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IIMK - VPN Configuration Guide

For accessing Intranet and library resources from off-campus, configure the following VPN
settings in your smart phone.
Step 1: Go to Device settings by selecting “settings” icon which is shown in red circle

Step 2: In Settings Menu Select “Connections “

Step 3: In connections menu select “More connection settings “

Step 4: In More connection settings, select “VPN “

Step 5: In VPN settings, select “ADD VPN”

Step 6: ADD VPN will pop up a new window where you have to fill the following details
1. Connection name: IIMK (Name you prefer for this connection)
2. Select the type IPSec Xauth PSK (For iphone/ipad Cisco).
3. Server address:
4. IPsec pre-shared Key: iimk1234
5. Enter your IIMK username and password in the corresponding fields
6. Save the Configuration
Step 7: After saving the configuration it shows VPN Connection Name
Step 8: Click the Configured VPN name then enter the IIMK credentials and connect.

Step 9: Once it’s connected you can access our intranet and Library resources from off-campus.

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