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The reading says that it is a good idea to work in a Groupthink for many

reasons. However, the professor’s speech explains the disadvantages to

work by this way.

Fernando, your introductory paragraph is OK, but we can make it GREAT by

following the format below. Please try to memorize this way of starting
an introduction for the integrated essays.

The reading extract exhibits a positive outlook on the phenomenon of

groupthink for various reasons. On the contrary, the lecture reveals
specific reasons that indicate the disadvantages of working this way.

Firstly, the reading states that the members of the group have to pool
their intellectual resources to contribute to the groupthink. In
contrast, the lectures states that these members can made their work to
conform to the group, and feel unsuccessfully.
Secondly, the reading passage explains that Group discussion can show
their skills, share knowledge and information even to find a relevant
solution of the problem, Furthermore, the professor’s speech affirmed
that the members of this team could be feeling more smart at working
Thirdly, as the reading material disclosed, this type of group behavior
can encourage and motivated to the integrands, to illustrate that, the
activities are essential to find a good decision and increase the
enthusiasm. Nevertheless, the lecture said that this solution could be
ignored by the team. For instance, the professor gives an example, when
at 1950 a company of car open a new building and it was a disaster, and
the members of this group were victims to the groupthink.

Fernando, I am so happy to see you made such an improvement in your

essays. Please try to write the introduction as I explained in the
example. When you refer to information of the reading, please be sure
to point that is information from that material before comparing it
to the lecture. Review the infinitive verb tense and gerunds.
The students are the future civilization of any country. I agree that
teachers sent a hardcore homework. Since, there are two strongest reasons
to agree that, one of them is the difficult it could a be a way to
motivated to study for the students. Second, to prepare them to solve a
true problem in their lifes. So the point of view to see the problems by
the challenging tasks is in the hands of the students.

Firstly, the motivation that the students can be find in their

challenging tasks. Furthermore, the hand of the parents can help to the
students who were asking. To illustrate that, I remember when I was a
child and always, I asked to my dad to help me with my homework of math.
In fact, now it's my favorite matter.

Secondly, all the preparation that the student needs to the future can be
found in the challenging tasks of the teachers. Most significantly, the
reality of this life is not easy, so the way to solve all problems are in
the hands of the students and this is difficult to find. For instance, my
teacher of English has sent us a hard homework, not to stress to their
students, only to prepare us for our future to development own language
and could communicate with other people.

In conclusion, teachers give us at challenging tasks only for prepare and

motivate to us to find a great way. In other words, all people have to
prepare to the real life because it is not easy, it is better to feel
sure that the problems has a solution and the best way to learning that
is to do a challenging tasks sent by the teachers at the school.

This essay was a bit confusing and redundant. Be careful with being

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