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History of sustainable tourism and what are the impacts that

are affecting the destination tourism and how the

sustainable tourism will benefit the tourism of Pakistan.

Muteeb Ahmed Mughal
Level 6
Diploma in Tourism and Hospitality Management
Ambassador School of Toruism and Hotel Management

Sustainable Tourism
The purpose of this study to find all the problems that are effecting the Pakistan
tourism and what are the things that are stopping the destination to implement the
sustainable tourism. The sustainable tourism is most important thing that is needed for
the destination to implement and it will help the country to use the available sources
and implement them in a way which is good for both the environment and economy.
The European and American nations are already working and researching on this field
of tourism and they are not far away when they will be successfully implemented the
sustainable tourism in their destinations. As the tourism is the largest and fastest
growing industries in the world and every country wanted to implement the tourism
and make way which tourism will not affect their culture, social values. religion and
environment. In our study we have used different indicators to discuss how the
sustainable tourism can be implemented on the destination. To create this paper the
researchers used different keywords that are clearly related to sustainable tourism and
looked in the papers from 1900 to 2019 and after that the researcher also looked on
the past books that were published on this topic. The main methods that are used to
research is mixed method which gives the advantage to use both qualitative and
quantitative studies in our research paper work. The author of the paper have
researched the papers from 1990 to 2019 in which he discussed about the indicators
and stakeholders that are essential in the field. In the results the researcher has found
that there isn’t quite a study in our chosen destination which makes it harder to study
deeply. We have made quite of recommendations which will help the chosen
destination to enhance the tourism and in future they will implement sustainable
tourism through the help of sustainable developments, goals and indicators. To
recapitulate that sustainable tourism is mandatory for a destination to meet the both
economy and environmental needs.

Political Influence, Sustainable tourism, Sustainable developments, global warming,
rural tourism, effects of over tourism, globalization, sustainable Tourism Indicators,
Governance, sustainable development goals.

Table of Contents
Chapter 01- Background/ Rationale 04
Introduction 04
Sustainable developments and the history of sustainable tourism……… 04
Chapter 02- Research purpose and objectives 07
Introduction 07
Problem Statement 07
Chapter 03- Literature review 09
Introduction 09
Stakeholders 09

Sustainable tourism indicators 09

Political Instability 10

Chapter 04- Research Methodology 13

Introduction 13
Research Methodology 13

Chapter 05- Findings 15

Introduction 15

Findings 15

Strengths 16

Weaknesses 17

Chapter 06- Discussion & Conclusion 19

Discussion 19

Conclusion 20

Chapter 07- Recommendations 21

References 23

Appendix 24


In this chapter we will discuss about the history of tourism and sustainable
developments through which we will be able to learn about the sustainable tourism
and how it emerged. Through this we will establishes the scope, context and the
significance of the research study.

Sustainable development and the history of sustainable tourism

The idea of sustainable tourism didn't emerge instantaneously in people's minds, but it
impacts the developments of global resources and people's movement. In the past, an
argument was going on by Stabler that the new conservation movement was an
indication of the principles and practices that we called sustainable developments. In
1972 the three critical meetings were held, which will introduce the recent changes
and products for the future of tourism. The first meeting was held at The United
Nations (UN) Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm (UNEP, 1972)
after that the publication of the Club of Rome's report, The Limits of Growth
(Meadows et al., 1972); and UNESCO's (UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural
Organization) Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and
Natural Heritage (Dangi & Jamal, 2016). The primary aim of this meeting was the
Eco development that was based on a few points. The first thing was to enhance
individuals' capacity to fulfill the desire to be useful and wanted, which exalt the
labor-intensive and social directed efforts for the environment. After that, the second
thing was to enlarge the scope of communities to be self-sustaining, thereby leading to
the replenishment of renewable resources and the careful use of non-renewable
resources; and enhancing the fairness and justice of society, in environmental terms,
avoiding wasteful consumption. In the early period, many journals and scholarly
papers the sustainable developments often used reciprocally. For example, Barbier's
(1987) comprehensive treatment of sustainable economic development included the
term sustainability. The main aim of sustainable development is to provide live hood

