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Asslammualaikum warrahmatullahi wabarakatuh

First of all I’d like to thanks the almighty(owl mai ti) god, it is because of him I have the(di) opportunity
to complete in this contest,

Secondly may sholawat and salam always (olweiz) be delivered to our prophet (profet) muhammad
SWT who had brought us from the darkness to the bright modern era that we live in today

Last but not least I’d like to thanks to the erlangga management who held this contest.

Ladies and gentleman, my name is … I am from… in today’s video I’ll deliver my speech. It’s about why
foreign language is important.

But before I start, I’d like to ask you one question ( quescen), do you learn foreign language like english
or mandarin in elementary school? In a junior school? in a senior high school? I am sure the(di) answer
(enser) yes. Well, in my experience, I already learnt about other language since I was in primary school. I
am pretty sure, you too. but I never know why ? why should we learn foreign language . so that is what
I’ll bring to you today.

Are u ready ?

Okay I needed to get this one out of the way , I can already hear lots of guys saying,

Well why should I learn a foreign language if there are so many translating apps?

Well guys lets face it !

Technology(teknoloji) will never replace human interaction. It has been proven (pruven) that 38% of our
communication is tone, and 55 is non – verbal,

What is it that mean ?

Well when you talk(tok) with someone you don’t only talk , you’re have facial expression,
gestures(jesturs) and tone changes, We learn a language means we don’t only learn the language but we
learn about the culture too, that’s isn’t provide by translating app.

Well the second (seken)reason, is we’ll be more open minded because we also learn other culture as I
said before, by learning about(ebawt) different cultures you learn to see the world (werd) in a different
point of view, so you will be a lot more accepting about changes.

Then the third reason why learn a language is because it makes us smarter and increase our brand
power. It has been proven(pruven) that people who can speak more than one language have better
memory, listening and comprehension skill,

wow pretty cool right? , why it can be like that? it’s because we’re used to memorizing(memeraizing) so
many vocabularies from any different languages (lengguejes), we are also used to listening to other
languages and learning their cultures which are far different from our mother tongue, hmm well it
means being bilingual helps with your decision making skill because you’re used to face the differences,
so we can go from doing one thing to another a lot quicker, and that’s why when you think about
decision you think about how it will affect us in a long time not about a moment.
Next reason is, learning a language can give you many possibilities, espcesially now’s globalization which
all countries are becoming globally integrated and coupled (kapelt) with each other in all aspects in term
of culture (kacer), economy, trade and commerce. that is why Companies really value someone who can
speak multiple languages. so You may be easier to get job, realize it or not, people will think us smart if
we can speak in other language, right?? Yeah it is because we could (kut) communicate(kemyuniket)
easier with all people around the world. Well, in addition you are more likely move abroad or study
aboard if you can speak those places’ native language. So wouldn’t (wuden) it be so cool if we can do
that ? think about it .

Well the last reason is learning language is all about connection, soon everybody will be able to speak
English, because now (naw) more and more country are teaching English bcs that has become the
universal languages, but once that happens we will lose our connection with people bcs when u talks to
someone in a native language u connect with the person on a deeper level and starts to understand the
person’s lives and decisions.

Well learning language is so much fun, we can make friend from around the world.

Finally ladies and gentleman that’s all for my speech I hope we’ve all learn from it and enjoy it.
Thankyou verymuch for your attention, assalammualaikum wr wb.

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