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Lesson 3 Terms and Terminologies

1. Discuss the following terms: 10 pts.  each.

a. Freestyle –
  Freestyle - most people know that there are four strokes in swimming, and most of us know them as
front crawl, backstroke, butterfly and breaststroke. However, once you start swimming more regularly,
you will hear the word freestyle used a lot. In swimming terminology freestyle is the official name of the
front crawl stroke used more commonly at a competitive level
b. IM –
IM  - Individual Medley (all four strokes together in order Butterfly, Backstroke, Breaststroke and Front
c. Medley Relay –
d. Streamline –
  Streamline - Underwater body position after diving or pushing off the wall which maximizes swim speed
and efficiency
e. Glide –
  Glide – you may hear your teacher telling you that you are gliding too much. In swimming terminology
gliding is when you are coasting along with a pause in your stroke. When swimming, you should always
be moving. If you have a moment where you are not being propelled through the water at all, then you
are losing speed and creating more work for yourself as you accelerate again with the next movement.
Gliding should be kept to a minimum and a stroke should be as continuous as possible.

f. Recovery -

Recovery - On FC when the arm is out of the water being brought back up for the next
stroke. Can also be a recovery swim when you slow down to bring the HRT down after a high
intensity set

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