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Title of the Research Article

• Online Teaching Placement during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Chile: Challenges

and Opportunities

Name of Author/s

• Paulina Sepulveda-Escobar & Astrid Morrison

Publication Year

• September 09, 2020

Summary of the research background of the chosen research paper

 The aim of the study was to explore student teachers’ perspectives on the
challenges and opportunities that arose during their online teaching placement.
 Considering the experience as an important sequence of events that can greatly
affect the process of learning to teach, the study seeks to explore what
challenges and opportunities arose for English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
student teachers’ practice-based learning while undertaking a remote teaching
placement during the COVID-19 pandemic.
 Due to the increasing number of new COVID-19 cases and the associated school
closures, higher education institutions adapted their teaching setting and their
practical activities to the virtual environment.
 The study attempts to answer the following research question: ‘What are the
challenges and opportunities student teachers faced while doing their online
teaching placement?

Evaluation on the research background

 As we evaluate the research background, it uses a formal and academic

language wherein we observe how it is written in proper grammar and spelling.
The language used is comprehensible, with varying degrees of formality and
objectivity. For example, “The Ministry of Education advised schools to deploy
remote teaching arrangements wherever possible in order to offer virtual
learning opportunities for all children in the country." The tone used is formal,
meaning that it's sound is not conversational or casual.
 Also, the research background provides brief information but comprehensive in
scope. The information and discussion was organized and coherent manner. It
started in discussing the first case of COVID-19 in Chile up to the main problem
which is 'What are the challenges and opportunities student-teachers faced
while doing their online placemen?’
 Like what we've mentioned earlier, the language used is objective. This means it
is unbiased, based on facts and evidence and it is not influenced by personal
feelings. The author cites some related literature to support their discussion.
 If the problem statement used is "Online teaching placement", it is not that
clear but the research focuses on challenges and opportunities student-teachers
faced while doing their online teaching placement is much clearer and
potentially much easier to measure and address. It gives a definite statement
about the area of concern even the aspects of the research problem.

 It provides the possible contributions of the study to the field. It also tackles the
contribution of the future and current studies and all the future teachers to
undertake this teaching experience in such way.

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