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 It has Calming Effects

A detailed study was conducted on Japanese men where they were told to touch the leaves of
the golden pothos plant. It was found that the plant was able to induce calming and peaceful
effect on the mind.

This study shows that people experience an unconscious calming reaction to touching a plant. It
is to be concluded that plants are an indispensable element of the human environment

Natural Air Purifier

According to a NASA study, Pothos is one of those plants that are great at removing indoor air
pollutants. It is excellent at clearing out formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the
surrounding air. Because of this quality of Pothos, it is good to place it in entryways, windows,
and garages where car exhaust fumes can be present
The NASA Clean Air Study has been led by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
(NASA) in association with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America  (ALCA). Its results
suggest that certain common indoor plants may provide a natural way of removing toxic agents such
as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air, helping neutralize the effects of sick
building syndrome

Quite Decorative

Even though it is such a low-maintenance plant, Pothos never fails to impress the eye. You can
grow as trailing/climbing vine or hang in a pot; its beautiful waxy leaves and evergreen vines
make any corner look pleasant. Moreover, Pothos is an avid climber and it can fully cover any
area with its foliage in no time, which makes it a great plant for creating a green wall.

Has Paramount Significance in Vastu Shastra

As per Vastu Shastra, it is highly beneficial to have Pothos in your home. It brings an
element of peace and serenity to the house. Nonetheless, it is also popular

to attract wealth, hence the name “Money Plant”.

According to Vastu, Pothos should be kept indoors in the southeast direction of a living
room/hall. In Vastu, southeast is owned by Lord Ganesha and the planet Venus.
Ganesha is believed to remove bad luck and Venus to increase wealth. Hence keeping a
Pothos in this direction brings prosperity and fortune to the house

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