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Metacognition is understood as the knowing of

knowing itself, or even learning how to learn. This
concept “includes any knowledge or cognitive activity
that has its goal or adjusts any aspect of any cognitive

Metacognitive control has the following characteristics:
It isn't stable. Metacognitive control is associated with
cognitive activity, meaning it depends on the situation
and the concrete task.
 It's relatively independent of age.
 It's a largely procedural and subconscious process.

 Fewer resources of cognitive progress
 Attention split between execution and evaluation
 Inaccurately judge own performance

Conclusion and Recommendation

 Recommendation Beliefs are the root of learning to
instruct metacognitive and cognitive system to work.
With regard to this notion, the study suggests that
beliefs in the importance of self-questioning is
necessary to be promoted because thinking is not
driven by answers but by questions.

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