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Detailed Lesson Plan in Mathematics 7

I. Objectives

A. Content Standard:
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts, uses and importance of
data collection/ gathering and the different forms of data representation, measures of central
tendency, measures of variability and probability.

B. Performance Standard:
The learner is able to collect data systematically and compute accurately measures of
central tendency and variability and apply these appropriately in data analysis and
interpretation in different fields.

C. Learning Competency:
1. M7SP-IVf-g-1: Calculates the measures of central tendency of ungrouped data

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Measures of Central Tendency of Ungrouped data
References: Mathematics 7 Curriculum Guide p. 216, College Statistics with Computer
Applications (2015 Edition Reynaldo G. Barata, Sergio E. Ymas Jr.)
Materials: laptop, Powerpoint presentation, pictures, activity cards and activity sheets
Values Integration: Cooperation

III. Procedure
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities

1. Prayer
Let us stand for a short prayer.

2. Greetings

Good morning, students. Good morning, sir.

3. Checking of Attendance

Is there any absent in the class? None, sir.

4. Recalling of the Classroom Rules

Before we begin, let us recall what to

do in our classroom.

Classroom Rules: The 5 P’s

1. Be prepared
2. Be positive
3. Be productive
4. Be resPectful
5. Be participative

B. Developmental Activities

1. Review

Before we start to our new lesson

let us have first a review regarding our previous
lesson about Graphical Representations of
Frequency Distributions

What is a graph? Graphs are useful for conveying

information very quickly.

Thank you! What forms can be used for the

summaries of data? Tabular, graphical and numerical

Very Good! What are the most common

graphical methods? Line graphs, time series, line charts,
histograms, frequency polygons, pie
charts, pictograms, and
logarithmic graphs.

Very good! It seems that you understand our

previous lesson about Graphical Representations of
Frequency Distributions.

C. Motivation
Let’s have an activity. I’ll group you into three.
I have a set of popsicle sticks with different colors.
Each group will separate the popsicle sticks according
to color. After that, write the number of popsicle
sticks with the same color.

Do you understand? Yes, sir.

You have three minutes to finish the activity. (The students will do
the activity.)

Red popsicle sticks – 5 pieces

Yellow popsicle sticks – 15 pieces
Blue popsicle sticks – 10 pieces

Let us examine your work.

D. Presentation

Now, write down the numbers from 1 to 30. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,
18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30.

Let us use these numbers for our lesson


E. Discussion
Our lesson today is Measures of Central

Add those numbers. What is the sum? 465, sir.

After that, divide the sum by 30 since that

is the total number. What is the quotient? 15.5, sir.

Very good. 15.5 is called the mean of the

ungrouped data. What do you think is the meaning
of the mean of the ungrouped data? Mean is the average.

Are there other answers? Mean is the sum of all the numbers
divided by the total number.

Correct. Based from what we did, we can make

the formula in finding the mean.

The formula is:

𝑥𝑥1 +𝑥𝑥2 +⋯+𝑥𝑥𝑛𝑛

𝑥𝑥̅ = 𝑛𝑛

𝑥𝑥̅ is the symbol for mean, x1 to xn represents the

numbers added and n is the symbol for the total
numbers of data.

Let us have an example.

What is the mean of the numbers 12, 15,

16, 12, 15, 18, 18, 20, 12 and 18?

Who can solve for the mean of the data? (The students will answer.)

The mean is 15.6.

Correct. Let’s have another example.

What is the mean of the following scores:

15, 19, 19, 18, 17, 13, 12, 10, 18, 20?

Solve for the mean of the data. The mean is 16.1.

Very good.
Now, let’s take a look at this set of numbers.

4, 8, 9, 6, 5, 10, 15, 19, 24, 23, 14

What have you observed in this set of

numbers? The lowest number is 4.

Are there other answers? The highest number is 24.

They are not arranged

Correct. Let us arrange the numbers in ascending

order. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 14, 15,
19, 23, 24

Now that the numbers are arranged properly,

what do you think is the middle number of the
set? (The students will answer.)

In a set of data, there is a middle value. We call

it the median.

If the total number of data is odd, we can use this formula:

x ̃= (N+1)/2

x ̃ is the median and n is the total number of data.

The answer from this formula is not exactly the median

but the location of the median in the data.

Let us solve the median in our example. x ̃ = (11 +1)/2

6th value = 10

What is the median? The median is 10.

Nice. Let us have another example:

6, 9, 12, 13, 2, 4, 9, 10, 19, 21, 29, 12

Let us arrange the numbers in ascending

order. 2, 4, 6, 9, 9, 10, 12, 12,
13, 19, 21, 29

What is the total number of data? The total number is 12.

