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Synthesis of the Art

Ralph Lawrence Mabelin

Norilyn Eusebio
Arnold Artificio
Vic Angelo Balitian

Music is probably the secret weapon of today’s stressful world we live in. According to
Kathleen A. Corrigall, E.Glenn Schellenberg (2013), Music can evoke strong and positive
emotions. Moreover, human response is highly reactive to music even though they don’t have
that of a musician’s knowledge. According to Patrick G. Hunter , E. Glenn Schellenberg. (2010),
there is a contradiction to music as a stress reliever. Based on his ideology, One is still
unanswered question of the affective reactions to music: whether they consist of true emotions,
moods, aesthetic emotions, or liking responses. He presumes that music is not that effective to
human’s emotions, he believes that it is only a short period reaction. Once a person hears music,
it naturally makes thems feel something and changes their mood depending on the type of music
that is played. These two sources of informations is interrelated to Koelsch, S. (2014). Brain
correlates of music-evoked emotions. The potential of music to modulate activity in these
structures has important implications for the use of music in the treatment of psychiatric and
neurological disorders. His article sustains the ideas of both parties, music’s effect to human
emotions because of our brain. Either way, since music affects our emotions, therefore, it is a
stress reliever because even if it doesn’t consume stress at all, it minimizes the possibility of
being depressed . Most especially to students which brings a tons of querry complaining their
work loads in school.

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