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Name: Khatrice B.

Diaz Section: Psych-1A Submitted To: Sir, Ejay

Activity # 4:
How do the following Philosophers answer the question:
Who Are You?

1. Augustine of Hippo- Augustine believed that humans were made in the image and likeness
of God and that our rational minds were the image of the Holy Trinity of the Father, Son, and
Holy Spirit.

“If we were stones, or waves, or wind, or flame, or anything of that kind, we should want,
indeed, both sensation and life, yet should possess a kind of attraction towards our own proper
position and natural order. For the specific gravity of bodies is, as it were, their love, whether
they are carried downwards by their weight, or upwards by their levity. For the body is borne by
its gravity, as the spirit by love, wherever it is borne.” (City of God, XI:28)

And He also believed that Unlike inanimate things, animals perceive and react to the sensible
world, but they still have no knowledge or desires not tied to their senses. But he believed that
Humans have an inner knowledge that animals lack. This is Augustine’s understanding of what
it means to be a rational being with self-knowledge, So, I would think that his idea of the image
of the Trinity in man is the best candidate for his definition of “self.”

2. Rene Descartes - He was a French Mathematician, Scientist, and philosopher who has been
called the “The FATHER of Modern Philosophy” He was born on ( March 31, 1596 he was died
In the year of 1650) and He believed that the Human body is a machine and can operate
without the soul- the bodies of animals are soulless machine. He also state that the thoughts
are the function of the soul because humans, and not animals, have them.

3. John Locke - John Locke believed that our experiences tell us about the nature of reality.
According to Locke's theory of perception, we can never form a complete picture of an object in
our minds that matches the object as it actually exists out there in the real world, the world of
time and space. That's because our minds deal directly with ideas, not with the real objects

4. David Hume - The “Bundle of Perception” Theory is one of the most significant contribution
of David Hume, He was an empiricist meaning that he saw human perception as the source of
human understanding. According to him Self is nothing but a collection or bundle of ever-
changing perceptions that are merely passing thru the so-called “Theater of Mind” this is where
the “Bundle of Theory” came out.
5. 5. Emmanuel Kant - He was a German philosopher and one of the central Enlightenment
thinker, He was born on April 22, 1724 and he was died on February 12, 1804. He answered
the question of “ Who are you?” by reasserted the idea of a concious self that is a knowing
object with specific mental faculties. And he also believes that self has a cognitive mechanism
which may call mind that is able to construct meanings and with organizing rules that are inborn
or hardwired in each individual. He also believed that We have an Inner and Outer Self which
together from our consciousness.

6. Sigmund Freud- He was an Austrian neurologist and the founder of Psychoanalysis, he

Answered the Question of “ Who are you?” by defining the personality as being used upon a
structure of three parts, those are the ID, EG, ad Super Ego. He defines ID as the satisfaction
of the needs, pleasure and Desire. While Ego express as a component of personality which is
responsible in dealing with reality, And lastly the so- called Super ego it represents the norms
and the qualities provides guidelines for making judgement in a certain situation.

7. Gilbert Ryle - He was a British philosopher he was born on August 19, 1900 and was died on
June 10, 1976. he was principally known for his critique of Cartesian dualism. Descartes
believed that we have such a “ Thinking thing” in our head. But, Gilbert says that’s impossible;
he said that it has never been found and never will. Gilbert refers to our inner private
experiences that should be seen as dispositions to behave in a certain way.

- He also took the the philosophical view that mental states must always translate into physical

- Ryle also believed that self comes from behavior.

8. Paul Churchland - Paul Montgomery Churchland is a Canadian philosopher known for his
studies in Neurophilosophy and the Philosophy of mind.

-He believed that the mind is nothing but the brain itself ( Neuroscience)

- He stated that, A concrete neuroscience can remove the need for beliefs its simplify they are
not real.

9. Maurice Merleau- Ponty - He was a French phenomenological Philosopher. He was born on

March 14, 1908 and was died on May 3, 1961. He indicate that a person perception is caused
by the complex and relation of an experience of the self-such as bodily experiences doesn’t
separate our subject to object, mind to body and being rational and irrational.

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