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Encoding and Retrieval of lnformation


The purpose of this chapter is to outline sorne

recent developments in our understanding of encoded information. However, this early
human memory processes-specifically, en work focused less on encoding and retrieval
coding and retrieval processes in long-term than it did on storage or retention of informa
episodic memory. A brief history of work in tion. In one of the more prominent variants of
thls area is provided, followed by a discussion information-processing theory, sometimes
of memory codes. The natura of encoding and called the multistore or modal modal, infor
retrieval operations is then explorad, with a mation is presumed to flow through a series of
discussion of how these two types of pro mental stores (Atkinson & Shiffrin, 1971; and
cesses interact. The chapter concludes with a see also Bower, chapter 1). In thls model, in
description of sorne factors that lead to en formation enters the processing system
hancement and impaírment of memory perfor through modality-specific sensory stores and
mance. then proceeds to a limitad short-term or pri
mary memory before entoring a pormanent
and extensiva long-term or secondary mem
The lnformation ory. The key to successful encoding in this
model is attention- that is, in arder for infor
Processing Framework
mation to proceed to progressively more capa
The terms encocling and retrieval have their cious and durable stores, tha loarner has to
origins in the information-processing frame pay conscious attention to the information.
work of the 1960s, which characterized the The more rehearsal that the individual en
human mind/brain asan information-process gages in , the greater the likelihood that the in
ing device (see also Bower, chapter 1, for a formation will be transferred .from short-term
more detailed history of memory research). In to permanent storage (Atkinson & Shiffrin,
this model, the mind-like the computer-re 1968). So, far example, when processing lan
ceives infonnational input that it retains for a guage, the "literal" sensory input decays rap
variable duration and subsequently outputs in idly unless selected by attentional mecha
nis:ms that transform it into short-term
some meaningful form. Encoding, therefore,
refers to the process of acquírlng1nfonn.ation auditory or visual representatlons. Further
processing usually transforms the short-term
ar placing lt into memory, whereas retrieval
infonnation into long-termsemantic represen
refers to the process of recovering previously
tations that can be recovered minutes or even


years later. This information-processingmodel

sify these qualitatively different dimensions
of memory has been very influential and is
of encoding, to wotlc out thei.r interrelations.
still in use soma 30 years later.
and to specify thei.r implic.ations fo¡ later
However, the three-store model is not with
memory qf the original event (Bower, 1967).
out its problems: For example, subsequent re
search showed that the capacity. coding, and If these different aspects of an encodod object
forgetting characteristics of short-term mem or event are stored in somewhat different
ory varied as a function of people, materials, regions of the b(ain, an important _problam
and tasks (e.g., Naveh-Benjamin & Ayres, concerns how tha aspects are bound togather
during the encod ing and retrieval processes
1986; Shulman, 1972). Moreover, models ap
to yield the axperi ence of a single coherent
pealing to both passive stores and active pro
object or event. This
cesses were considerad less parsimonious
''binding problem" is ubiquitous in cognitive
than one appealing solely to active processes. thoorizing (see, e.g.. Chalfonte & Johnson,
That is, if the experientiaJ and behavioral as 1996: and Johnson & Chalfonte, 1994).
pects of memory can be accounted for by con
One possibility is that all sensory modal
sidering the characteristics of various encod ing ities first represent and store rather literal
and retrieval processes themselves, the concept cop ies of the surface aspects of objects (e.g.,
of a "memory atore" loses theoretical meaning
color, size, shape). and that subsequent
and thus becomes superfluous. As an alternativa interactions with the sama objects reveal the
framework, Craik and Lockhart (1972) proposed relations among tbe sensory elements, as
that incoming stimuli were processed to
well as "deeper" aspects such as function,
different levels. or depths, within the cognitiva
signili cance. and value. By this view, tho
system, from "shallow" 01 sen sory levels to cognitiva system is organizad hierarchically.
"deep" or meaningful levels of analysis. with1ower levels reprasenting sensory aspects
Memory is considerad to be the by product of and higher levels representing derivad aspects
such active perceptual and cogni tive ("signifi cance" or ''meani:ng") of objects and
processes¡ the more deeply or meaning fully the events. The lower, shallow levels of
i:nformation is processed, the more well processing may be driven predomi:nantly by
retained the information will be. This levels-of- perceptual inputs (bottom-up or data-driven
processi:ng (LOP) view thus empha sizes the processing) end the higber (deepar) levels
role of mental operations in memory, driven either by the sama perceptual inputs,
particularly encoding processes. Clearly, re or activated "top down" by expectations
trieval processes are also important and, as and intentions (Nor man, 1968). If sballow
discussed later, a more complete model incor levels ofrepresentation are not well accessed
porates the LOP view of encoding with views by top-down processes, this may be one reason
emphasizing the compatibility of encoding sensory codas are diffi cult to maintain and
and retrieval operations (e.g., Morris, Brans rabearse (e.g,. Posner 8c Keele, 1967). A
ford, & Franks, 1977). further difference between sensory and
conceptual codos is that sensory codas are
likely to be reused in many different
The Nature of Memory Codes combinations, just as the 26 letters of the al
phabet are recombinad to form many different
Jt seeins likely that our memory for unique words; conceptual codes, on the other
personally experienced events, along with hand, are more usually spacific and differenti
accrued knowledge and skilled procedures, able (Moscovitcb & Craik, 1976).
must ulti mately be representad in the brain ll is natural enough to regard these various
by complex networks of neurons. In this coded representations as the product or resi
sense, specific neural networks represen! due of processing operations; that is, as struc
various life experi ences in a coded form, and tures of the mind and of the brain. Soma
the assumption is that when a particular theo rists have taken a more radical position,
nehvork is active, we reexperience tha avent however, and argued that the coded represen
or recollect the fact. Howevar, it is also tations of experiences are the processes them
possible to talk about mam ory codes ata selves (e.g., Kolers & Roediger, 1984). By this
cognitiva level. That is, diffarent aspects of account, the activity ofxemembering is similar
an experienced event are en coded-for to the activity of perceiving; the mental
example, an object's shape, tex tura, location, oxpe riences of perceiving and remembering
and function-and part of tha cognitiva occur only when the relevant processing
resaarcher's task is therefore to clas- operations are themselves occurring. It is
even possible to thin.k lhat the similarity
between perceiving