and secure them with minimum resources. Another way to maximize goals across
biological, economic, and social systems, including forestry, agriculture, and fishery.
Tourism is defined as the social phenomena created by the movement of people from
one place to another and stay at a place away from their main home. These tourism
activities generate revenue and customer-brand relationship. Every day the tourism
industry handles the impacts of the environment and potential visitors. Today, the
tourism business is the only objective-oriented, which means they forgot the real
tourism means. Therefore they think that good tourism performance depends on
monetary and non-monetary benefits without concern for the environment and
cultural impacts.
Sustainable tourism is a new niche in which tourism meets the standards of meeting
the needs of present generation tourists and without affecting the environment for the
future of tourism. In other words, it means that making tourist destinations a better
place for tourists. Implement sustainable tourism; there are longer-term objectives,
local and global action, social, economic, and environmental issues as inseparable and
interdependent human progress components (JIBED, 2018). Sustainable tourism
developments are based on three main principles. The first thing is economic
efficiency, which means that to boost the local community's benefits by taking
account of social and environmental costs, including the external costs. After taking
into consideration, the next point is ecological care, in other words, to protect the non-
renewable environmental and natural resources and also the impact limitation (JIBED,
2018). The last thing is the emerging market of new technologies that impact
sustainable tourism by emerging with new innovative products and services that
challenge environmental sustainability and green growth to confront the economic
They are a plethora of factors that are influencing sustainability on local and
international aspects. Food is an essential element in sustainable tourism. In recent
times the research has shown that the increase in local food consumption has
numerous effects that will benefit the local community (Enteleca Research and
Consultancy, 2001; Torres, 2002).To reduce the carbon footprint, the researchers have
led to buy local food vital for the tourism industry (Boniface, 2003; Mitchell & Hall,
2003).throughout the world; tourism destinations are competing with each other in a
proposal attract the tourists. According to Urry (1995), tourism reflexivity where
every destination creates the goods and services that differentiate them from the rest

of the competitors. The local tourist states that they consider the local food iconic
because it captures a particular place (Bessi'ere, 1998; Urry, 1990).
According to World Tourism Organization, sustainable tourism must be based on
these points, like the optimal use of environmental resources that established a crucial
source in the development of tourism and respecting the host country's traditional
values and socio-cultural authenticity. The last thing is to ensure a high level of tourist
satisfaction and a meaningful experience for the visitors, increasing their knowledge
about sustainability issues, and promoting sustainable. Tourism can create adverse
effects in people's minds; in other words, if the tourism sector cannot maintain
properly, then the local people will have the fear and phobia of tourism. So in recent
years, the considerable interaction in tourism, the environment, and the tourists has
drawn researchers and practitioners' attention.

The past articles clearly define qualitative study of the sustainable tourism of all the
countries in South Asia region. Our research aim in the study was to identify the past
problems and influences on sustainable tourism and develop the study for the future
of the industry. The purpose of this research is to identify the nature and especially the
concept of sustainable tourism compared with background of sustainable development
and also determining the conditions in which it can be applied through Asian
conditions. It’s also important to recognize and define the research problems in the
area of sustainable tourism.
Problem Statement
The international tourism organizations have focused creating different studies on the
development of sustainable tourism strategies for different economies. Despite many
work is done in the tourism industry of Pakistan but there is need to design the society
tourism strategies for sustainable tourism. This problem is that the increasing rate of
unemployment, ecological problems, global warming, political influences and the
position of Pakistan in the world. Every year the unemployment rate in Pakistan
increases and in 2019 it increased the most from 4.08% to 4.45% the addition was
0.37%. The increase was increased due to increasing number of graduates, increasing
population, poverty and political impact. Pakistan also lacks the number of industries
which is important to create opportunities. Pakistan is the land which is filled with
rich culture heritage and captivating history, and natural sites which can bring a lot of
visitors and create the new sustainable developments. Many sustainable tourism plans
are created at the beginning of the year are yet to be implemented. In this study we
will address the problems and provide the solution for the problem. After studying
and researching the main problems Pakistan tourism is facing are poverty,
unemployment and the change of environment etc.
The purpose of the statement is to clear the objectives of sustainable tourism which
are quality of life, protecting the natural land from the impacts, improving the life of

local residents and businessmen, and the most important thing is to give the economic
benefits and enhance the tourists experience in the destination. In Pakistan there are
plethora of rural places which can benefit the community and increase the number of
visitors which can exceed the number of local people. Increasing the tourism and
creates the sustainable developments can become the main source of income and local
governmental bodies will also support it. The objectives of sustainable tourism will be
to introduce the more diverse economic activities in Pakistan and increase the benefits
for local people which is not related to economy like local arts and crafts, medical,
improving and advancing in the education sector and aware the tourist and people
about sustainability.


