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Reference Check

Candidate: Đỗ Quang Tài

Conducted by: Vũ Minh Thành Date: 17/07/2021

Referee Name: Vũ Minh Thành

Referee Title/Position: IT Manager
Company: PMTT Group

Dates of employment: 20/8/2019
Position held: Nhân viên IT
What was the relationship between Tốt
referee and candidate?
What were his/her motivating factors Phát triển cá nhân và về quê làm việc
for leaving the company?

WORK PERFORMANCE Please describe/rate his/her work performance in the following areas:
Use of initiative? Tốt
Problem solving ability? Tốt
Ability to cope with work pressure?
Rất tốt
Employee/Customer/Client focus?

Have you ever had any reason to

question his/her honesty or integrity?
How would you describe his/her Tốt, chăm chỉ
attitude to work?
How was his/her punctuality? Was Luôn đúng giờ
there any ongoing concerns?
How was his/her attendance? Was Có
there any ongoing concerns?
How would you rate his/her work Tốt
ethic / energy / drive?

How did she/he relate to other Tốt, đoàn kết, năng động, luôn giúp đỡ đồng nghiệp
people? Colleagues /Management?
How would you best describe her as a Là một phần quan trọng trong team
team member?

What would you say his/her top 3 key Chăm chỉ, Năng động, sáng tạo
strengths are?

Hypothetically speaking would you Tốt

rehire him/her?

Please describe your contact information. Thank you in advance.

Referee’ Contact information
Name: Vũ Minh Thành
Position: IT Manager
Organization: PMTT GROUP
Contact No: 0942989890

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