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Art of Fashion

What is art?

Art is one of forms of social consciousness. It is a type of human activity that reflects reality in
sensory images in accordance with certain aesthetic ideals. It’s cognition and reproduction of the
world through feelings and experiences.
Art represents a sensitive part of a human. Artists create a new reality based in the world’s
milestones occasions.

Yayoi Kusama. “Accumulation No. 1.” 1962. © 2020 Yayoi Kusama

social consciousness - суспільна свідомість
cognition - пізнання
world’s milestones occasions - наймасштабніші події світу
The colors are vivid.

Na Seoil “Rapture.” 2020. © 2020 Na Seoil

subtle colors
gaudy colors
dull colors
overlapping composition
cluttered composition
flowing composition
raised texture
flat texture
However, art is not just a form of emotional representing, but also a big market.
It’s very difficult for artists to determine their main values. Commercialism
of art can be considered as a negative aspect, as a loss of the main essence of
the high art due to which an artist must create without financial benefits.
However, the others believe that an art work is a product that has its own place in
the market, its customers and a corresponding price. Commercialism of art is
very vexed question.


to determine - визначити
commercialism - комерціалізація
corresponding price - відповідна ціна
vexed question - спірне питання
What’s fashion for you?
What is fashion?

Fashion - from the French “façon”- creating particular shape or style.

There are three meanings of the word fashion:

1). Movements – changing of trends.
Fashion is not a style. Fashion is changing of styles. Fashion is the rule, that forbids any style to be too durable.
2). Something new.
3). Fashion is a language used by individuals to separate themselves or to make statements.
Fashion is closely related to clothes production,
although it hasn’t stopped in this area. Fashion is a
wide concept of how people distinguish themselves by
different social groups with clothes, hair-dress, make-
up and even lifestyle.
When talking about a fashion industry, we imply a big
business and a massive industry with huge property. This
industry has specific rules of performance, which
differentiate it from other businesses.

It’s important to emphasize that fashion itself is more

commercialized nowadays in comparison to art.

imply - підрозумівати
differentiate - вирізняти
There is no doubt that
fashion designers are
great artists. But the
question is whether
people would wear the
clothes, that were
proposed by an artist?
The answer is no.
It’s hard to imagine us
wearing, for example,
amazing couture
dresses of the
designer Guo Pei.
However, we can find a
classical collection created
by the same designer and
Why? The reason is that
the fashion is
commercialized due to the
needs of the customers.
What is Prêt-à-Porte (Ready-to-Wear) and Haute Couture?
Before the 20 century only wealthy people could afford to wear fashion garment. Haute Couture – from
French “high sewing” - is a dress that was intentionally created for a particular person, in a certain size
and only for individual patterns. The dress was one-of-a-kind.

The industry changed when Charles Frederick Worth opened his first fashion house in 1826. The
designer kept on sewing clothes for each client individually, although till that moment without individual
patterns, but using the House’s models and fabrics. In addition, it took less time to produce it. So, people
started to say, that those robes are ready to wear. From that moment the dresses became more accessible.

Prêt-à-Porte (Ready-to-Wear)
Haute Couture
garment - одяг
one-of-a-kind - один в своєму роді
robes - плаття, одяг
Today, Haute couture is the highest segment of a fashion market, the highest craftsmanship of a
sewing art, exclusive models produced by the most famous designers and Fashion houses, which are a
part of FÉDÉRATION DE LA HAUTE COUTURE ET DE LA MODE (the governing body in the fashion
industry). Haute couture collection is a quality mark of a brand. It shows the history, craftsmanship,
heritage of the brand. These are real masterpieces of art.

The rules of the fashion industry don’t allow to be profitable just with Haute Couture collection.
(because, as we have seen, people are not going to buy this product). For that reason almost all brands
launch Ready-To-Wear collections with more reasonable prices and a more comfortable style.

craftsmanship - майстерна робота

quality mark - знак якості
heritage - культурний спадок
1. A fashion industry takes the second place of
the most polluting industries of our planet. An
oil industry takes the first place.
2. There are 5 fashion capitals: Paris, New
York, London, Milan, Tokyo.
3. The luxury fashion companies are usually
small in comparison to other segments of
4. Paradox: Fashion luxury companies quite
often unprofitable, despite being well-invested.
5. We buy 400% more clothes than we did 20
years ago.
6. The clothes we buy are spending more time
in landfill than they are in our possession.
7. By the year of 2035, millennials will have
become the largest spending generation in
Is Fashion Art?
For Against

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