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Dettol soap ad

Worst ad award may go to Dettol soap because the ad has improper content of the picture, and
the illogical text. The ad shows disgusting image since they advertise the photograph of a
horrible crime. There is man’s hand covered in blood in the photo. Behind the man, we can see
one killed man on the floor with a knife still on his chest and bleeding from his mouth. The
whole picture is about murder as you can see so much blood in this ad. Looking at blood can be
hard on anyone because some people may have hemophobia which is a syndrome of being afraid
of seeing blood. It can lead to a drop in your heart rate when this happens you may feel dizzy or
faint. It is not appropriate for children to see. According to the definitive study on the topic, by
Isaac Marks of the Institute of Psychiatry in London, up to 30% of children are afraid of the sight
of blood. Due to researchers estimate that hemophobia affects approximately 3-4% of the
population so that some people will not buy Dettol soap. Over the picture on the left, there is a
text giving advice of running away from murder. It means you can kill somebody then you can
escape from crime just washing your hand. In general, this ad gives negative feelings and itself
downgraded own company because they used inappropriate picture and the meaningless text.

Munkhnar L. 21b1num0585
Indra E. 21b1num0588
Davaasuren Ch. 17b1num2760

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