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Umer Iftikhar
Performance Evaluation Report


This report is a brief performance evaluation report for There are many
tools available over the internet to get the domains performance evaluation. In this report I
have used the following two platforms:

1. GTMetrix
2. Google Page Insights

There are 6 factors that the above-mentioned tools use to evaluate the performance of a
domain. These factors are listed below with a brief explanation.

 First Contentful Paint:

How quickly content like text or images are painted onto your page.
 Speed Index:
How quickly the contents of your page are visibly populated.
 Largest Contentful Paint:
How long it takes for the largest element of content to be painted on your page.
 Time to interactive:
How long it takes for your page to become fully interactive.
 Total Blocking time:
How much time is blocked by scripts during your page loading process.
 Cumulative Layout shifts:
How much your page’s layout shifts as it loads.

Google Page Insight GTMetrix Recommended

First Contentful paint 1.0 s 745 ms 0.9 s or less
Speed Index 2.5 s 2.0 s 1.3 s or less
Largest Contentful paint 2.3 s 1.3 s 1.2 s or less
Time to interactive 2.6 s 2.0 s 2.5 s or less
Total Blocking Time 210 ms 263 ms 150 ms or less
Cumulative Layout Shift 0.478 0.42 0.1 or less
Overall score 61 78%

1. GTMetrix

2. Google Page insights:


As it is visible in both of the reports there is a single problem common i.e., “Avoid an
excessive DOM Size”. DOM Stands for Document Object Model. In layman terms, the
structure of the page uses html tags that are called nodes and the sum of those nodes is called
DOM. DOM effects the page loading time which is a crucial aspect in search engine

The following steps can be taken to avoid the aforementioned error:

1. Reduce the number of sections of the page. (This can be done)

2. Remove hidden elements. (Possible in our case)
3. Switch to a simpler or less overloaded theme. (This is not possible in our case)
4. Limit the number of posts/products displayed on a page, etc. (not possible)
Let me explain point number one with an example:

<div id= ”first-paragraph”>

<p>This is the First Paragraph.</p>


Resulting in: <p id=”first-paragraph”>This is the First Paragraph.</p>

In the above example I have managed to reduce the number of nodes which means lesser
nodes lesser page loading time.


In this report I conclude that if we eliminate the error “Avoid an excessive DOM Size” we
can improve the Total Blocking Time of our website which is one of the factors that
determine the performance evaluation.

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