Exactly. If the total number is even, there are 2

middle numbers. We can use this formula:

x ̃ = [(n/2) + (n/2 + 1)] / 2

The formula will only tell the location

of the two middle numbers in the set.

Let us identify the 2 middle numbers. x ̃ = [(12/2) + (12/2 + 1)] /2

x ̃ = (6 + 7) / 2
x ̃ = 6.5th value.

What are the middle numbers in the set? The numbers are 10 and 12.

To identify the median, we have to get the

average of the two numbers. What is the median? x ̃ = (10 + 12)/2
x ̃ = 11

The median is 11.

Very good. Let’s examine the this set of data.

2, 5, 5, 6, 8, 9

What have you observed in this set of data? The lowest value is 2.
The highest value is 9.
5 appeared twice in the set.
Exactly. We can say that 5 is called the mode.

Based from this, what is the meaning of mode? The mode is the number that
appears twice or more in
a set of data.

Correct. The mode is the most frequently occurring

score in the ungrouped data.

There is no formula in finding the mode in an

ungrouped data. We just have to look for the
numbers who appear twice or more in the data.

Let us have another example.

4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 19, 2, 11, 11

The numbers are not arranged properly. Remember

that we have to arrange the numbers in ascending
order when we are finding the mean, median and mode.

Arrange the numbers in ascending order. 2, 4, 7, 8, 9, 11, 11, 11,

13, 15, 19

What is the mode in the set of data? The mode is 11.

Correct. 11 is called unimodal since there is only

one mode in the data. When there are two modes,
they are called bimodal. When there are more than
two modes, we call them multimodal.

Let’s examine the last set of ungrouped data.

12, 29, 35, 36, 45, 50, 53, 55, 62, 73, 80

Is there a mode in the set of data? None, sir.

In an ungrouped data, we can have no modes or
more than one mode.

F. Application

Group Activity

Let us have a group activity. I will group you

into two. Choose your leaders.

Before we begin, let us recall our guidelines in

doing a group activity. What are those? Read the directions.
Cooperate with your
Work silently.
That’s great. I will give each
group an activity card with a problem. Show
your solutions and answer on a manila paper.
After that, choose a representative to discuss
your answers.

Do you understand? Yes, sir.

You have 5 minutes to finish this

activity. (The students will do
the activity.)

Group 1:

Examine the following numbers.

12, 11, 14, 15, 18, 19, 21, 24, 11, 13, 30

1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order. 11, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19,
21, 24, 30

2. Find the mean, median and mode. Mean = 17.09

Median = 15
Mode = 11

Group 2:

Examine the following numbers.

23, 11, 24, 24, 24, 25, 21, 19, 20, 18

1. Arrange the numbers in ascending order. 11, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 24,
24, 25

2. Find the mean, median and mode. Mean = 20.9

Median = 22
Mode = 24
Let us take a look at your answers.

G. Generalization

Values Formation

What did each group do to

finish the activity? We read the directions

Are there other answers? We worked silently.

We helped each other.

That’s very nice. Helping each other

is very important.
In doing group activities, we must
cooperate with each other to get the job done.

Our scientists, and frontliners cooperate

with each other to lessen the effects of COVID-19
in our country. We must do our part in combating
this disease. We must cooperate with our government
and frontliners to eliminate COVID-19 in our

Do you understand? Yes, sir.

What are the three measures of central

tendency? They are the mean, median
and mode.

Very good. What is the mean? The mean is the average of

the numbers in the data.

What is the median? The median is the middle

value of the data.

What is the mode? The mode is the most

frequently occurring
number in a data.


IV. Evaluation

Directions: Find the measures of central tendency of the following sets of ungrouped

1. 12, 13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27

2. 42, 12, 45, 78, 23, 21, 12, 11, 15, 11, 11

3. 54, 22, 77, 77, 78, 97, 21, 77, 97

4. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

5. 65, 32, 45, 78, 98, 98, 43, 43, 43


1. Mean = 18.5, Median = 18.5, Mode = None

2. Mean = 25.55, Median = 15, Mode = 11, 12
3. Mean = 66.67, Median = 77, Mode = 77
4. Mean = 5, Median = 5, Mode = None
5. Mean = 60.56, Median = 45, Mode = 43, 98

V. Assignment:

Direction: Arrange the numbers in ascending order and find the measures of central
23, 45, 46, 49, 97, 31, 1, 25, 57, 29, 19

Prepared by:

Teacher - II

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