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Date: _June 29th 2020 Name: Miguel Llamoza_


1. Match the following terms (a-j) with their definitions (1-10). (0.5 each – 5pts) 4
a. Half-sister 1. A sum payable as a first installment
on the purchase of something or as a pledge
for a contract, the balance being
payable later. 0.5
b. Deposit 2. A structure with a roof and walls, such as a
house, school, store, or factory. 0
c. Necklace 3. A small free-swimming crustacean with an
elongated body, typically marine and
frequently harvested for food. 0.5
d. Plenty 4. A person, especially a man, who rents land,
a building, or an apartment to a tenant. 0.5
e. Shrimp 5. An amount of money owed for goods
supplied or services rendered, set out in a
printed or written statement of charges. 0
f. Building 6.  Cloth woven from flax. 0.5
g. Side dish 7. An ornamental chain or string of beads,
jewels, or links worn around the neck. 0.5
h. Landlord 8. A sister with whom one has only one parent
in common. 0.5
i. Bill 9. A large or sufficient amount or quantity;
more than enough. 0.5
j. Linen 10. A dish served as subsidiary to the main
one. 0.5

2. Write 5 words with “-tion”. (0.4 each – 2pts) 2

a. Definition 0.4
b. Dictation 0.4
c. Information 0.4
d. Detection 0.4
e. Interrogation 0.4

3. Write 5 words with non-sound letters. (0.4 each - 2pts) 2

a. Write 0.4
b. Walk 0.4
c. Talk 0.4
d. Knew 0.4
e. Know 0.4
4. Write the abbreviations for the following words. (0.4 each – 2pts) 1
a. Laundry Ldry 0.4
b. Parking Prkg 0.4
c. Extra Ext 0 Xtra
d. Excellent Exce 0 Xint
e. Dishwasher Dsh. Wshr 0.2

5. Write 5 pairs of homophones. (0.4 each - 2pts) 2

a. Know-no 0.4
b. Knew-new 0.4
c. See-sea 0.4
d. There-their-they´re 0.4
e. By-bye-buy 0.4
6. Write one (1) sentence with both/either/neither (0.5 each – 1.5pts) 1.5
a. Both of them play soccer in the garden. 0.5
b. Either Tom or Miguel will go to the cinema. 0.5
c. Neither Tom nor Miguel go to the party. 0.5

7. Underline the correct option in the following sentences. (0.5 each – 2.5pts) 2
a. She's a good friend. She's very/too nice person. 0.5
b. They didn't accept him to the school basketball team. They say that he's very/too
short to play on the team. 0.5
c. I have a test tomorrow but I can't study because I'm very/too tired. Every time I try
to study I fall asleep! 0.5
d. He is a successful businessman. He's very/too rich. 0 VERY
e. I haven´t eaten in 10 hours, I’m very/too hungry. 0.5

8. Complete the sentences with the given verbs in Past Simple tense. (0.5 each – 3pt) 2.25
a. I didn´t pay (pay - neg) $40 for these four books yesterday. 0.5
b. She ___hurt____ (hurt) me so much, that I still have trust issues. 0.5
c. Karen & Mikaela plan (plan) our wedding! 0 PLANNED
d. Did he cried (cry) all night last night? 0.25 CRY
e. My mom told (tell) me not to talk to you. 0.5
f. My best friend sold (sell) some of her clothes online and earned $100! 0.5

9. FIND THE MISTAKE!! (0.5 each – 2pts) 1

a. I like the movie, because it is too interesting.
I like the movie, because it is very interesting. 0.5
b. Did he finished his homework?
No tiene. 0 FINISH
c. There is some carrots.
There are some carrots. 0.5
d. Both house are blue.
No tiene. 0 HOUSES

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