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We believe that all students should learn or maintain at least one world language in addition to our

mother tongue. Therefore, language learning should be a central part of any curriculum.

Then, the question is why Should we learn foreign language ??

Well hai all good people, the honorable adjudicators and my lovely young souls audience, my names is
queen and I am from Shafta junior high school Surabaya, first of all, I would like to say thank you to
erlangga management for having this event and for giving me chance to deliver my speech today. In The
next 5 minutes I’ll try to describe my point of view in learning foreign language.

Ladies and gentlemen. I’ve heard some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is
in order to travel or to work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why
someone should learn a foreign language. So what is the other reasons ?

Well, Travel and work are obviously the most popular reasons to learn a foreign language. People all
over the world learn foreign languages like English, mandarin, German and Spanish with the objective of
living or working in countries where these languages are spoken. This, however, does not mean that
someone who has no intention to visit or work in a foreign country does not have to learn a foreign
language. Actually, learning a second or third language benefits everyone.

Scientifically, Language improves our cognitive skills. Studies have shown that bilingual people are
smarter than people who speak only one language. Multilingual people are even smarter. the brain will
be challenged to recognize, digest, and communicate other language structures. Learning a foreign
language helps our brain in many ways. It allows us to make connections faster and remember things
better. It is not surprising that bilingual people earn higher salaries and make better relationships.

Well, the next reason is,

You will be able to discover new things about yourself. I truly feel that my personality changes even it
just a little bit when I speak in different language. And if I hadn’t learn English or other, I’d never learn or
seen that side of myself. For example, by learning English I feel like I am free and more confident than
before. I am being forced to be outside of our comfort zone, and talk to with people that I don’t know.
So without realizing it I am growing and increasing my confidence. And at least for me, knowing that I
went from zero until I can communicate with natives makes me feel awesome! For people learning a
language associated with a culture they admire, that’s all the more reason to immerse yourself in it.
Whether that means taking a trip abroad, watching movies in your chosen tongue, finding a native
speaker who can helps you learn their country’s tradition or anything. When you learn a new language,
you’re not just memorizing vocabulary and grammar rules but you also have a chance to tap into new
parts of your identity.

Ladies and gentlemen, the last reason will bring us to the end of my speech. Well, Now we live in the
bright era of globalization, of course we communicate with outsiders, right? Of course we must be able
to speak a foreign language to communicate with them. Through foreign languages we can introduce
the diversity of culture and language of this nation to those who want to know about this nation.
Learning a foreign language makes it easier for us to be accepted internationally. Even though
technology makes it easy for us to connect with each other, if we can't speak the language used by the
other person, communication will still experience obstacles. For example, learning English, Korean, or
other foreign languages makes deeps connection with more people all around the world. Thanks to the
advent of the internet, the world has become a village. We can now meet people from all parts of the
world online. If we speak a foreign language, we will also be able to talk to them, share ideas and get
answers for our questions. This clearly explains why an inability to speak a foreign language is a disability
in this modern world. When we learn a foreign language, we also develop respect for the culture of the
people who speak that language. This understanding and admiration for other cultures forge better
relationships between people and nations.

So, ladies and gentleman there are numerous benefits to learning a foreign language. Travel and work
are just two of them. Language skills also make us see the world in a different point of view and it makes
us smarter and better.

So, what do you think about it? Do you still feel unsure to learn foreign language ? hmm think about it.

I am queen from shafta JHS surabaya. Thankyou very much.

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