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Banking Data

Median Median Years Median Median Median Household Average Bank

Age Education Income Home Value Wealth Balance
35.9 14.8 $91,033 $183,104 $220,741 $38,517
37.7 13.8 $86,748 $163,843 $223,152 $40,618
36.8 13.8 $72,245 $142,732 $176,926 $35,206
35.3 13.2 $70,639 $145,024 $166,260 $33,434
35.3 13.2 $64,879 $135,951 $148,868 $28,162
34.8 13.7 $75,591 $155,334 $188,310 $36,708
39.3 14.4 $80,615 $181,265 $201,743 $38,766
36.6 13.9 $76,507 $149,880 $189,727 $34,811
35.7 16.1 $107,935 $276,139 $211,085 $41,032
40.5 15.1 $82,557 $182,088 $220,782 $41,742
37.9 14.2 $58,294 $123,500 $132,432 $29,950
43.1 15.8 $88,041 $194,369 $267,556 $51,107
37.7 12.9 $64,597 $119,305 $186,156 $34,936
36.0 13.1 $64,894 $141,011 $160,017 $32,387
40.4 16.1 $61,091 $194,928 $113,559 $32,150
33.8 13.6 $76,771 $159,531 $197,264 $37,996
36.4 13.5 $55,609 $123,085 $105,582 $24,672
37.7 12.8 $74,091 $143,750 $217,869 $37,603
36.2 12.9 $53,713 $112,649 $117,441 $26,785
39.1 12.7 $60,262 $126,928 $161,322 $32,576
39.4 16.1 $111,548 $230,893 $331,009 $56,569
36.1 12.8 $48,600 $105,737 $106,671 $26,144
35.3 12.7 $51,419 $104,149 $111,168 $24,558
37.5 12.8 $51,182 $106,898 $88,370 $23,584
34.4 12.8 $60,753 $95,869 $143,115 $26,773
33.7 13.8 $64,601 $103,737 $134,223 $27,877
40.4 13.2 $62,164 $114,257 $144,038 $28,507
38.9 12.7 $46,607 $94,576 $114,799 $27,096
34.3 12.7 $61,446 $122,619 $161,538 $28,018
38.7 12.8 $62,024 $134,430 $149,351 $31,283
33.4 12.6 $54,986 $105,647 $126,929 $24,671
35.0 12.7 $48,182 $114,436 $102,732 $25,280
38.1 12.7 $47,388 $92,820 $118,016 $24,890
34.9 12.5 $55,273 $102,468 $126,959 $26,114
36.1 12.9 $53,892 $92,968 $129,176 $27,570
32.7 12.6 $47,923 $104,539 $88,384 $20,826
37.1 12.5 $46,176 $92,654 $101,964 $23,858
23.5 13.6 $33,088 $105,430 $44,223 $20,834
38.0 13.6 $53,890 $108,446 $95,013 $26,542
33.6 12.7 $57,390 $111,836 $134,434 $27,396
41.7 13.0 $48,439 $100,788 $124,474 $31,054
36.6 14.1 $56,803 $149,138 $101,695 $29,198
34.9 12.4 $52,392 $93,875 $133,101 $24,650
36.7 12.8 $48,631 $95,490 $105,202 $23,610
38.4 12.5 $52,500 $105,377 $139,199 $29,706
34.8 12.5 $42,401 $106,478 $94,867 $21,572
33.6 12.7 $64,792 $116,071 $185,714 $32,677
37.0 14.1 $59,842 $106,949 $135,329 $29,347
34.4 12.7 $65,625 $129,688 $175,000 $29,127
