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E module 4
Snay, Ryan James A.

FINS 1. It works by increasing the surface area of your feet, letting you exerts more pressure on the
STREAMLINING 2. The method of aligning the body so as to reduce resistance in the water.
DOLPHIN KICK 3. Kick that is a lot like the flutter kick, but the both legs move up and down at the
same time.
PULL BUOY 4. Equipment in swimming that goes between your legs and helps you float while
swimming without kicking during training.
WARM UP 5. It is what the swimmers do before the session to prepare the body and avoid injury.
MEDLEY RELAY 6. The part of relay that is swum by four members where all four competitive strokes
are swum.
BACKSTROKE 7. Is swum as the first stroke in the Medley Relay and second stroke in the I.M.
BREASTSTROKE 8. Is swum as the second stroke in the Medley Relay and the third stroke in the I.M.
FINA 9. It is the international governing body of competitive swimming, diving, water polo and
synchronized swimming.
TOUCHPAD 10. A board at the end of the pool that acts as a stopwatch.

B. Answer what is asked in each item.

1. What differences exist in when performing…

a. IM(individual medley) and MR(medley relay)

INDIVIDUAL MEDLAY is an event in which all four competitive strokes are swum in one event by one
swimmer, which includes: butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, frontcrawl. MEDLEY RELAY is an event
wherein all four competitive strokes are swum in one event with four swimmers swimming in turns.
Each swimmer swims one stroke, which is a combination of different four swimming styles such as:
backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly, frontcrawl. The stroke order of Medley Relay differs from the
Individual Medley.

b. Warm-up and warm down

WARM-UP is a part of stretching and preparation for physical exertion or or an exercising gently
beforehand, it is often undertaken before a performance or practice. In swimming, it is the practice
and loosening session a swimmer does before the meet or their event. Essential to avoid injury,
loosen muscles and prepare the body to go fast. WARM DOWN is an easy exercise that is done after a
more intense activity, to let the body gradually transition to a resting or near-resting state. In
swimming, a swimmer does a warm down after a race when pool space is available. Used by the
swimmer to rid the body of excess lactic acid generated during a race.

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