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Ingles IV

(AC-S09) Week 09 - Task: Assignment - A success

story from Peru

3. Description:  

 Step 1: 
o With your partner or group make a list of people from Perú who
have been successful in different fields. 
o Write about him/her. 
o Use the following chart.

 Step 2:  

 With your group prepare your presentation. Think of a suitable title

 Remember: you have to use present perfect and past simple tenses.
 Use linking words such as: and, but, however, in addition, etc.
 Practice your pronuntiation and then record your dialog in a video.

Personality : Gastón Acurio

He was born on October 30, 1967 in Lima, Peru.

Introduction Occupation: Chef, businessman, TV presenter, writer.
He began his career as a chef
Early life, family and
He began his career as a chef
other details
 In 1994 they opened the restaurant Astrid & Gaston in the
Miraflores district of Lima.
 He was awarded for the best Restaurant in Peru in 2000
chosen by Astrid & Gaston.
Achievements and
 Elected "Entrepreneur of the Year" (2006, IPAE).
 Positions held Goodwill ambassador for
 United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund

He is an example to follow, because he fulfilled his dreams of

being a chef and TV presenter, he is also supporting UNICEF.
Ingles IV

Personality : Daniel Alcides Carrion

Born in Cerro de Pasco, August 13, 1857

Died in Lima, October 5, 1885)
He was a medical student from Peru, son of the Ecuadorian
physician Baltasar Carrión.
He studied at the School of Medicine of the Universidad Nacional
Mayor de San Marcos in 1978.
Early life, family and He died of Oroya fever and proved that both - Oroya fever and
other details Peruvian wart - were just different varieties of the same disease.
 At the present time, its name is carried by:
 The province of Daniel Alcides Carrion in the department
of Pasco.
 The Daniel Alcides Carrion National University in Cerro de
Achievements and
 The Daniel Alcides Carrión Stadium, a soccer center in the
city of Cerro de Pasco.
 Every October 5th is celebrated in Peru the Peruvian
Medicine Day, in commemoration of his death.
Carrión's experience served to demonstrate that Oroya fever and
Conclusión Peruvian wart disease are the same disease and also served as
an incentive for Peruvian physicians to continue their research.

 Step 4:
o Prepare a dialog with your group to talk about your chosen
o Remember: you have to use present perfect and past
simple tenses. 

Student: William, Rosales

Ingles IV

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