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Name: Jacob Kennedy A.

Lipura Subject: Oral Communication

Section: STEM 11-8 Dignity Date: 8/25/2021

Communication is the act of giving, receiving, and sharing information -- in

other words, talking or writing, and listening or reading. Sometimes we
miscommunicate with each other because of how we deliver our message or
because there is a barrier interfering with our conversation or communication. One
example is the picture that was shown. The picture shows two speakers conveying a
message to a receiver or listener in an office which is the context. It depicts some
barriers of communication. One barrier is Semantic Noise. The male speaker is
conveying the message to the receiver which decodes a different interpretation. This
makes the female speaker annoyed or angry. This is also another barrier of
communication which is psychological noise. As much as we want these barriers to
disappear, we can’t help but just let it be because it’s a part of communication.

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