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Massage can be applied to parts of the body or successively to the whole body and

its benefits can be divided into such groups as physiological, mental, and mechanical.
Massage is believed to increase blood circulation and promote the flow of lymph.
Moreover, it helps the body to heal itself by stimulating nerves, conditioning the skin,
fostering faster healing of strained muscles and sprained ligaments, reducing pain,
swelling, reducing formation of excessive scar tissue, stretching and loosening
muscles to keep them elastic, improving postural problems. Massage also has a
positive psychological effect. When we are stressed, our breathing becomes more
rapid and shallow, our hearts work harder and the process of digestion slows down.
Chronic stress can influence a number of illnesses including migraines, depression,
and hypertension. Massage therapy can help to relieve tension and counteract the
effects of stress on the body.

Certain medical conditions require caution concerning giving or receiving massage.

This therapy is not recommended for anyone with an infectious skin disease, a rash,
or an unhealed wound. It should also be avoided immediately after surgery, if the
patient has phlebitis or varicose veins, thrombosis, areas of bleeding or tissue
damage, bruises, recent bone fractures and sprains. Massage on the abdomen should
be avoided during the first three months of pregnancy when the risk of miscarriage is

Massage normally involves the client being treated while lying on a massage table,
sitting upright in a massage chair, or lying on a pad on the floor. The person is
generally unclothed or partially unclothed. Before being treated, it is important to
make sure that the massage therapist is well-qualified. A therapist should have good
communication skills so that he / she can make the patient openly express their
needs – what feels best to them, what makes them comfortable and what they expect
from the session.

Zakrzepica thrombosis
varicose veins – żylaki
bruise – siniak
fascia- powiez
phlebitis- zapalenie zyl
Massage normally involves the client being treated
while lying on a massage table, sitting upright in a
massage chair, or lying on a pad on the floor. The
person is generally unclothed or partially unclothed.
Before being treated, it is important to make sure that
the massage therapist is well-qualified. A therapist
should have good communication skills so that he /
she can make the patient openly express their needs –
what feels best to them, what makes them
comfortable and what they expect from the session.

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