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Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies

Department of Applied Theology Department

Blanchard, K. & Hodges, P. The Servant Leader:

Transforming Your Heart, Head, Hands,

A reading report: Presented in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the course: LEAD 610 Biblical Foundations of Leadership and Ethics

Veli-Lauri Kotilainen
September 13, 2021
Reading report: Blanchard, K. & Hodges, P. The Servant Leader: Transforming Your Heart, Head,
Hands, and Habits. Nashville, TN: Thomas Nelson, 1998. (121 pp) Kindle version

- Summary

Introduction: This workbook of leadership begins with verses 11 and 12 from

Matthew 23, and that defines a servant leader. Section; Turning one minute manager Into a
Servant Leader promises something, I am not sure if the promises are fulfilled by the end of the
book. The book boldly states “This book is designed to guide you in exploring your personal
response to Jesus’ call to “Follow Me” and put into action the principles of servant leadership.
Right from the beginning, the book gives 4 point reading instructions such as “Pray for focus and
insight each time you read.” The target group of the book is defined on the introduction part in the
following manner: We want you to trust Jesus as your leadership model, so whether you’re
leading in business, in nonprofit organizations, in your community, or at home, you will make
Jesus smile.

Furthermore, by elaborating the purpose of the servant leadership the book says: For
a follower of Jesus, servant leadership isn’t just an option; it’s a mandate. Bible texts are here and
there all over in this book, together with lots of questions, by answering the questions a reader
will be lead into specific topics. The promises of results in ministry or in business are given in this
book with condition such as: “When the Heart, Head, Hands, and Habits are aligned, extraordinary
levels of loyalty, trust, and productivity will result.”

This book defines leadership in the following manner; Leadership is first a matter of
the heart. Whenever we have an opportunity or responsibility to influence the thinking, behavior,
or development of others, the first choice we are called to make is whether to see the moment
through the eyes of self-interest or for the benefit of those we are leading.

According to Blanchard and Hodges a servant leader can be distinguished from self-
serving leader by the way how they handle the feedback given to them. In section under subtitle a
Preferred Picture of the Future, The picture of the future of disciples was the Great Commission.
There on book moves to values, and interestingly states by referring the statistics that an
organization cannot focus more than three values. By referring to Matt 22, Jesus´ core values are
love Father, and love neighbor. Some of the arguments of the book concerns revealing the
immorality and corruption of traditional leadership values.

Authors then tells about Collage professor and final exams, and that living according
to the vision—is where most leaders and organizations get into trouble. About the vision, authors
claim correctly; “The vision has to be something bigger than you are.” The book exhorts: “Servant
leadership calls for a wholehearted, willing-spirited personal relationship with God.” Finally, the
book says Service is a gift from God. On the chapter which deals with application and leadership
behavior, it says these concepts got to do with “Understanding the dynamics of effectively
managing transformational change and applying the concepts of Situational Leadership 1”.

According to this book, there are examples of dynamics of change, knowledge,

attitude, and behavior –whereby the book ponders the question Why Is Change So Hard? The
book brings forth four leadership styles as introduced; Directing, Coaching, Supporting, and
Delegating – together with example where Jesus himself using each of them; directive instructions
while saying “Heal the sick, rise the dead…” Also, several others such as his supportive leadership
style in Matt 14:31. The book also consists a list of seven reactions which must be changed.

One of the characteristic of the book Servant Leader is structuring content by

emphasizing Christian habits such practicing solitude, spending time alone with God experiencing
prayer and talking with God. This book uses acronyms such as ACTS=Adoration, Confession,
Thanks Giving and Supplication, in order to help reader memorize the rule and order in prayer. The
book brings forth typical Christian virtues such as Scripture reading, abiding in Unconditional love,
and unconditionally loving people around you. It includes quotes of Ecclesiastes 4 and Proverbs 27,
and emphasizes maintaining supportive relationships. Authors also state that reality of leadership
is that it is a very lonely business, therefore they need Truth tellers, and they also need feedback
which is a gift.

This Book Introduces a Case study, which elaborates Exodus 18 counsel; Blind spots
of Moses and his father-in-law. Furthermore, Servant leader shows that there is Examples of
inner-circle friends of Jesus; Peter, James and John from the Gospel of Mark. Authors precious end
statement: The value of having a safe harbor relationship of support cannot be overemphasized.
The Chapter ends with the passages of the Bible; Hebrews 10:24-25 and 1 Peter 5:2-4. In the last
The Situational Leadership Model, is a model created by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard, developed while working on
Management of Organizational Behavior during 1960´s.
chapter of Blanchard and Hodges book consists of a steps for leaders such as key points of this
book, and checklist of essentials for servant leaders; personal mission statements, journals etc.
Fear, Anxiety, Worry, Temptations, pride, values, repentance, guidance and Oath of Commitment
to Servant Leadership. Response for appeal and acknowledgements. And thanks to Hybels and

