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Francesco Ciaccia
M assage Cou rses


The technique of reflexology massage (even if in reality this is not a true massage) is performed
through a series of small stimulations that are effected principally with the main part of the thumb
which proceeds along the area to treat with a “caterpillar” movement. This movement transmits
impulses to the nerve areas and are coordinated with the natural rhythms of the body.

All the following “reflex zones” are to be worked using the STIMULATION massage movement
unless they hurt under the pressure of the fingers. Only in that case the SEDATION massage movement
should be used.



What use is Plantar Reflexology?

Plantar reflexology is a simple, effective and natural method that helps people to remain in excellent
health. It is used:

• TO RECOVER the physical and psychic harmony of the organism.

• TO STIMULATE the immune defences of the organism to their maximum level.
• BECAUSE IT HAS GREAT POWER to regenerate cells due to the revitalising action of the
glandular system.
• TO GIVE GREATER VIGOUR to the entire body and improve the physical aspect of the person.
• TO ACT as a means to eliminate toxins, improving the condition of your skin and muscle tone.
• TO IMPROVE circulation and blood oxygenation, favouring better breathing.
• AS RECOMMENDED for all ages including children and the elderly.

Some 95% of those treated with Plantar Reflexology react very well to the reflexological massage.
Only in a few cases are expectations not satisfied, due to excess stress and the lack of energy in the

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Our feet feel, communicate and warn us constantly about what is happening in our body. They
represent sensitive zones, from where it is relatively easy to identify any organic imbalance, thus
permitting life to develop in a proper fashion. Plantar Reflexology establishes close contact between
the feet and the hands that work on them. Physical and mental contact becomes communication and
assumes importance to recover the physical and psychic harmony of the organism. The hands of the
operator, delicate and sensitive may perceive the psycho-physical status of the patient. The feet of the
person thus have the possibility of speaking to our hands.


• RECOVERS the physical and psychic harmony of the organism.

• RESOLVES the problems of stress, so that it is excellent to eliminate tiredness and states of tension.
• GIVES GREATER VIGOUR to the entire body and the physical aspect of the person.
• RELAXES AND REBALANCES the nervous system.
• ACTS as a means of eliminating toxins, improving the status of the skin and muscle tone.
• IMPROVES the circulation and blood oxygenation favouring better breathing.
• STIMULATES the immune defences of the organism to their maximum level.
• PREVENTS the rise of seasonal infections or those linked to stress and disorderly feeding habits.
• HELPS to recover from surgical trauma, shortening and rendering more vital the convalescent period,
thus decreasing the risk of complications.
• REPRESENTS AN EXCELLENT SUPPORT for various therapies offered to those suffering from
handicaps or with motor or psychic problems. Knowing this type of massage may also represent for
parents a reason to approach their own children, offering them help and comfort.
• RECOMMENDED for all ages including children and the elderly.

During the first sessions a few of the reactions of the organism may be considered normal and include:
• Relaxing sensation that favours sleep.
• Increased urinary secretions that become darker with intense colour and strong odour.
• Atypical faeces and flatulence. In this case drinking many liquids without sugar after the first treatment
is generally recommended.
• Various emotional reactions at a psychological level.

M assage Cou rses

All this is quite normal given that the treatment tends to stir up toxins present in the organism that are
then eliminated through the excretory organs so that the collateral effects of the massage are reduced
in intensity and tend not to occur later, leaving a feeling of general relaxation and well-being.

It is important also over the course of the treatment to survey the reaction of the subject that might be
one of cold, or sweating at the feet or hands, sleepiness or agitation. All these manifestations must be
observed and evaluated carefully to offer the best level of treatment.

How long does a Reflexology treatment last?

One treatment should last an average of 20 to 40 minutes, a variable time based upon whether or not
the massage should be performed only on the feet or also on the body.
The frequency will be once a week for the first 3-4 weeks, and later will be at our discretion or based
upon the needs of the client when deciding to continue with this frequency or move to a treatment
every 15-20 days.


