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A comprehensive overview of plan to get sponsorship for the event

Personalizing Each Proposal

At the time of talking to the right person, I will ask them some questions so I can personalize
the proposal I send them. Every sponsor will have their own marketing goals and I will make
sure to show them I can help them meet those goals. Some questions will be needed to ask:
 Who is your target audience?
 How do you normally engage in sponsorship?
 What does your target market value?
 What can you tell me about your sales goals for the coming year?
 What would you consider to be the most important elements of a sponsorship
 You can then fine-tune and customize your proposal before setting up a meeting to
present your proposal to them.

Timing is Important
Most companies only do event sponsoring at certain times of the year. Their event budget is
often formulated the previous year.  The optimal time of year differs depending on factors
like the economy, the industry, and the company’s Return on Investment performance. I will
come to know when the peak sponsoring times are for each company and adjust them to the

Being Data-heavy in Proposal

Sponsors will generally see the event as a form of advertising for their own company. As
such, they want to see numbers that predict a successful event. My proposal will include a
spreadsheet and strong data visuals that outline anticipated attendance, attendance numbers of
past events, social media engagement, and so on.

Proposing Different Package Levels

My proposal won’t just include a desired monetary sum. I will provide sponsors with
multiple tiers of sponsorship options and I will do in return at each tier. Perhaps we need
BDT 200,000 to host the event, but I will let the sponsor know that I will be willing to accept
a smaller funding amount. A tiered sponsor package will include a list of the options and
what I will provide at each level, such as in the following:

 BDT 200,000 – the sponsor’s logo on all of our promotional items, cross promotion of
the sponsor’s latest product during the main presentation, sponsor’s ad on our digital
 BDT 100,000 – two of the three incentives under the BDT 200,000 tier;
 BDT 50,000 – any one of the three incentives under the BDT 200,000 tier;
Of course, this may mean having to acquire multiple sponsorships to obtain the full funding.
However, we should be having an ongoing relationship with multiple sponsors. 

Arrangement of CEO Exchange Program

I will tell them that there will be an arrangement of CEO exchange program as a part of the
event through which attendees will know their products and services. As a leader, your CEO
knows the stress of trying to build a business. What if there was a way to get away, discover
new solutions and get energized to implement the fresh ideas of our young generation?

The Expectations of the Sponsors

Get brand awareness

Brands can sponsor the event so they can get in front of their target customer. This is
especially true when they’re relatively new to the market and hope to introduce our attendees
to their product or service. But an established brand might also want to sponsor our event in
an effort to reach a new target audience.

Increase sales of a product

The sponsors might want to put their product or service in the hands of their customers —
usually by offering them a free sample.

Reposition their brand

Unlike other forms of marketing and advertising, they expect that the event can help alter the
public perception of a brand in an incredibly impactful way. It may change the way people
think about their brand to help them to compete in their market.

Block competition

Not only can the event help a brand reposition their product or service, it expects to get ahead
of their competition. If the brand is in a hyper-competitive market, they desire a chance to
reach their customer somewhere their competitor isn’t.

Social responsibility

They want the world to know that they care about their fans and the community. They expect
that the sponsorship will align their brand to a cause or mission their customers are passionate

Brand advocates

Sponsors might want our own brand advocates to cross promote their products.

Set up booth or workshop

Sponsors may want to set up its own booth or workshop at the event.

Provision in Return

 For the event as well as other exhibitions in future, we can give the sponsor a free
 We can place the sponsor’s name or logo on event promotional banners and flyers.
 We can mention the sponsor’s company in our blog posts, email newsletters, and
social media posts.
 We can include the sponsor’s logo in all of your promotional gear.
 We can encourage our social media followers to “like” or share the sponsor’s content.
 We can introduce our attendees to their products or services.
 We can offer the audiences a free sample of their products.
 We can present the positive sides of their product to change the way people think
about their brand.
 We can arrange a CEO exchange program as a part of the event.
 Finally, we should know what the sponsor wants and do our best to fulfill the request.
At the same time, however, we shouldn’t be afraid to negotiate so that what we get
out of it is fair for us.

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