- Critique

Although this book is truly about Servant Leader, and there a lots of good advices to
become one. My skepticism arose when I read in the end thanks to Foster and Hybels for they are
the people who fall under category of Spiritual Formation, and there was a statement done by SDA
Church through Ministry Magazine concerning issues such as Willow Creek and movements
concerning some unbiblical teaching. There actually was a flow from SDA Church to Willow Creek
until it backfired and caused a call back to biblical spirituality, All in all, there still are some things
we can learn from this book. Most of the critics I have found of this book, are praises and
acknowledging the skills of Dr. Blanchard in the area of management and leadership. Still one of
the conservative Christians, David Fiorazo author of Cancel Christianity even claims 2 Ken Blanchard
as one of the New Age business gurus. Perhaps the truth lies somewhere in between.

On this book about Servant Leadership some of the spirituality for a future leader
seems to come from some mystical spiritual source which is acquired by a solitude. Personally I am
seeking closer personal relationship with Jesus and fulfillment of the Holy Spirit. Furthermore the
situational leadership model, although it is recognized trademark, it appears to be “one size fits
all” whereby successful leaders must be adaptable. I have also found the structure of the book too
much suggesting and too much of “follow this example – and you will become successful” -type of
a book about leadership. Moreover, I have understood that this book has been a bestseller, for
some reason it does not yet convince me of its usefulness. I remember reading some time ago Rick
Warren´s Purpose Driven book just because it was a bestseller, without understanding much of it.
It was “the thing” in those days in order to become a successful Christian leader.

However the book has an interesting choice of art work and it is richly illustrated. In
addition, Blanchard provides great Bible passages to prove his arguments, much of its use can be
applied in devotionals. I still have some problem in learning as a Christian pastor from the

successful business men how to do my work. Furthermore, I seriously ask after reading this book;
Is this what the Servant Leadership is all about? Am I mistaken, when I conclude that this book is
directed more to a Christian Evangelical right-wing business person?

One of the things I agree with the author is that the change of daily routines and
habits is very important in a Christian life generally, I remember Ellen White also emphasizing 3 this.
Perhaps the strength of the book is in one of the results where this book seriously can lead to, it is
the changing habits, not the heart, nor hands neither head. I cannot lie that I enjoyed reading this
book, some of issues it brought were clichés. I did not even find it very practical, one area where I
found my head nodding into author´s direction was when it started to talk about the issue of
changing habits. Moreover, the book claims “today, Ken Blanchard is known for his knack of
making the seemingly complex easy to understand 4.” Well, to be honest I did not found this
statement truthful. My long term mentor, who since passed away, used to say to me: When in
doubt, leave it out.

- Five questions from the book content:


Naturally, in my case I will answer I will follow Jesus, it means to me that my Savior is everything to
me, then comes my family whom I constantly bring to my Savior, after that it is Ministry. However,
if I look at this picture from another angle, little over 16 years ago I was still struggling with my
addiction; alcohol and it meant that if I didn´t have sober mind, I didn´t have anything. While I was
a Christian newborn believer it did not keep me away from drinking. I must certainly say I do not
follow Blanchard and Hodges idea of Servant Leader, because the book itself did not convince me.


I will lead how Jesus led me, and how Jesus leads me from here. There is nothing problematic
about it, I do not need to make an oath of any kind to commit myself into waiting for success to
fall into my hands as a lottery prize. Daily commitment is already there, however my Jesus does
not take me into more complicated requirements or conditions.

3. How are you doing in preparing others to take your place when the time comes? 5
EGW; Mind, Character, and Personality, vol. 2 Chapter 64 -Habits
Servant Leader (p. 124). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
Servant Leader (p. 21). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
I have thought this question for about one year now, and I have been praying and searching for a
new placement of my ministry or some time now. I have found one candidate who could follow
me in my position. Furthermore I have been emphasizing for my church members that war does
not require one man –but an army. However, since I have started my studies I came across of a
thought that if it is the will of God that I should stay in this position I am quite ready for that too.

4. Are you willing to share what you know and provide opportunities to learn and
grow to those who will come after you6? I think I am, with in the time limits

5. Are you thinking more of yourself than you should7? The answer is perhaps I am,
and that is not good. There I found something to work on, the book has served its purpose after
all! Only that again hopes raised towards the book are shattered after few paragraphs, where the
list from Richard Foster´s book Celebration of Discipline 8 is quoted. I have discovered that my
instinct and my intuition has guided me well and I thank God for that.

Servant Leader (p. 21). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
Servant Leader (p. 32). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.
Richard Foster, in his book Celebration of Discipline, Servant Leader (p. 33). Thomas Nelson. Kindle Edition.

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