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R.Shantha Selva Kumari Meena Prakash R.

Mepco Schlenk Engineering College Sethu Institute of Technology


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International Journal of Neural Networks and Applications, 4(1), 2011, pp. 13-18


R. Shantha Selva Kumari1 and R. Meena Prakash2
Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi, India, E-mail:
P. S. R. Engineering College, Sivakasi, India, E-mail:

Abstract: This paper presents a detailed survey on the currently available frame works of automated brain
image segmentation and the methods employed in the frame work for tissue classification, bias field correction
and partial volume effect correction. The frame work of automated MR brain image segmentation can be
broadly divided into model based segmentation frame work , Fuzzy Connectedness segmentation frame
work , Deformable model based frame work and hybrid approaches. The methods employed in the framework
which are discussed here include atlas registration used for initializing the segmentation, thresholding,
Expectation Maximization algorithm for bias field correction, Markov Random Field model for incorporating
contextual information and Artificial Neural Network for clustering.
Keywords: Fuzzy Connectedness, Expectation Maximization, bias field, Markov Random Field, Deformable
model, Artificial Neural Network


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a non- A. MRI Principles
invasive imaging technique since no ionizing
MRI is based on the principles of Nuclear Magnetic
radiation is employed. It gives three dimensional
Resonance (NMR). Nuclei with an even number of
(3D) information about the human soft tissue
protons and neutrons have no net spin or angular
anatomy [1]. Magnetic Resonance Images of the
momentum while nuclei with an odd number of
brain are highly significant in the treatment of brain
protons and neutrons possess a net spin. The
diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis, Schizophrenia,
nucleus of hydrogen atom is made up of only a
epilepsy and others. Segmentation of brain tissues
single proton and possesses a net spin. The
into white matter, gray matter and cerebrospinal hydrogen atoms are abundant in the fat and water
fluid plays a crucial rule in diagnosis of the brain content of human body. An angular moment occurs
disorders. For example, quantification of white due to the net spin of the nucleus around its axis.
matter lesions is needed for the treatment of Due to the rotating proton, a current loop is also
multiple sclerosis. Volumetric analysis of the created which results in magnetic field. Due to this
different tissue classes is crucial for the treatment magnetic field and the angular moment, the proton
of Schizophrenia and epilepsy. Manual exhibits a magnetic dipole moment parallel to the
segmentation is time consuming and prone to rotation axis. Under normal condition, the magnetic
significant intra- and inter- observer variability dipole moments are randomly oriented and hence
thereby reducing the precision of the analysis of the the net magnetic field will be zero. When placed in
segmentation. Therefore, fully automatic, highly a magnetic field, the proton with its magnetic dipole
accurate, and robust tissue segmentation technique moment is subjected to precession around the field
is an invaluable tool for treatment of axis. The frequency of this precession is called the
neurodegenerative diseases. In this paper, we Larmor frequency and is directly proportional to
review the state of the art technologies in the the strength of the magnetic field i.e., vo = γBo where
automatic segmentation of MR brain images and Bo is the main magnetic field strength and γ is called
provide a scope for future research work in this gyro magnetic ratio whose value is 42.56 MHz/
area. Tesla. The application of a magnetic field Bo would
create a net equilibrium magnetization Mo per cubic
14 International Journal of Neural Networks and Applications

centimeter which is aligned to the Bo field. Mo is segmentations can be converted to hard