To define the literature review is systematic, reproducible, and a systematic method to
identify the data and researching through the existing body of completed and recorded
work produced by researchers, scholars and practitioners. It is noted by Boote and
Beile that a practical literature review is the foundation and inspiration for substantial
and useful research.
Stakeholders are those who are affected by the development of tourism and they can
be any group or individual. When planning the sustainable tourism strategies the most
important role is played by the key factors such as governments, business, non-
government organizations, residents and the temporary populations. Tourists are the
most important stakeholders and the sustainable tourism development meets the need
of present tourists and the host of the destination while they are increasing the
opportunities for the future generation and protecting the sources. The stakeholders
are anticipated as the leader of management of all resources and in such a way they
fulfill the needs of economic, social and environmental while maintaining life support
systems, cultural integrity, biological diversity and essential ecological processes. The
sustainable tourism is dependent variable and stakeholders are independent the
relationship between them is that the stakeholders like business community, host
destinations, and the non-governmental organizations plays the central role. Both the
public and private stakeholders are crucial stakeholders. For the long-term objectives
depends upon the response of industry.
Sustainable tourism indicators
The sustainable tourism generally regard as the goal to balance the economic,
environmental, and social needs of all the stake holders in considering the impacts of
tourism. When aiming the implement the sustainable tourism there are plethora of
indicators that are consider which led the developments and asses the sustainability.
There is a rise in the indicators at the destination level. There are different methods
that are proposed for the development of tourism indicators. The two main routes that

to develop the indicators are scientific approach and policy-maker approach. In the
study of development of indicators that was developed by Miller and it concluded that
it is very important to win the good support of the local people involved in the
development of tourism. Before choosing the sustainable tourism indicators it is
important to understand the meaning of sustainable tourism development with the
societies and clarify the concept which is applied to the local context. To properly
assess the sustainable tourism development it is very important gain the technical and
scientific experience which is required.
Political Instability
In past decades people have researched about the sustainable tourism and many
articles and journals are written and implemented. The aim of his article is to analyze
the political and social capacity which is affected by over-tourism and the impact that
had been created on the sustainable. There are plethora of variables that effect on the
sustainable tourism and in literature review we will define the sustainable tourism
concept, impact, influences and relation with other variables. The important indicator
which had huge impact on tourism is government role and the question is what the
role of government in the tourism sector? While other sector can run on their own, the
tourism and hospitality sector is depend on the government and their policies.
Because government creates and implements the laws and regulations.
Political variable connected with sustainable tourism for quite long time and it affects
the tourism of the country in many ways. The political issues and the environment
creates stimulus reaction on sustainable tourism. In the early report by UNWTO it is
suggested that many tourism plans were created but they rarely get to be implemented
the reasons were given by Hall (2000) that they are too difficult and impractically
they can’t be connected to the governmental institutions. However these plans are too
unworkable because to implement the plan the cooperation is mandatory between all
the political management. The sustainable tourism industry need all the political
parties’ commitment in the sustainable developments. In the sustainable developments
private sector has to take market-oriented approach and the public sector needs to take
supply oriented approach. The connection between the sustainable tourism and
political influence is that political influence is indecent for doing welfare of society
but if they have to increase their economy they have to be dependent on sustainable
tourism. All the other institutions have mediator variable role in between them. The
main agenda of a political party is to increase the revenue and gain lots of tax and

