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Function of Plants in Design

Plantscape is an all-encompassing term that refers to the arrangement, integration and

maintenance of plants inside and immediately around a building.

Interior plantscaping practices are similar to those of landscape design, using plants to provide
a living element that is both beautiful and functional.

plantscaping and landscaping may seem similar on the surface, as they both deal with plants,
but the two fields have entirely different focuses

 Plantscapes calls this ‘interior landscaping’ even though land is not literally being
reshaped. ‘Interior landscaping’ is an appropriate term because indoor environments
contain plains, angles, and horizons that are softened, accentuated or altered by the
addition of plants and planters-thus landscaping the interior. Similar to outdoor
landscapes, interior landscapes provide spaces with ornament, color, sculptural
elements, focal points, and an overall pleasant environment.

Design And Types Of Indoor Landscaping


These are generally full lush green plantations or flowers planted in a space where there is
ample of light and ventilation.

They are planned out in courtyards, or may be any interior space with proper source of
lights and are also planned according to the wind circulation.

these help to keep the indoor environment fresh and energetic along with the cool fresh
ambience and experience like a walk in a green garden.


The stone landscaping or the stone gardens are an important part of Japanese
landscapes and used all over the world to create similar ambience spaces.

Here, the amount of green spaces is less and is mainly covered with various stone tiles or
real pebbles.

These are similar to the green garden courtyards. The only difference here is the plantations
are well planned and are actually harvested for further use.
ndoor gardening is nothing more than the act of growing plants indoors. This might be at a
residential home, within a business location like an office building or restaurant, or any
other enclosed area. There are multiple types of indoor gardening, including container
gardening, hydroponic gardening, controlled environment agriculture, vertical farms, and
For example, there are some crops like herbs which are planted and also some flowering
plants that are used once grown completely.

Wall garden

Living walls or green walls are self sufficient vertical gardens that are attached to the exterior or
interior of a building. The plants receive water and nutrients from within the vertical support
instead of from the ground.

Hydroponics is a subset of hydroculture, which is a method of growing plants without soil by

using mineral nutrient solutions in a water solvent. Terrestrial plants may be grown with only
their roots exposed to the mineral solution, or the roots may be supported by an inert medium,
such as perlite or gravel.

Focal points
large plants can serve as focal points within large indoor areas. These plants can direct
individuals toward their destination.

Colorful masses of vegetation can also work together as a focal point.

Depth and spaces

Large, open spaces can make people feel vulnerable, but plants are able to break up a room
into more intimate spaces. Adding greenery can work as a divider, creating temporary
nooks while maintaining the essential openness of the design.

Lower ceilings
High ceilings may be awe-inspiring in a cathedral, but shopping malls and other places with
towering ceilings come across as intimidating. Well-spaced palm and ficus trees can create a
lower “ceiling” – a canopy of foliage.
Plant leaves’ varying textures and shades can be used to provide interest


Benefits of Plantscape

Plants filter the air in the indoor environment

Plants absorb toxins, including carbon dioxide, through their leaves and growing medium
and emit oxygen for us to breath, perfect recycling.

Plants increase humidity

As plants return over 90% of all water we give them back into the atmosphere they are very
efficient at raising humidity levels and therefore alleviating some of these problems. Plants
can increase the atmosphere humidity by some 10% to 15%.

Enhancing the Environment

Interior plantscaping improves the personal environment by making our rooms, work areas
and buildings more aesthetically pleasing and perceptually stimulating. Plants provide
warmth and colour and offer living art thus offering an inexpensive interior decorating

Noise Reduction and Energy Conservation

Interior plants have also been proven to cut down distractions due to office noise as plants
and their leaves absorb background noise. Plants create their own micro climate and absorb
heat, reducing the amount of air conditioning necessary.

Landscapes play a vital role in connecting the spaces with the nature around. Architecturally
spaces should be well linked with the nature and it should actually take a form along with
the landscape rather than forcing landscape into the left out pockets. The blend between
the hardscapes, soft-scapes and the built forms actually help to enhance the quality of a
space and make it more likely to be a boon rather than a burden on the nature or the
external environment. Similarly, landscapes should not be limited up to the structure or the
plinth level. Extension of landscape into the interiors make the structure porous with green
scapes acting like the necessary catalysts to achieve the supreme connection with the
nature and external environment.

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