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AL- Bayan University

College of Pathological Analysis

2st Year 2020 / 2021

Lab 8


Assistant Lecturer
Mustafa Saleem
Dr. Mustafa Saleem

Albumin is the most abundant protein in human plasma
from 20 weeks of gestation, representing 40-60% of the
total protein. It is synthesized exclusively in the liver. The
rate of synthesis is depended on protein intake and subject
to feedback regulation by the plasma albumin level. The
half-life of albumin is estimated at 15-19 days. Traces of
albumin can be found in almost all extra vascular body
fluids. The loss of albumin via the glomerular filtrate is very
small as almost all the albumin is reabsorbed by the
proximal tubular cells.
I. Hypoalbuminaemia is very common and may result due to the
following factors
1. Impaired synthesis: Diminished protein intake or liver disease
2. Increased catabolism: Due to tissue damage on inflammation
3. Reduce absorption of amino acid: caused by malabsorption
syndrome or malnutrition.
4. Protein loss in urine: Due to Nephrotic syndrome chronic
glomerular nephritis, Diabetes…etc.
5. Protein loss in faeces: Due to protein losing enteropathy
6. Protein loss through the skin: Burns
7. Altered distribution: as for instance in ascites
2.Hyper albumin: is of little diagnostic signification except in

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