they don’t restore the visitor places which should be maintained on regular basis.
Another question arises that how we can prevent tourism industry from political
influence? In many countries the rules of tourism are made by private organizations
and they are also controlled by private business owner.
The second variable that is sustainable developments which the sustainable tourism is
dependent on but the sustainable development is independent variable. According to
UNWTO the sustainable tourism development is the tourism that makes the plan of
present and future of economic and environmental activities, also addressing the
needs of tourists, the industries and the host countries. In Pakistan all the public and
private organizations aren’t implementing any sustainable tourism developments
which is needed. Many people in Pakistan are facing poverty issues and due to that
there are many problems rise like hunger, child labor, increase in pollution and many
other. The children in Pakistan are exposed to many different types of violence attacks
which includes physical, psychological and sexual which creates a bad image of not
only the country but also about its people in global media. In a report it was recorded
that 3.3 million children are trapped in the child labor which deprives them of their
basic needs like childhood, education, food and health. The poverty and child labor
plays the role of moderator between the sustainable development and sustainable
tourism because its effects can change the image of sustainable tourism.
The third variable that plays a vital role is technology and the question is how
technology can made new sustainable developments in tourism sector? Throughout
the world all the countries are advancing on the technology sector. Technology made
easy for the tourist to accesses, review and give feedback about the destination. Now
people can check in hotel sector with physically going to the front office. Security
also improved due to technology which ensures the people safety. But how Pakistan
will gets benefits through the technology? The international media is portraying the
Pakistan as a terrorist country with the help of technology Pakistan can ensure the
international tourists that Pakistan is safe to travel and visits as a tourist destination.
In the tourism and hospitality sector environmental indicator can change the outcome
of the situation. Local people of Pakistan are not aware of the current situation and
they don’t have the knowledge about the environmental activates and how the global
warming can affect the business. So the question how people can be aware of the
current situation and what is the role of environment in sustainable tourism of
Pakistan? The answer is that it is the responsibility of private and public organizations

that are linked to the country weather, environment and tourism. The climate change
in recent years have hard impacts on people life because in summer people of
southern Punjab have to suffer the worst hot temperature and before two or three
decades summer was for only 6 months but the situation is changed. Local visitors
have polluted the tourist locations of with garbage, used cigarettes and other wastage
items which made parks and lakes look like some garbage dump. Also the usage of
the private transport and self-own vehicles created the bad effects on the weather.
The other variable that is connected to tourism and helps the country to develop the
sustainable tourism is globalization though it doesn’t have any direct relation with but
it had deep impact on the tourism industry. Our world become global village where
people have access to anything and they get any information whether good or bad in
just few seconds. Globalization helps the countries that aren’t fully developed to trade
with the countries that are developed and create a good image in the international
market. The trade can be any type like Europe the citizen of European countries can
visit any country in Europe without any visa restriction. Pakistan should have to made
the policies and improve their trade with other countries. The recent project of
Pakistan with china the CPEC will help the Pakistan to improve their economy and it
will have positive effects on the tourism of Pakistan
The international organization made guidelines for sustainable tourism of all the
countries which helps the country to follow and manage their activities according to
these rules and with the help UNSD (united nation statistics division) they have
created framework which aim is to develop the sustainability in tourism and
hospitality sector. When the destination is converted to tourist spot it should have the
carrying capacity but what is carrying capacity? The carrying capacity is total number
of species include human and animals that the environment of destination can sustain
for the specific period of time. It involves food the food, water, and other necessary
things that are required for people to live in the environment. The carrying capacity of
small areas such as rural places is low which means the over tourism can cause the
physical, ecological and social-cultural harm to the environment and in result the
ecological system of the environment gets disturbed. In other words it maintain the
tourism and balance the life of local people. The main aim of this study is to balance
between ecological and environmental system and propose the better strategies and
polices for the host count

The methodology use in the research study allows the researcher to solve the
problems that are occurring in the initial stages of the sustainable tourism plan and it
helps to research logically and statistically.
Research Methodology
The main goal of this paper is to propose a planning framework for sustainable
tourism development of the Pakistan considering number of articles, books, journals
and different websites. Due to time constraint the researcher have the problem of
collecting the data but still the investigation was conducted by the researcher using
different methods and techniques. The people in Pakistan. The integrated framework
of Pakistan uses effective institutions for sustainable tourism development. To study
the contribution by Pakistan to sustainable tourism development growth and
employment. The cross-sectional studies is conducted and series of data taken from
1990 to 2019. For data collection different sources were used like tourism year book,
economic surveys of Pakistan, the interviews of ministry of tourism in Pakistan and
the annual report of tourism economic impact annual reports.
There researcher thoroughly analyze the books based on sustainable tourism and
journals and collecting the information that is required. To develop this methodology
the researcher considered the mixed method which is the combination of both
qualitative and quantitative approach by taking into consideration the key
stakeholders and their input. To reduce the distance between the research and research
field the author of paper used the action-research method and used different
qualitative and quantitative methods in order to be able to study, find the relevant
material and study again to make the research paper more accurate. Interacting with
local stakeholders and developing intimate relationships with them and further
observe the natural of physical environment and creating the perceptions in the point
of view. Using this method to obtain the required information concerning the
phenomena and allows the register attitudes and behaviors in their own context. This
also helped to gain the future scenarios for the local destination.