37.2 12.5 $54,044 $108,654 $140,726 $27,753
35.7 12.6 $39,707 $89,552 $80,124 $21,345
37.8 12.9 $45,286 $108,431 $91,928 $28,174
35.6 12.8 $37,784 $92,712 $60,721 $19,125
35.7 12.4 $52,284 $92,143 $146,028 $29,763
34.3 12.4 $42,944 $86,192 $98,778 $22,275
39.8 13.4 $46,036 $99,508 $98,343 $27,005
36.2 12.3 $50,357 $90,750 $126,613 $24,076
35.1 12.3 $45,521 $82,720 $105,346 $23,293
35.6 16.1 $30,418 $139,739 $24,999 $16,854
40.7 12.7 $52,500 $94,792 $147,222 $28,867
33.5 12.5 $41,795 $94,456 $91,806 $21,556
37.5 12.5 $66,667 $78,906 $143,750 $31,758
37.6 12.9 $38,596 $95,364 $54,453 $17,939
39.1 12.6 $44,286 $93,103 $110,465 $22,579
33.1 12.2 $37,287 $75,561 $86,591 $19,343
36.4 12.9 $38,184 $80,099 $76,438 $21,534
37.3 12.5 $47,119 $88,958 $102,993 $22,357
38.7 13.6 $44,520 $96,112 $93,915 $25,276
36.9 12.7 $52,838 $101,705 $75,040 $23,077
32.7 12.3 $34,688 $82,870 $93,750 $20,082
36.1 12.4 $31,770 $74,525 $47,446 $15,912
39.5 12.8 $32,994 $89,223 $50,592 $21,145
36.5 12.3 $33,891 $72,739 $81,880 $18,340
32.9 12.4 $37,813 $86,667 $69,643 $19,196
29.9 12.3 $46,528 $88,889 $96,591 $21,798
32.1 12.3 $30,319 $67,083 $34,367 $13,677
36.1 13.3 $36,492 $172,768 $24,999 $20,572
35.9 12.4 $51,818 $80,357 $135,185 $26,242
32.7 12.2 $35,625 $64,737 $76,321 $17,077
37.2 12.6 $36,789 $86,563 $69,764 $20,020
38.8 12.3 $42,750 $77,717 $95,192 $25,385
37.5 13.0 $30,412 $138,911 $24,999 $20,463
36.4 12.5 $37,083 $70,909 $95,833 $21,670
42.4 12.6 $31,563 $81,597 $71,759 $15,961
19.5 16.1 $15,395 $67,500 $24,999 $5,956
30.5 12.8 $21,433 $83,456 $24,999 $11,380
33.2 12.3 $31,250 $91,049 $52,976 $18,959
36.7 12.5 $31,344 $77,541 $36,510 $16,100
32.4 12.6 $29,733 $60,252 $27,531 $14,620
36.5 12.4 $41,607 $76,270 $98,455 $22,340
33.9 12.1 $32,813 $40,313 $79,167 $26,405
29.6 12.1 $29,375 $52,096 $24,999 $13,693
37.5 11.1 $34,896 $65,357 $81,818 $20,586
34.0 12.6 $20,578 $113,239 $24,999 $14,095
28.7 12.1 $32,574 $50,244 $49,662 $14,393
36.1 12.2 $30,589 $69,375 $48,890 $16,352
30.6 12.3 $26,565 $64,038 $42,543 $17,410
22.8 12.3 $16,590 $67,850 $24,999 $10,436
30.3 12.2 $9,354 $91,708 $24,999 $9,904
22.0 12.0 $14,115 $53,923 $24,999 $9,071
30.8 11.9 $17,992 $46,885 $24,999 $10,679
35.1 11.0 $7,741 $99,375 $24,999 $6,207
Median Years Education Median Home Value
Median Years Education 1 0.75
Median Home Value 0.75 1