Plantar Reflexology is a soft treatment; notwithstanding this, there are some side effects that must be
• Never treat a persons affected by grave pathologies without first obtaining the authorisation of the
attending physician.
• Do not treat the areas of the PITUITARY GLAND, THYROID, UTERUS, OVARIES during the
nine months of pregnancy and always intervene under medical advice.
• Do not intervene in the presence or suspicion of blood clots; the risk is that the clot may move,
damaging or blocking blood circulation and other tissue. Clots may be events that are simultaneous
with traumas in subjects that are predisposed. Clots are agglomerations of blood cells in a network
of coagulation proteins.
• Be careful with diabetic persons who depend upon insulin, during the treatment it is important to
observe the level of glycaemia before taking an insulin pill or injection.
• Do not work on the zones of the PITUITARY GLAND, THYROID, UTERUS or OVARIES in
the first days of the menstrual cycle if the person experiences an abundant flow.
• Acute appendicitis.

M assage Cou rses

• Gastric ulcer
• Acute diverticulitis
• Use only relaxing massage movements in subjects that are extremely agitated or nervous.

Nervous Energy (module 1) = Emotion JOY

“Nervous” energy is linked to the first toe (HALLUX) which permits us to take joy in the things that
give us life, both large and small. It is that sensation that pervades us when we are happy, or with
friends, and gives us a sense of sincerity permitting us to make light of various situations, permitting
us to wear a sunny and smiling expression on our face.

Mental Energy (module 2) = Emotion WORRY

“Mental” energy linked to the 2nd toe (MELLUX) permits us to remember things that have happened
(feelings, thoughts, actions), gives us the force to not become fossilized on doubts and worries and
gives us the strength to go forward with our own thoughts and not the things imposed by others.

Sexual Energy (module 3) = Emotion SADNESS

“Sexual” energy linked to the 3rd toe allows us to accept our sexual instincts remaining within our
roles. Each of us is made up of 75% of hormones of our own sex and 25% of the other sex. When this
percentage goes out of balance and tips too far to one side or the other, it changes secondary sex
characteristics (face appearance, thickness of the skin, voice, shoulders etc.) It might then become
possible to observe more masculine women or more effeminate men. These alterations may in any
case co-exist without necessarily altering natural sexual instincts.

Strength Energy (module 4) = Emotion ANGER

“Strength” energy linked to the fourth toe gives us the strength to go forward and decide whether or
not to be spectators or protagonists of our life. Those who have this energy in balance will be the
protagonists of their own life, respecting their limits and knowing also how to say “no” when
something bothers us.

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Reserve Energy (module 5) = Emotion FEAR

“Reserve” energy linked to the fifth toe gives us the strength to recover our energy after a condition
of stress or strong tiredness and allows us to respect our fears without having to challenge them
continuously, also putting under stress our urinary apparatus that is linked to this energy. People who
do not respect their limits will be imprudent while on the contrary people afraid of anything are under
the continuous stimulus of this changing energy. In both cases, we are in the presence of an imbalance
in RENAL (or “reserve”) energy.

M assage Cou rses

M assage Cou rses

TEETH foot reflex zone

These are prevalently “detection” zones. Often for a crooked tooth we can find a zone where there is
some callus build-up. Also where there are dental structures with a particular overload of chewing we
might notice the presence of these calluses or acute dryness in the corresponding zone of the foot.

M assage Cou rses


The breast is an organ made up of:

• A mammary gland formed by lobules that produce milk

• Ducts, called lactiferous ducts, that transport milk and converge and open up near the nipple, located
at the centre of a darker area called the mammary areola.
• Adipose tissue (about 80%) and connecting tissue
• External skin

This zone is to be massaged for problems regarding the breast such as pains, tension or various
annoyances. It should not be massaged in case of breast tumour, whether suspected or confirmed.

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