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1. 2. 3.

Descartes said that the idea

of God is real. As he decided
JOHN LOCKE GILBERT RHYLE to accept that God exist. He
finally conducted that
everything he clearly see and
perceive is true.
4. 5. 6.
Kant’s view of the “self” is related Hume’s philosophy tried to
to a spiritual or non-physical realm. describe EMPIRICISM. Empiricism is
For Kant the self is not in the body. the idea that the origin of all RATIONAL
The self is outside the body, and it knowledge is sense experience. It
does not have the qualities of the emphasized the role of experience
body and evidence (especially sensory
perception) in forming concepts,
while discounting the notion of
innate ideas.

7. 8. 9.
Socratic method is a dialogue There was a time that I was looking
between teacher and students, in the mirror and staring at myself The body is what allows us to act in
instigated by the continual and then suddenly, I was thinking the eternal world. It is what made
probing questions of the why I here, why do I look like this us different from one another and
and if it’s true that I exist? Then I what determines how we are
teacher, in a concerted effort to
realized I was the one who doubt perceived by other people.
explore the underlying beliefs and thinking about my existence,
that shape the students view therefore I exist.
and opinions.
10. 11. 12.
Philosopher, Physician, Political "I sense, therefore I am." This
theorist statement is all about sensing
- Founder of Empiricism rather than feeling. Because to Descartes argues that the self
- Father of Liberalism sense something, you rely more can be correctly considered as
-1632 – Born at Wrington, on intuitions. Like our 5 senses, either a mind or a human being,
Somerset, England we use this to sense everything and that the self’s properties
-1652 - 1658 – He graduated at around us. Yes, we can feel with vary accordingly while Gilbert
Christ Church, Oxford, with a these 5 senses but it isn't really Ryle argues that the mind does
bachelor’s and master’s degree about emotions; it's about how not exist and therefore can’t be
of arts. our body reacts to things. seat of self, Ryle believed that
-1667 – Locke became a Therefore this statement means self comes from behavior.
physician.. that if you react to a stimulus, a
1704 – John Locke thing or someone that you can
died in High Laver, Essex. sense, your reaction or response
to that shows a part of who you
are. And for that, you are what
you sense.
13. 14. 15.
-Also known as “St. Augustine -Born on March 31, 1596 at
of Hippo. France
-One of the Latin Fathers of the -A French Philosopher,
church Mathematician and Scientist.
-One of the most significant Immanuel Kant -Father of Western Philosophy
Christian thinker. -He invented Analytic Geometry
-1629, studied at University at
-February 11,1650 he died.

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