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01 Discussion 1

Life is all about choices. Choices define us, sculpt us

-Sheena Hutchinson, DiscoveringApril

Life is about choices; I agree with that because in our life there are this
problem or situation that we needed to choose for us to move forward and
know the thing that is right for us.
My choices say about me that I am a selfless kind of person because I
choose to be that person. I choose to love other people more than myself; I
am more concerned about what other people need especially for my family.
I usually make may self-available all the time for encase my friend and
family needed my help. Also, I am active listener for those who have
problems, with this characteristic I consider myself as a selfless kind of
person because I choose to be one. But these past few days I realize that
these choices need to be change because to help other people I need to
help myself, to love someone I need to love myself first. And because of
this choice ill start making time for myself, doing my hobbies, resting, and
overall taking care of myself. That way, I'll have plenty of energy to keep
helping others.
This choice is part of our life it can change easily but the thing is these
choices help us understand things, identify what is right and wrong and it
also help us make our live better with just our choices in life

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