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Psalm S.

Israel GEC102 – 15J

BSCE – 1 TFR 9:00am – 10:30am



Example: This Vogue cover featuring the NBA star LeBron James almost directly
resembles the photo on the left which depicts a picture of a wild and angry gorilla holding
a lady.

Analysis: This very racist magazine cover implicitly says that African-American men, or
black men in general, are brutal, ill-mannered, and aggressive. This magazine issue
came from a very popular company and it even features LeBron Janes, which is
arguably the most famous sports personality in the world. This just means that even the
most famous and influential personalities in the world are not safe from stereotyping and
racial discrimination.

Example: This commercial is about the car, Volkswagen Polo, which is labelled by the
company as “small but tough”. In the commercial, a guy wearing a scarf enters the car
and drives it, then stops in an area where there are many civilians, then gets his hand
grenade and detonates it inside the car wherein after the grenade was detonated, there
were no debris or anything that was broken from the car that is caused by the grenade.

Analysis: This commercial used an actor that seems to pertain to Arabic people based
on the actor’s clothes, the scarf, and the facial hair. This commercial obviously shows that
the people behind this advertisement are labelling the Arabs as terrorists based on how
the commercial is shown. This is a very racist advertisement because it may cause fear
to the audiences and make the audiences subconsciously think of Arabs as a threat to the
society. It is just like saying that the only thing that the Arabic people do in this world is to
cause terror, to bomb places, and to have suicide missions; which is very wrong.


Example: This advertisement for a detergent product shows a woman doing her
laundry, then a black man with paint stains to his face and his shirt approached the
woman, and the moment the black man was about to kiss the woman, the woman
immediately pushed the black man into the washing machine. Moments after, the black
man in the washing machine magically became a white guy, whom the woman
immediately became attracted to.
Analysis: This inappropriate advertisement just shows how the black people are
labelled as “dirty” people because of their color. In the advertisement, the woman is
unattracted to the black man, but was attracted to the white guy. This implicitly says that
light-skinned men are more attractive to women than dark-skinned men. In the
advertisement, after the black man was “washed” in the washing machine, he became
light-skinned, and then became attractive. This advertisement just tells that having a
dark skin is not beautiful, or “black is not beautiful”, or “black is dirty”; which is a very
wrong, inappropriate, and racist way of labelling and describing the people of color.



Example: This Facebook post from the news media website, Rappler, presents the
termination of the 1989 agreement between the University of the Philippines and the
Department of National Defense which prohibits any armed forces to enter the
university. According to the letter of the defense secretary, this termination was done to
protect the students and the university from the recruitment activities, due to the
allegations of an ongoing recruitment of students to the New People’s Army (NPA).

Analysis: Let us look at the text in the image. The text “DUTERTE GOV’T...” seems to
be highlighted because it was of different font color compared to the remaining texts
from the statement. This decision of terminating the agreement was independently done
by the Department of National Defense, so instead of using the starting words “THE
DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL DEFENSE...”, why did this news media used the starting
words “DUTERTE GOV’T...”? This post could make the audience think that it was
President Duterte who was solely responsible for the termination of the agreement
because the university is a possible “threat”, or it could be a tactic to scare people into
thinking that anyone who is speaking against President Duterte’s government or anyone
that criticizes the government will face military actions, and face bad or even grave
consequences. In the photo, the succeeding texts in the statement are in red font color,
which could signify blood. Again, implicitly stating that whoever disagrees or stands
against “Duterte’s Government” will be treated as an enemy.


Example: This poster advertisement presents a smoker wherein the right side of his
face turned into a skull, because of his continuous smoking. This ad explicitly states the
grave danger that is brought by smoking.

Analysis: This advertisement is an effective way of letting the audiences know that the
grave danger that smoking might cause us is actually real and true. The advertisement
effectively uses scare tactics to make the audiences think twice about smoking or even
quit smoking because it is a serious health hazard. The graphical representation in the
advertisement is also an effective way of “scaring” teenagers, or young adults that have
the plans to start smoking, or others that already started smoking.

Example: This toothpaste advertisement is from the toothpaste product, Sensodyne,

which is claimed to be effective in minimizing the effects of having a sensitive teeth. In
the advertisement, the doctor explains how having a sensitive teeth causes people to not
enjoy their lives and then promotes the product, saying that if we will use this product,
our teeth sensitivity will disappear and we will start enjoying our lives again.

Analysis: In the very start of the video, we are greeted by the statement “Why does ice
cream hurt my teeth?”, with the text “hurt my teeth” in the largest font size. This can
immediately make the audiences think about instances where they experienced having a
sensitive teeth. The advertisement also presented a dentist, giving the audience the
“sense of trust”, that makes them think that this product may be legitimate because it
was presented by a dentist and the dentist gave a recommendation to use the product.
The advertisement used scare tactics in a way that audiences who has a sensitive teeth
will not enjoy their lives, but if they will use the product, they will start enjoying their lives
again. It is just another way of saying that “You will suffer from a sensitive teeth
throughout your life if you will not use this product, so you better start using it now.”

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