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Tanut Vongsoontorn

MSCY 511/611 Listening assignment #2

1. Refer to the handout from week 6’s class to find the original melody Josquin used
for this Mass. The Kyrie I is based on phrases 1 and 2 of the original melody, the
Christe is based on phrases 3 and 4, and the Kyrie II is based on phrases 5 and 6.

Which part of Josquin’s Mass (Kyrie I, Christe, or Kyrie II) sounds the most
like the original melody?

- Kyrie I

Which part of Josquin’s Mass (Kyrie I, Christe, or Kyrie II) sounds the least
like the original melody?

- Kyrie II

2. In what ways is the imitation between the voices in the Christe part similar to the
imitation between the voices in the Kyrie I part?

- In the ways is the imitation between the voices in the Christ part similar to
the imitation between the voices in the Kyrie I part the both are start at the
low voice first and going up to the upper voices

3. In what ways is the imitation between the voices different in the Kyrie I and Christe
parts, however?

- In what ways is the imitation between the voices different in the Kyrie I and
Christe parts are the Kyrie I have many note to imitation play in the melisma
technique going up and down like a scale in all of voices but in the Christe
are imitation in the long note rarely to hear melisma technique but in the
somewhere still have the somethings hearing sound like ornaments in
Christe part

4. List at least two ways in which the Kyrie II part sounds different from the Kyrie I

- In the first way Kyrie II in the meters sound like a 6/8 but in the Kyrie I sound
like a meter in 3 the sound are more lively than Kyrie II and the second way
is when have imitation in the Kyrie I start imitation from the lower voices to
the upper voices and imitation repeating until to the cadence but in the
Kyrie II start imitation start from upper voices going to the lower voices and
imitation on the first melodic line only 1 time per 1 voices and after that
every voices have the own counterpoint melodic lines until the cadence

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