very much weaker than Bo and hence not directly segmentations by assigning a pixel to its class with
observable. By perturbing Mo away from Bo field highest membership value.
axis with an appropriate RF pulse having a
Another difficulty associated with the
frequency equal to larmor frequency, a longitudinal
segmentation of brain images is the intensity in-
magnetization component M L and a transverse
homogeneity artefact. The INU (Intensity Non
magnetization component MT is produced. When
Uniformity) artefact arises due to in- homogeneity
the RF pulse is turned off, the longitudinal
in the magnetic field, and exists as an unwanted
magnetization component ML recovers to M0 with
low frequency bias term modulating the signal. This
a relaxation time T 1 and the transverse
causes a shading effect to appear over the image.
magnetization component MT de phases and decays
Methods that simultaneously segment the image
to zero with a relaxation time T2 . During relaxation,
and estimate the in-homogeneity give good results
the protons lose energy by emitting their own RF
than the methods that employ pre filtering
signal with the amplitude proportional to MT. This
operation which removes the in-homogeneity
signal is called Free Induction Decay(FID) response
before actual segmentation.
signal. The FID response signal is measured by an
RF coil placed around the object being imaged. In All MR images are affected by random noise.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging, linear gradient field The noise comes from the stray currents in the
is employed to get spatial information, Three tissue detector coil due to the fluctuating magnetic fields
parameters decide the quantitative description of arising from random ionic currents in the body, or
the MR signal: the proton density which determines the thermal fluctuations in the detector coil itself.
Mo and the relaxation times T1 and T2. The RF pulse This may cause errors in tissue segmentation.
is repeated at a predetermined rate called repetition
time, TR. The time between which the RF pulse is C. The MRI Tissue Segmentation Problem
applied and the response signal is measured is the
An image can be modeled as the union of c
echo delay time TE. With proper selection of TR and
homogeneous regions
TE, the MR image can be made to contrast different
tissue types. Ak, A = Uk=1,..c (3)
where each homogeneous region is specified by
B. Problems Associated with MR Brain Image
Segmentation Ak(x, y) = pk+nk (4)
Partial Volume effects are the most commonly where p k represents signal intensity and n k
occurring artefacts in MR brain images where represents additive, zero mean random noise
multiple tissue types contribute to a single pixel, component.
resulting in a blurring of intensity across Figure (1) represents the MR brain image
boundaries. PVA (Partial Volume Averaging) segmentation into WM,GM and CSF.
artefacts occur due the limited resolution of the
imaging device and due to this, fine anatomical The image formation process in MRI can be
structures are lost in the image. Partial volume modelled as
effects in MRI can be overcome by soft segmentation s(x) = o(x)b(x) + n(x) (5)
that allows regions or classes to overlap.
where s(x) is the measured MR signal, o(x) is the
Membership functions are defined for soft true signal emitted by the tissue, b(x) is the
segmentation as unknown smoothly varying bias field, and n(x) is
0 ≤ mk(j) ≤ 1 for all j, k (1) an additive noise assumed to be independent of
b(x). Accurate segmentation of an MR image thus
Σmk(j)=1 for k = 1,...K and for all j (2)
requires an accurate estimation of the unknown bias
The value of a membership function mk(j) can field b(x) and removing this bias field from the
be interpreted as the contribution of class k to measured MR signal prior to or during
location j. Therefore, if the membership values are segmentation. Using the estimated b(x), the log
greater than zero for two or more classes, they are transformed true signal can be recovered as,
overlapping. Membership functions can be derived
by fuzzy clustering and classifier algorithms. Soft log o(x) = log s(x) – log b(x) (6)
A Survey on Methods of Fully Automated MR Brain Image Segmentation 15