The interview was conducted with people of different region. Using their
demographics helped us to their gender, age, material status, employment status and
source of their income etc. Numerous keywords are used to find the correct
information about sustainable tourism. The data was gathered on different variable,
attributes and values. The scale we used to measure the data is ordinal scale in which
ranking or ordering of attributes and variables is involved.
The criteria was set by the researcher on how many people should be included and the
inclusion of the stakeholders group was depended on the setting of sustainable
tourism indicators. There are different survey instruments used in the studies and
many indicators in the development was consulted before. Tourists as stakeholders
were founded by the researcher in the 19 papers out of 97 and he reviewed all those
papers in which tourists were consider as stakeholders. The perceptions of
environmental condition and perspectives of sustainability were consider as the
potential stake holders. A significant finding was that residents were consider
stakeholders in the 45 papers out of 97 and business were consider 39 papers out of 97
papers but the least was consider is government.

In the findings our aim was to find about the strengths and weakness that Pakistan is
facing the tourism sector and sort out all the problems that we can solve and find
through our research.
We have found that the plethora of research was made on the sustainable tourism
globally and many research articles, journals and books were published. But in our
chosen destination there are not quite enough articles. The results of research showed
that the most popular journal are journal of sustainable tourism and tourism
management in sustainable tourism indicators. The data was gathered from multiple
location articles and implemented into single destination. The researcher researched
eight papers that were not country specifies and collected the information on based on
sustainable tourism. Those most research was made in the Europe and America region
and after that on some specific part on Asian countries.

As the research paper was based on the issues and impacts of sustainable tourism.
Indicators in most of the papers were divide into social, economic and environmental.
The indicators related to politics were examined from 97 papers and only 22%
indicators were related to the governance dimensions of sustainability. The most
important indicator that appeared in the most papers and it is appeared in 95% of the
papers of sustainable tourism this indicator is environmental. After environment
indicator the second is economic which was discussed in 90% of the papers and the
last is social which was discussed in 88% of the papers.

The indicators that are related to the governance were developed on the past on the
basis of conjunction and the study was aimed on the view and behavior of the local in
relationship to tourism activities. The surveys that were included in the papers of
sustainable were created on the basis of political, social and psychological, planning
process, decision-making process, policy instruments and the influence of non-state
actors such as business, the society and the non-governmental organizations these
have an influential impact on the sustainable tourism. The main indicators had

covered all the attributes which clarifies all the options. The ability which influence
the sustainable tourism developments through the democratic participation and
provide the equal opportunities for the employment and local sector.

In the findings the researcher also cleared the sustainable tourism development goals.
The most common goals was to decrease the negative impacts on the environment,
providing jobs and the last is the growth of revenue. These goals have impact not only
on the economy but also on the business and their objectives, as well as the activities
to increase the revenue aside from the national and local level. The researcher used
different indicators such as biodiversity conservation, availability of open spaces,
degree of naturalness, degradation of nature parks and percentage of forest cover that
are related to environmental indicators are focused on the goal life on land. The life
on land goal promotes the use of the ecosystem to decrease the global warming.
Sustainable tourism can become a powerful tool for the growth of community,
increasing developments and reducing the inequality between different races of
Pakistan as it engages local people, tourist, and business in its development. In the
sustainable tourism indicators the key stakeholders that are involved are business,
government, local residents and tourists.This research is based on the secondary data
so we also have analyzed the strengths, weakness, opportunities and threats that
Pakistan is facing.