and remembering is more than an analogy; bypothesis in which he suggests that many
that memory encoding processes are identical events are representad in two very different
to those processes carried out primarily for ways: an analogue coda that preserves the
the purposes of perception and physical features of the object or scene (e.g.,
comprehension. and that memory retrieval an image of a cat under a table), and a sym
processes represent the cognitiva system's bolic code that provides a verbal description
best efforts to reinstate the sama pattem of of the event (e.g., "the cat is under tbe table").
mental activity that oc currad during the In support ofthis hypothesis, researchers have
original experience (Craik, 1983; Craik & shown that visual perception interferes witb
Loclchart, 1972). visual imagery (both sets of processes presum
Of course, fuere must bo some pbysical ably utilizing the pictorial coding systero), but
changa in tbe brain that corresponds to tbe that visual perception of scenes or objects in
formation and storage of each new memory, terferes only negligibly with the mental roa
but tbis material basis of memory may again nipulation of verbal material (Baddeley, 1983;
be clifferent from the pattem of neural activity Brooks, 1968). Pa.ivio (1971) has also demon
that is the correlata of the mental exporience strated that memory is enbanced when an
of remembering. A videotape recording may event can be encoded by both systems; thus
provide an analogy here. Tbe tape itself con concrete nouns like TABLE and HORSE are
tains a static coded representation of the reaclily encoded imaginally as well as ver
filmad events; the tape has the potential to bally, whereas abstract nouns (e.g., TRUTH,
give rise to a specific pattem of electromag JUSTICE) do not easily yield a pictorial image.
netic activity when run through the VCR, and The finding is that concrete nouns are better
this activity in turn causes the dynamic im recalled than are abstract nouns; two codas
ages (the "phenomenal exporience") to appear are better than one.
on tbe video acreen. When analyzing and re The dual--coding hypothesis seems very
searching memory codes we may, therefore, much on tbe right track, but probably does not
have to consider three very different levels of go far enough. There must also be codes for
representation: a structural level of neuro voices, meloclies, texturas, tastes, smells, and
chem.ical changas in tbe brain, a pattern of many other aspects of our perceptual experi
neural activity that is triggered and guided by ences. But fuere is no reason to tbink that their
the first level. and the mental experience that memory codas obey different laws; it seems
is a correlata of activity at the second level. likely, in fact, that such stimuli encoded only
Each level of representation will have its own in terms of their surface features will not be
rules and characteristics, and there will also remembered well, and tbat those encoded
be "mapping rules" by which adjacent Jevels "deeply"in terms of domain-relevant meaning
communicate. A comprehensiva sc.ience of will be well retained. It is important to note
memory will, therefore, bave to provide an that "meaning" does not refer to linguistic
ac count ofmemory codes et these various meaning only; a familiar face, a well-known
levels, as well as an account of how one set of voice, an evocative picture, a spectacular
codas maps on to the otber sets (sea Konorski, chess move or football play-are all examples
1967; Velichkovsky, 1994, for similar ideas). of stimuli tbat are meaningful and tbus likely
to be encoded deeply and well remembered.
From point of view, expertise in the do
Types of Memory Code main of encoding under investigation is a pre
requisita for attaining deeper levels of process
This chapter is concemed with codas at the ing (Bransford, Franks, Morris, & Stein, 1979).
psychological level only; other chapters of the Sorne examples of investigations of these
handbook deal with the neural correlatas of less usual encoding dimensions include stud
these codas. Most memory research by cogni ies of face recognition (Moscovitch, Wino
tiva psychologists has dealt with language or cur, & Behrmann, 1997) and voice recognition
elphanumeric materials-numbers, letters, (Read & Creik, 1995) . Pictures are extremely
syllables, words, sentences, and texts-so the well recognized (e.g., Standing_. 1973), pre
study of encoding processes has concentrated sumably because we are all "experts" in visual
substantially on verbal codas. Pictures have perception. There is relaUvely little work on
been. stuclied to a lesser extent, and some im memory for touch, taste, or smell; Herz and
portant contrasts have been drawn between Engen (1996) pi:ovide a useful review of stud
pictorial and verbal codas. For example, Jlai ies of memory for odors. 0n the other band,
rjo (1971) proposed an influential dual-code

