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Kindness shows a person character whether they are good or bad.

It has a fundamental value for me as

it gives me happiness whenever I helped someone. When I helped someone I feel good about myself
seeing them happy also makes me happy.

I remember when I was in high school I’m going home from school. It was scorching hot that day even
though I had an umbrella suddenly, I saw an old man selling rugs and candies beside a shop. He looks so
tired and hungry I feel like he hasn’t eaten yet based on his appearance. I felt pity for him because he
shouldn’t be working on his age but still he did. While walking I saw a store nearby and I get him food
and drinks. Then, I gave him the things I bought for him. I saw his face light up and smile right in front of
me. I’m about to cry when I saw his face smiling I felt so happy. We talked for a while and he thanked
me for what I did to him. That were the days I will never forget that I made someone happy and I also
felt happy and proud of myself.

• Self-Love

Self-love has been the most beautiful for me, I learned to fully embrace myself as I am and show the
world how truly proud I am without the fear of being judged, like I used to in the past. For me, being
patient with myself on this journey, is self-love. Knowing that it is okay that I have a hard time letting
things go, but that it is also okay to want better for myself, and it is okay to challenge myself to get
there. Having self-love changes my Spirituality
perspective in life, it gives me positivity, happiness and contentment.
I think it is vital in my journey of self-love, I recognize that I am far from perfect and that there is so
much room inside of me for self-exploration and self-growth. By having self-love, I accepted who I am as
a personPassion Self-Love
and love myself entirely. I want to continually challenge myself and grow into a better person.
Some of the flaws that I worked so hard to love, may now be some of my strengths, and some of my
strengths may have turned into flaws. I truly believe that is the beauty in this process. Back then, I have
been on a bad shape and it affected my self-esteem and self-confidence as I became a victim of bullying.
Those judgements thrown at me became my motivation to improve myself and take care of myself. I
improve my quality of life, I made healthy choices when it comes to food that I eat, I get the right
amount of sleep, and I exercise 3 times a week. It builds my self-confidence and it changes my outlook
in life. Self-love is very important because, taking care of my mental and physical well-being is essential
to achieve my goals in life. However, even though I have learned to love myself exactly as I am, there
are still things about me that I want to work on. I believe that if I stay true to my core of who I am and
what I believe and want for myself, I can challenge myself to grow and develop into the best version that
I can possibly be. Knowing that in each phase of the struggle, I have always been, and will always be,

This is a top value for me. Personal growth and development provides us with both the incentive and
the means to become the best possible version of ourselves. I truly believe that a fundamental part of
our existence is to grow. I think it’s vital that we learn, process, develop and grow us a person, at both
individual levels and as a community and society. I acknowledge that some aspects of my personality
stay the same, but I am always seeking ways to educate myself and grow as a person. This value guides
so much of what I do.


So much of the work I’ve been drawn to over the years, both professionally and in voluntary work, has
centred on empowerment of others.

Again, I find this work to be fulfilling and nourishing. I find that empowerment is a power that you can’t
muster up on your own. It’s a group dynamic that lifts everybody up. And that can only ever be a good

1.) Personality development

My actions:

- Keeping a diary
- affirmation

- Reading and writing

- Developing gratitude

- mindfulness training

2.) Physical health

My actions:

- Healthy nutrition

- Learn to cook

- Sports (swimming, jogging, fitness studio, weight training)

- stretching exercises

- Sufficient sleep

- go for a walk

3.) Mental health

My actions:

- Autogenic Training

- breathing exercises

- meditation

- Progressive muscle relaxation

- tea ceremony

4.) Relationships, friendship, leisure, and family

My actions:

- Quality-Time with wife

- Keeping in touch with distant friends and relatives (telephone)

- Meet friends and do activities together

- Realizing hobbies (fishing, hiking, nature, lake, surfing, traveling)

5.) Work, vocation, career, and money

My actions:

- Always give 110% at work

- Making sense of my work

- Educate me in asset issues (stocks, real estate) (audiobooks, books, Youtube, podcasts, blogs)

- Build passive income streams

- Crossing a border every day

6.) Dreams, desires, and goals

My actions:

- Define life goals and internalize them daily

- 5-minute utopia

I want to have a career/life that includes constant learning and improvement for myself, but that also
creates an atmosphere of pleasurable learning and improvement for others. I want to work with and
around people, and it is important to me that they like me; but it is even more important to me that
they feel that I have helped them in some way – not necessarily that I do a specific good deed, but more
that some kindness or thoughtfulness or wisdom of mine has touched them.

My own personal vision statement involves my biggest hope of buying a house, something I can call my
own; I want to spend quality time with my husband, making our marriage solid; going outside playing
with my children, being able to run and play with them.

husband, friends and family. Growing and expanding. Living Truth and living with integrity. Loving freely
and accepting love.

The only way that I can build on my character and humbleness is by listening to the wise and taking in
what the past has to offer so that my future will be brighter. Waking up every morning with a motive of
change and a hunger for success is what gives me the ability to have a career, not a job.

My personal vision is to I wish that I can

My personal vision is to be a woman of positive influence. I want to be able to share that happen to
cross my way. My vision is for people to be happy and thank God for bringing me there way. I am
fulfilled only by helping people find happiness. However, to be able to do this, I must have broad
knowledge and be well informed with the happenings around the world; I must also develop and
upgrade myself regularly. My vision for my community is to have a peaceful community. A community
that will be free of abuses and oppressions. A community where everybody is considered important and
treated as such. Where there will be freedom of expression and every member has equal access to basic
facilities that make life comfortable. My vision for the world is to leave in a world where I can be free to
go everywhere without fear. A world where everybody is equal no matter their colour, sex or language.
A world without barriers. I want to be a voice of our future correspondent to be able to be a woman
that will bring changes to my world, community. I am sure that I need all the available information and
education to be able to impact and impart positively in my sphere of influence.

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