After creating and implementing policies and laws on tourism Pakistan travel and
tourism increased their growth rate. In local tourism market of Northern area and
Balochistan had increased since the last decade because after the 9/11 Pakistan have
faced lot of terrorist attacks. Increase in local and foreign demand increased the GDP
of Pakistan. According to a article the direct contribution of travel and tourism to
Pakistan is PKR930.9 bn which is USD 8,832.1mn, a total of 2.9% in 2017 forecast to
rise by 5.9% in 2018, and to rise by 5.8% pa, from 2018-2028, to PKR1,727.7bn
(USD16,391.9mn), 3.0% of total GDP in 2028. The travel and tourism industry also
contributed to other local industries and organization. Pakistan also increased the
billion tree campaign in which all over Pakistan trees will be planted to stop the
global warming. Due to Pakistan unstable economy the unemployment rate increased
in last two decades many potential people leaves Pakistan for other countries but the
recent growth of tourism and sustainable developments created opportunities around

the country and also in the rural and remote areas. The local and small business
increased also started offering the travel, accommodation, and transport services
which increased the employment rate. In sustainable tourism developments which
means all the sectors should be balance, local people should get the benefits from it
and politics should be stable.

The impact of 9/11 was huge on the world and especially on countries like Pakistan
and Afghanistan because Pakistan is sharing their border with Afghanistan and all the
terrorist hided themselves in the Northern areas of Pakistan which decreased the
tourism and also the fear in of local people and international tourists. The rate of
arrival of international tourist also declined to almost to none. But after the2014 it
improved and in 2018 many international visitors visited the different destination of
Pakistan. Eventually both local and foreign demand increased and in 2018 in the bag
packers Pakistan was placed in top three destination. This has improved the
sustainability and the image has improved of the country beyond its border. Visitor
export rate also increased and relaxing the visa restriction helped the country to get
more tourists.


After researching about the tourism of Pakistan for the sustainable tourism
developments we come to the finding of that Pakistan lacks in many sectors which
makes the harder for the destination to implement the sustainable tourism. The
country direct contribution to the GDP was $7.6 billion in 2017 which was reported
by WTTC and it was against the region average of $15.2 billion. The major weakness
Pakistan tourism faced was government legislation and when the 18 th amendment was
implemented in the constitution of Pakistan and at that time the federal ministry of
tourism got abolished in June 2011. The overall situation didn’t got changed because
as the instability and the lack of governance towards this most important sector.
Another weakness that holds Pakistan back towards achieving its tourism goals is
safety of international tourists. The CDPR conducted a research in which they stated
that the most crucial thing for the tourist when choosing the Pakistan is safety because
of the Taliban and their attacks on the local people and also Pakistan has high crime
index than the India which is our rival and enemy for the decades. Pakistan ranks on

124th on the safety because of the Taliban further changed the path of choosing the

The other things that are lack of experience in the ministry of tourism and the lack of
qualified workforce which is very crucial for the sector. Many institution in the
Pakistan is not working on this sector and are also unable to encourage the young
generation to move forward in the sector. As we discussed before that it was difficult
for the researcher to collect the specified data on the chosen sector and the destination
it implies. The other major weakness and threats that were found in the results of the
research is lack of good facilities in the tourist spot and didn’t able to meet the
infrastructure building criteria.

In our study we have discussed the history of sustainable tourism and the barriers,
which the tourism faced to implement the sustainable tourism and analyzed the
problems that the tourism of Pakistan faced. The UNWTO and other world
organizations have encouraged Pakistan to take initiative to implement tourism
activities in the region of Pakistan. The Asian council also have presented the
legislation which ever country have to follow in order to generate the revenue. In the
discussion by the international organizations they have presented the green tourism
which can change the whole structure of tourism and it is also known as green growth.
This paper particularly accentuate on the development of economic and generating the
revenue for the destination through sustainable tourism developments.

Social presence and mankind are dependent on the environment and society which are
part of the sustainable development and green tourism. Nowadays in Pakistan the new
elected government are emphasizing the importance of going green in the business
market. The main purpose of green tourism is to include the need of good
environment, local residents, businesses and the visitors of the destination. In the
discussion it is still beginning stage of green tourism and as the time passes the
business, society, supply chain and economy will see its major benefits. Nowadays
using the network technology in the electronic business community results in the
saving of time and cost for the transaction and it is also a part of green tourism. These
practices such as digital and modern technologies are suggested for using in the green
tourism because it provides important and necessary information which is vital for the
businesses and customers.