The intensity of a voxel belonging to class k is

normally distributed around a mean µ k , with
variance σ2 grouped in θk ={µk, σ2}. The overall
model parameters is indicated by Φy = {θ1, …. θk, C}
where C denote the set of bias field parameters. The
bias field in MR is modelled as a multiplicative
effect. Hence it is worked on log-transformed
intensities, which makes the bias additive. Thus,
three steps are involved in this frame work,
classification of voxels, estimation of the normal
distributions and estimation of the bias field. The
Expectation Maximization algorithm is used to
estimate the maximum likelihood (ML) parameters
Ö by iteratively estimating the hidden data z based
on the current parameter estimation Φ and
recalculating Φ that maximizes the likelihood of the
complete data.
The independent model explained above
classifies the voxels based on their intensity only.
This yields acceptable segmentation results as long
as the different classes are well separated in
Figure 1: WM,GM,CSF Segmentation of T1 Weighted Image
(a) Input Image (b)White Matter (c) Gray Matter intensity feature space. But in brain tissues, voxels
(d) CSF surrounding the brain show an MR intensity that is
very similar to brain tissue. This results in erroneous
III. METHODS classifications of small regions surrounding the
In this section, we present a review of different brain as gray matter or white matter. Hence spatial
approaches for fully automated MR brain image and anatomical constraints are incorporated by
segmentation under three frame works, namely introducing the Markov Random Field. The
model based segmentation framework, deformable difference lies that in the independent model each
model based segmentation framework and fuzzy voxel had the same a priori probability to belong
connectedness segmentation framework. The to class k, whereas now this probability depends
implementation and significance of each method is on the classification of the neighbouring voxels.
analyzed. The prior classification is derived from a digital
brain atlas that contains spatially varying prior
A. Model Based Segmentation Framework probability maps for the location of white matter,
In the model based segmentation framework, the gray matter and CSF. The use of atlas avoids
MR signal is modelled as a realization of a random interactive user intervention to initialize the
process with a parametric probability distributions algorithm and make the method fully automated.
that is corrected by a smooth polynomial in-
homogeneity or bias field. [2][3][4]. The hidden B. Deformable Model based Segmentation
segmentation z is modelled as the realization of a Framework
random process with some probability density Deformable models are model-based techniques for
function f(z/Φ z ) that is parameterized by the delineating region boundaries by using closed
parameter set Φ z. z has generated the observed parametric curves or surfaces that deform under the
intensities y with probability density function influence of internal and external forces[5].To
f(y/z, Φy) parameterized by Φy. Estimation of the delineate an object boundary in an image, a closed
segmentation z is straightforward once the model curve or surface must first be placed near the
parameters Φ ={Φ y , Φ z} are known. Both the desired boundary and then allowed to undergo an
segmentation and the model parameters can be iterative relaxation process. Internal forces are
estimated simultaneously by interleaving the computed from within the curve or surface to keep
segmentation with estimation of model parameters. it smooth throughout the deformation. External
16 International Journal of Neural Networks and Applications

forces are usually derived from the image to drive distribution represents one single class. Based on
the curve or surface toward the desired feature of these estimated distributions, the normalized
interest. The main advantages of deformable posterior probability of each voxel is calculated. The
models are their ability to directly generate closed hybrid geometric-statistical feature is derived by
parametric curves or surfaces from images and their combining both the voxel statistics and the image
incorporation of a smoothness constraint that gradient information. To initialize the active
provides robustness to noise and spurious edges. contour, a voxel threshold is introduced. The hybrid
A disadvantage is that they require manual feature and the contour initialization are
interaction to place an initial model and choose determined individually for each tissue to be
appropriate parameters. Deformable models may segmented and each contour is then propagated
be parametric deformable models or Level set independently.
deformable models and are classified as geometric
active contours, gradient based level set active C. Fuzzy Connectedness Segmentation
contours, Geodesic Active contours depending Framework
upon the method for contour extraction. A detailed The fuzzy connectedness (FC) works on voxel basis
survey is found in [10]. and therefore can better segment objects with
In [7], a three stage method is employed to irregular or complex shapes and hence better suited
segment images. The first stage, Segment Head, uses for brain MRI. The FC method takes simultaneously
intensity histogram analysis to remove background into consideration the degree of space adjacency,
noise and provide a head mask defining the head. degree of intensity adjacency, and degree of
The second stage Generate Initial Mask produces a intensity gradient adjacency between two voxels.
mask that approximately identifies the intracranial In the fully automated method of brain image
boundary. A head image is filtered using a segmentation proposed in [12], four steps are
nonlinear anisotropic diffusion filter, to identify included. In Atlas registration, [18] the pre
regions corresponding to brain. The nonlinear segmented atlas is registered onto the MRI through
anisotropic diffusion effectively counters RF in- a rigid registration method. In FC Segmentation, with
homogeneity by smoothing the brain regions and the registered atlas as initial segmentation , the brain
by reducing the intensity of the narrow non brain tissues are segmented. The prior information of
regions such as the scalp. With the initial brain mask tissues are specified which include (1) the intensity
as seed, the third step, Generate Final Brain Mask, probability distribution (2) the intensity difference
locates the intracranial boundary using an active probability distribution (IDPD) (3) initial seeds. In
contour algorithm. The active contour model PABIC correction, the INU artefacts are estimated
algorithm consistently tracks the edge of the brain, and corrected. The PABIC (Parametric Bias Field
even in the presence of partial volume effects. This Correction) method employs Gaussian components
method effectively provides fully automatic decomposition algorithm for decomposing the
intracranial boundary detection algorithm which intensity histogram of tissue into number of
can be used for studies of Multiple Sclerosis Lesions. Gaussian components and choosing the one with
The points in the contour iteratively approach the the largest amplitude to represent the tissue. Then
intracranial boundary through the solution of an Re-FC Segmentation is done by taking the PABIC
energy minimization problem. corrected MRI as the subject and the FC-segmented
M3DLS algorithm[11], a multiphase 3D Level MRI as the initial segmentation.
Set Algorithm utilizes a multi phase extension of Fuzzy clustering algorithm requires a priori
the region based deformable model based on the knowledge about the number of clusters, nature
Mumford-Shah functional by iteratively deforming of data, clustering criteria and so on. Histogram
two closed curves separating four regions. An of MR images may be used to determine the
automated MR brain tissue segmentation that number of clusters but they fail for diseased cases.
integrates both geometric and statistical image In [14] Artificial Neural Network (ANN) is
features into edge-based deformable model employed to find out the exact number of clusters
formulation is employed [8]. The advantage of this and FCM algorithm is used in the next stage for
method is the stabilization of the active contour. In segmentation. Neural Networks have the ability
this approach, first the Gaussian Mixture EM of doing parallel operation and they simulate
parameters are estimated such that each mixture biological learning.
A Survey on Methods of Fully Automated MR Brain Image Segmentation 17