1.) The correlation between median years education and median home value is
0.75; r=.75 which indicates a strong positive correlation. Consequently, those
who have higher years of education tends to have a good home value while
those who have lesser years of education tends to have insufficient home value.
Moving forward, I choose median years of education and median home value
because it obtains a higher correlation than the others. I also want to know and
determine whether the years of education correlate with the home value.


Median Home Value





10.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 17.0
Median Years of Education

2.) Based on the scatterplot, it shows that the correlation between median years
education and median home value is high (0.75). It is evident that it is positively
high because the points move upwards.
Median Years Education Median Home Value SUMMARY OUTPUT
14.8 $183,104
13.8 $163,843 Regression Statistics
13.8 $142,732 Multiple R
13.2 $145,024 R Square
13.2 $135,951 Adjusted R Square
13.7 $155,334 Standard Error
14.4 $181,265 Observations
13.9 $149,880
16.1 $276,139 ANOVA
15.1 $182,088
14.2 $123,500 Regression
15.8 $194,369 Residual
12.9 $119,305 Total
13.1 $141,011
16.1 $194,928
13.6 $159,531 Intercept
13.5 $123,085 Median Years Education
12.8 $143,750
12.9 $112,649
12.7 $126,928 3.) Based on the computation, the correlation
16.1 $230,893 significant relationship between the median y
12.8 $105,737 value, r(102) = 0.75, p > 0.05 (alpha = 0.05).
12.7 $104,149
12.8 $106,898
12.8 $95,869 4.) Upon computing the correlation and the p
13.8 $103,737 (2) variables from banking data, namely medi
13.2 $114,257 and positive correlation. The reason for this is
12.7 $94,576 the value of +0.7 is considered as high correla
12.7 $122,619 variables, I was also able to generate a scatter
because the points move upwards (those who
12.8 $134,430
higher median home value like $276,139). Mo
12.6 $105,647 determine that the correlation between medi
12.7 $114,436 statistically significant since it resulted to 6.38
12.7 $92,820 no significant relationship between the media
12.5 $102,468 0.75, p > 0.05 (alpha = 0.05). Generally, the re
12.9 $92,968 home value have a strong positive correlation
there is no significant relationship between th
12.5 $92,654
13.6 $105,430
13.6 $108,446
12.7 $111,836
13.0 $100,788
14.1 $149,138
12.4 $93,875
12.8 $95,490
12.5 $105,377
12.5 $106,478
12.7 $116,071
14.1 $106,949
12.7 $129,688
12.5 $108,654
12.6 $89,552
12.9 $108,431
12.8 $92,712
12.4 $92,143
12.4 $86,192
13.4 $99,508
12.3 $90,750
12.3 $82,720
16.1 $139,739
12.7 $94,792
12.5 $94,456
12.5 $78,906
12.9 $95,364
12.6 $93,103
12.2 $75,561
12.9 $80,099
12.5 $88,958
13.6 $96,112
12.7 $101,705
12.3 $82,870
12.4 $74,525
12.8 $89,223
12.3 $72,739
12.4 $86,667
12.3 $88,889
12.3 $67,083
13.3 $172,768
12.4 $80,357
12.2 $64,737
12.6 $86,563
12.3 $77,717
13.0 $138,911
12.5 $70,909
12.6 $81,597
16.1 $67,500
12.8 $83,456
12.3 $91,049
12.5 $77,541
12.6 $60,252
12.4 $76,270
12.1 $40,313
12.1 $52,096
11.1 $65,357
12.6 $113,239
12.1 $50,244
12.2 $69,375
12.3 $64,038
12.3 $67,850
12.2 $91,708
12.0 $53,923
11.9 $46,885
11.0 $99,375
ression Statistics
6.38 > 0.05

df SS MS F Significance F
1 86311959580.26 86311959580 131.37115093 6.38432E-20
100 65700847538.06 657008475.38
101 152012807118

Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95% Lower 95.0%
-270756.09033 33042.11471014 -8.1942724522 8.668628E-13 -336310.70483 -205201.47583 -336310.70483
29083.503144 2537.445448376 11.461725478 6.38432E-20 24049.2836448 34117.722644 24049.283645

the computation, the correlation is not statistically significant. There is no

lationship between the median years of education and median home
= 0.75, p > 0.05 (alpha = 0.05).

mputing the correlation and the p-value through regression, I was able to know that the two
from banking data, namely median years education and median home value have a high
correlation. The reason for this is because it resulted to 0.75 which is above higher since
+0.7 is considered as high correlation. With the given banking data from the two (2)
as also able to generate a scatterplot which shows that the correlation is positively high
points move upwards (those who have 16.1 median years of education tends to obtain a
n home value like $276,139). Moving forward, upon computing the p-value, I was able to
at the correlation between median years education and median home value is not
gnificant since it resulted to 6.38 which is much higher than alpha = 0.05. Hence, There is
relationship between the median years of education and median home value, r(102) =
5 (alpha = 0.05). Generally, the results indicate that median years education and median
have a strong positive correlation but it is not statistically significant which emphasizes that
gnificant relationship between the two (2) variables.
Upper 95.0%

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