The concept of applying the sustainable tourism developments is considered suitable

for many destinations and to successfully implement the sustainable tourism in
Pakistan it is important for the researcher and research organizations to check and
then identify the key stakeholders in the process of implementation. The theory of
stakeholders which will able to analyze the type of tourism stakeholders and their

properties in the process and the two most important stakeholders are exports and

The experts that are responsible for maintain the tourism infrastructure are industries,
government, educational institutions and the NGOs which is tourism based and they
are the core of the tourism which they determine education and training system. In the
suppliers stakeholders it involves the local societies and the social organizations their
influence on the development initiatives and decisions. The key attributes for experts
in implementing the sustainable tourism development are skills and knowledge while
the power and importance are the important characteristics of stakeholders and
without the help of local suppliers it is hard to implement the studies.In the end it
makes clear the both are important for the well-being of tourism.

The sustainable tourism indicators in the systematic scope view it has focused on the
relevance of sustainable tourism indicators to sustainable development goals. It was
stated that if the organizations wants to take review on the sustainable indicators of
tourism it is important for them to combine the visions of sustainable development
goals with the sustainable tourism. The UNWTO and UNDP have known that in
sustainable tourism there aren’t sustainable metrics and indicators and suggested that
the most indicators are operated at national level, with in mind that sustainable
development goals have no indicator at all. In the past and present papers the
researcher have evaluated that the authors have made great effort to examine the true
indicators. In this paper the researcher have used the previous study to judge the
difference between the present literature on sustainable tourism indicator to the
sustainable tourism development goals, finding the methods through which these
indicators can be used to benchmark progress at international level at various scales
and measurements.


To conclude that the indicators are important and the one which are related to the
economic, environment and social should be studies extensively or the developments
of sustainable tourism. Implementing the decisions must be undertaken and approved
by the local authorities, national government and other part taking organizations. The

sustainable tourism must be implemented for the benefit for the society not for the
benefit of government of the destination.

The main aim of this study is to propose the solution for the implementation of
sustainable tourism and sort out the problems that are faced by local and national
tourist spots of the Pakistan. The solution must be provided by taking into
consideration that the impact of tourism ust be high on the economy but there
shouldn’t be any type of burden of it on the ecological level and the local
organizations should market and promote the sustainable thinking in the mind of
visitors who visits the destination. It is recommended to implement the sustainable
tourism because it was emerged or created in the response of the negatives impacts
that are becoming visible on the daily basis. So it would eliminate the negative
impacts from the society and it is used for the upbringing of the society.

Promoting sustainable tourism will help the Pakistan economy to improve their
infrastructure means that create the new infrastructure where it is required and repair
the old cultural and historical building of the destination but they should do every
activity in the shade of sustainability. They should provide the basic facilities for the
visitors and for the local people like free internet facility, good accommodation and
cheap transport. The local and provincial governments should be more active in this
field as the economy is going on downfall and the price of products are going higher
on the daily basis. In the education sector they should provide programs which will
dealt with problem of un-educated people in the hospitality and tourism field.
Controlling the media and allowing them to show the real news is also essential for
increasing tourism and for sustainable developments. It can also be controlled by
reducing crime rate and terrorist activities in the area. Allocating budget every year
according to the tourism destination.

Educating young children and teens to do activities that are good for environment and
teach them about waste management, water wastage and other things to make green
environment. Planting more trees and using energy saving plants for the tourism
should be allowed. After promoting the tourism they should have to make it stable
and sustained through satisfying basic human needs and brining social justice and
equity to the society.

Due to the time constraint this study can further increased and the tourism
organizations can also study more on maintaining ecological and biodiversity through
campaigns and planning. The other thing this study should focus more and researched
about is how to save culture while promoting tourism it can increase the chances of
more sustainability in the destination.


isso, R., Andreopoulou, Z., Cesaretti, G.P., Hanna, S.S. and Tzoulis, I.
(2018) ‘Sustainable development and green tourism: new practices for

excellence in the digital era’, J. International Business and
Entrepreneurship Development, Vol. 11, No. 1, pp.65–74.

Sustainable Tourism:
The tourism which reduces the negative impacts in the society and in the
environment and increases the benefits for them is known as sustainable
Sustainable Tourism Developments:
The developments that used to in the sustainable tourism is known as
sustainable tourism development.
Green Tourism:
The tourism which uses green products to reduce the negative impact on
the environment is known as green tourism.
The organizations which work for the welfare of the society with getting
any profit or benefit and not authorized by the government is known as
the non-government organizations.
United nation world tourism organization is the world leading
organization which has aim to promote the tourism all over the globe as
the source of economic growth.

Its stands for united nation development program which is used to
eradicate the poverty all around the world and helps the country to
develop policies and leadership skills.


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