D. Other Methods Table I

Overview of MR Brain Image Segmentation
Water shed segmentation method is a popular Frameworks
method which may be used for MRI segmentation.
But the drawback here is over segmentation. Hence Segmentation Advantages Limitations Supportive
Frame methods
in [17] merging process for the over segmentation
work employed
is done using Fuzzy C Means Clustering algorithm
following the water shed segmentation. K Nearest Model Based The method The method Markov
Neighbour (KNN) classifier is employed to partition (2,3,4) overcomes requires Random Field
the regions that needed re-segmentation. Hybrid the drawback initialization is employed
of spectral of the to incorporate
approaches of level set method with fuzzy overlap of classifica- contextual
segmentation and level set method with atlas based MR intensities tion information.
segmentation show better segmentation results [15, of different process. Atlas
16]. tisse classes initialization
which is is done.
in intensity-
Automated segmentation of MR brain images is a methods.
supportive tool for the doctors in the diagnosis of Deformable The method Segmenta- Hybrid
brain diseases such as schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s Model yields a nice tion result geometric-
disease, epilepsy etc., The problem of segmenting MR Based (7,10) representation relies on the statistical
Brain image into White Matter, Gray Matter and CSF of the tissues initial feature is
has been addressed using various approaches. and bound- contour derived for
Manual intervention is required in many of these aries. It also placement. each tissue to
simplifies be segmented.
methods. The foremost requirement is fully
automated method without any external
intervention. The main challenges in MR brain image Fuzzy Conn- The method The method Atlas
segmentation are Partial Volume Effect, Intensity In ectedness provides tends to be Registration
(12,14) reduced affected by is used for
homogeneity artefact and random noise. Most
Computa- Intensity initialization
segmentation methods need initialization for which tional Non- and PABIC
atlas registration with known set of labels can be complexity Uniformity method is
prescribed. From the survey, it is observed that each and better artifact. adapted to
method is having its own advantages and drawbacks suited for correct the
as listed out in the table. The future scope lies in complex brain INU artifacts.
combining the various methods leading to hybrid structures.
approach which adapts the advantages of each Hybrid Combines the Computa- Based on the
method involved and overcoming the drawbacks. Approach advantage of tional requirements,
(15,16,17) each method Complexity the above said
Future research should also focus on the
involved is involved. supportive
computation time, reduction in complexity and methods may
accuracy of the segmentation results. be employed.

employing combination of several methods. This
In this paper, the various existing methods for fully paper is based on the number of research articles
automated MR brain image segmentation have been published in the previous decade. The references
meticulously analyzed and a detailed survey report cited in bibliography provide a good
has been given. Based on the study, it is observed comprehension of current trends and future scope
that the most applicable methods for MR brain in fully automated MR Brain Image Segmentation.
image segmentation can be listed under three The further research focuses in construction of
categories –model based statistical approach, hybrid methods which acquire advantages of each
deformable model based method and fuzzy method and at the same time reducing the
connectedness segmentation. A serious discussion computational complexity, improving the accuracy
has also been made of the hybrid approach and avoiding the human intervention.
18 International Journal of Neural Networks and Applications

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