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CLASS: 2111NVA18702
The concept will begin to spread virally.
People will begin to purchase and create their postcards.
And many people from many areas take part in response to the idea.
In my opinion, sharing secrets can make people feel better. Why?
Because when you keep something private, it leads to increased stress, anxiety, and it
often makes people think about the issue more frequently. In contrast, revealing
secrets are very helpful when it is done right. That is, in a safe, non-judgmental
environment. Revealing secrets can reduce stress, it helps people let go of an issue
and think about it more clearly. In fact, research shows that the simple task of writing
down a secret, even if no one ever reads it, makes people feel better. Writing a secret
down is satisfying —it reduces stress and anxiety
1, shocking
2, heroism
3, remains
4, randomly
5, play out
6, creativity
7, obviously
8, countless
9, anonymously
10, preserve
D/ PAGE 15
1. What kinds of jobs require creativity?
Obviously, Artists and related workers create aesthetic pieces 
2. What kinds of jobs require heroism?
It maybe is the person who can preserve order
3. What do most people do when they hear something
They will have a countless heartbeat
4. Do you think people should be allowed to comment anonymously on
Websites? Or do you think they should give to their names?
They will not, of course, be permitted to comment anonymously.
Because if they aren't identified, a situation of comment illiteracy will play out
1. Self–addressed
2. Artful secret
3. Random
4. Buy
5. Crazy
2. √ Secrets can be useful
G/ PAGE 16
3. √ People have many different kinds of secrets.
H/ PAGE 17
 1…I never did have someone
 2…who are rude to me
3…I’ve found love. I’m happy
 4…like the happiest person on Earth
 5 … their voice…
G/ PAGE 17
1, C. Unhappy
2, A. Was mad at them
3, B. Doesn’t know
4, C. Has a lot of problems
5, C. Remember someone

- Hand out: (verb) give out
- Spreading virally: getting people very excited
- A handful of : a few
- Does a great job of: is successful in
K/ PAGE 18
I did it
M/ PAGE 18
I agree with Warren.
Personally,  thinking about our secrets can burden us and thus decrease our
When sharing of our secrets can open up a new and honest way of seeing and
meeting each other,
And by revealing it, we can take a lot of pressure away from ourselves 
2, Do you think there could be a negative when you sharing your secrets
with strangers? Give some examples
It seems to me that sharing your secrets with strangers also has the opposite
side. That totally depends on person to person for what thing they consider
as Secrets be it GOOD or BAD.
Like when you steal money or cheat in exams, it’s clear that you
can’t reveal that
Or imagine a person who has been inherited a property from his late father
and is stored somewhere.
Now, this totally depends on You whether you want to share with whom and
3, Would you share a secret on Why, or Why not?
Without any doubt, I would share my secret. It’s a secret dream. Not be
serious. I think it would be nice and quite interested

Why did Chang and Warren start To connect to the -Connect to our
these projects? community deepest humanity
--Take burden away,
bring them a sense of
healing and feel
How do the people communicate Write on walls Write on self-
their messages in these projects? addressed postcards
What kinds of ideas and messages Health and happiness, Their stories of frailty
do people share? love, travel, helping and heroism playing
the world,… out silently, their
What is the effect on the people Make them feel better, Make them take the
who share hopes and secrets? bring people together burden away, feel
heal and bring people
What is the effect of the project Feel shared and knit Can feel shocking or
on people who read the together, they feel silly or soulful…but
messages? better too still, feel connected

B/ PAGE 19
Why do you think that people feel comfortable sharing their wishes and secrets in
their ways? Explain your answer. What makes you feel comfortable or enough to safe
enough to share your wishes or secrets?
I believe that sharing a secret relieves the stress of keeping it hidden from
those we really don’t want to reveal it to. The alleviation will happen because it is
stressful to keep thinking about secrets
When you share something with a stranger, you’re at least conscious that they
have no idea of you before that time and are unlikely to see you again.

C/ PAGE 20

I would like people in my community to complete the following statement: I hope

other people will: I hope other people will accept the challenge positively. Because
you will have a happy life if you accept every challenge with a willingness. Challenges
are a part of everyday life. They make us stronger and without them, life becomes
somewhat meaningless because we have nothing to compare the good times to.
Therefore, the first thing you must do is stop seeing challenges as problems, but start
seeing them as opportunities. Challenges make us more strong and make our
achievements even sweeter. Thus, choosing this topic helps people learn and realize
those values to become happier
- A few of my ideas:
How can one be positive in dealing with adversities?
How to keep a curious attitude with learning throughout our life?

I choose an idea that said people would share their messages on a Website
because most people can use the Internet easily. In other words, using the
website is a simple and convenient way, can be used anywhere, at any time.
But also make sure that it’s could be expressed anonymously

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