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1. What does OAS stand for?

Office of Academic Services

2. Where is OAS located? 

Phillips Memorial Library, Room 250

3. What is the name of one of the DWC tutors? 

Hope T. ‘22

4. What is the difference between a regular tutoring session and a strategist tutoring

A “strategist tutor” assists students with study strategies such as: note-taking, test-
taking, active-critical reading, using study tools, and managing time, rather than just
covering context of class material.

5. True or False: if you like the tutor you saw, you can request that person again for your
next tutoring session. 


6. What is a skill that non-native English speakers can get help with at OAS? 

A non-native English speaker can further develop speaking skills, including clarity,
fluidity, and pronunciation.

7. Who is eligible to request an academic coaching session? 


8. How much does an academic coaching session cost? 


9. What is one example of an academic accommodation that a student with a documented

disability might qualify for? 

Extended times for exams

10. True or false: only students with permanent/ongoing disabilities can qualify for

11. True or false: you have to have a complete draft finished before you can make a
Writing Center appointment. 


12. What qualifications and training do Writing Center peer tutors have?   

All new tutors complete a 30-hour training program, which prepares them to help in a
variety of subject areas.

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