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Educação Infantil. Ensino Fundamental. Ensino Médio.

Ensino Fundamental: 6° ano Turma:______ Nova Friburgo: 25 de maio

Aluno (a) :_______________________________________________________________________

Demonstrative pronouns

Como vimos na aula anterior temos dois pronomes demonstrativos usados no singular e dois
usados no plural. Os pronomes utilizados no singular são this (perto) e that ( longe) e os
pronomes usados no plural são these (perto) e those (longe).
Para formarmos frases negativas com esses pronomes devemos acrescentar o NOT logo após o
verbo to be( is ou are).
This is my new car. – This is not my new car.
That is my cat. – That is not my cat.
These are their new balls. – These are not their new balls.
Those are not our dogs. – Those are not our dogs.

Formas abreviadas
Is not – isn`t // are not – aren`t

Para formarmos sentenças interrogativas devemos inverter a posição do verbo to e pronome

demonstrativo e acrescentar o ponto de interrogação no final.
This is my pencil. – Is this my pencil?
That is my house. Is that my house?
These are your copybooks. – Are these your copybooks?
Those are German cars. – Are those German cars?

E como podemos responder a essas perguntas? As respostas podem ser de forma afirmativa ou
negativa como veremos a seguir.
Is this my pencil? – Yes, this is. / Yes, it is. / No, this is not. / No, it is not.
Is that my house? - Yes, this is. / Yes, it is. / No, this is not. / No, it is not.
Are these your copybooks? Yes, these are. / Yes, they are. / No, these are not. / No, they are not.
Are those German cars? Yes, these are. / Yes, they are. / No, these are not. / No, they are not.

1- Reescreva as frases abaixo colocando-as na forma negativa.

a) This house is old. ___________________________________________

b) That is my bike. _____________________________________________
c) This is my telephone number. ___________________________________
d) That car is mine. _____________________________________________
e) This is my brother David. _______________________________________
f) That is an old watch. __________________________________________
g) These houses are old. ________________________________________
h) Those girls are my students. ____________________________________
i) Those cars are mine. _________________________________________
j) These are my new tennis shoes. _________________________________
k) These bikes are mine. _________________________________________
l) Those bottles are empty. _______________________________________

2- Passe as frases para a forma interrogativa.

a) This is a bottle opener. ____________________________________

b) That bike is mine. ________________________________________
c) This cars are parked. ______________________________________
d) That is my girlfriend. _______________________________________
e) This is my house. _________________________________________
f) That is my old school. ______________________________________
g) These are my friends. ______________________________________
h) Those houses are beautiful. _________________________________
i) These apples are delicious. _________________________________
j) Those are my rabbits. _____________________________________
k) Those are my parents. ____________________________________
l) These are their shoes. ____________________________________

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