
national levels of government.
4.What are indices used to measure democracy?


Studies have provided on the measurement of Democracy, and have concluded of eight indices that
exist in every democratic state, which therefore reveals the level of effectiveness of its system.
And such indices are the following

Freedom in the World published each year since 1972

Worldwide Press Freedom Index is published each year since 2002
Freedom of the Press published each year since 1980
The Index of Freedom in the World is an index measuring classical civil liberties
The CIRI Human Rights Data Project measures a range of human, civil, women’s and workers rights
The Democracy Index, published by the U.K.-based Economist Intelligence Unit
The U.S.-based Polity data series is a widely used data series in political science research
MaxRange, a dataset defining level of democracy and institutional structure
5.How would you rate the Philippines based on the indices
ex. Absolutely free, partly free and so on? Why?

According to a study that was made by (FREEDOM IN THE WORLD, 2020), they have concluded based on a
weighted scale of data that the Philippines is actually partly free in terms of Political rights and Civil

Thus, I myself have to agree on what the recent studies have provided. Not only because of the date that
was recorded, but also because of the presence of public administration in today’s government. Granted,
that the constitution wants us to live by the blessings of independence and democracy, and ideally, that's
what the citizenry are given the privilege for. Only that, the majority of the population has not been
given the right information/knowledge to even think about their own basic rights, and that’s where abuse
and malpractice damages and predicaments in democracy takes place.

Therefore, it is my conclusion that Democracy has to come with proper knowledge in order for it to work
well in any government. As it has been told by Aristotle himself, that a democratic form of government is
the weakest form of government as it has the tendency of turning into a mobocracy or the rule of mob.
However, I still want to believe that the true essence of democracy does not have to die, but it has to be
found. Found on the lives of every citizenry who are the main source of powers and authority; what the
country needs is not a perfect leader but, a leader who knows what is right, capable of doing what is
right, and has the knowledge and living his life on the bounds of democratic principle, a government that
is from the people, and serves for the people.

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