Wilson and Emmorey (1997) have recently ex

ternal-for example, motiva:tion, strategies,
aminad the nature of representation in sign
and relevant prior knowledge-and others are
language: it appears that deaf signers employ
externa!, such as to-ba-learned matarials and
memory codas similar to hearing subjects (i.e..
experimental instructions. Soma highlights
articulatory and phonological representa
are discussed in the present section.
tions), albeit within the visuo-spatial domain.
Fi:rst, it is important to l>J!ar in mind the
Finally, studies of musical memory (see Levi
tin, in press, fot a review) s.uggest that melo
goals and purposes of tha learner. If a person
dies aro encoded abstractly; that is, we tand wishes to hold a verbal saquence only
to recall the relativa frequencies and briefly-retainlnga string of numbers to make
dmations of musical notes rather than their a telephone call, for example-than it may be
absolute fre quencies Ol' durations. Howaver, more efficient to encocle the string as a speech
soma abso luta information is retainad, as motor sequence. This type of sho:rt-term. artic
when nonmu sicians sing thair favori.te song ulatory code (the "articulatory loop" in the
from memory and appto:ximate the tones usad terminology ofBaddeley, 1986) is excellent for
in the original recording (Levitin, 1994). In
short-term retention but poor for longar term
swnmary, it ap pears tbat memories may be memory, as most people know in connection
coded along a multitude of dimensions and with remambering the names of new acquain
that several codes may be ratained from a tances at a party! Clearly "paying attention"
single expel'i enced evant. to new information is crucial. Howaver,
more than simply attanding to something, we
Another class of coda is memory for con
textual detall, as opposed to memory for the must also process it at an abstract,
focal event itself. One example of context schematic. and conceptual level. Por
memory is memory for the source from example, Craik and Tul ving (1975) showed
which info:rmation was learned. Memory for that when participants were asked questions
the event itself and its source are often about a series of words, semantic questions
dissociable (Schacter, Harbluk, & McLachlan, (e.g., "Is the word a type of fish?"-SHARK)
1984). Thus a person may :remembe:r soma
led to higher levels of memoryin a
newly acqui:red fact but forget where he or she subsequent surprise test than did questions
learned iL Older people are particularly relating to phonemic ("Does the word
vulnerable to this type of forgetting (Mclntyre rhyme with park?") or orthographic fea tu:res
& Craik, 1987; Spence:r & Raz, 1995), resulting
("Does tha word start with S?"). Figure
6.1 shows sub jects' mean recognition levels
in their "tell ing the sama story twice"
(Koriat, Ben-Zur, & Sheffer, 1988). Another for these three conditions (Craik & Tulving,
comm.on experience is what George Mandler 1975, experiment 1). This result suggests that
(1980) referred to as "the butcher on the bus" "paying attention" is not an end in itself;
phenomenon: when a person's faca rather, what is crucial is the qualitative nature
encountered in an atypical context seems of the processing operations fueled by atten
very familiar, yet the perceiver cannot tional resources.
recollect whe:re or when he has met the person. Put another way, the type of rehearsal that
But does contextual informetion uti liza a the individual angages in determines the suc
different type of memory coda? It seems most cess oí' his or her encoding afforts. Thero are
likely that it does not; contextual or sourca two main types of rebearsal that are pertinent
information is qualitatively similar to focal to the LOP framework: maintenance rehearsal,
event information and is classified as in which information is kapt passivaly in
"context" merely because it is of lessar inter mind-for examp1e, through rote repetition
est to the perceive:r. The greater vulnerability and elaborative rehearsal, in which informa
of contextual information to forgetting is most tion is meaningfully relatad to other informa
likaly attributable to its receiving less atten tion, presented either p:reviously or cun:ently.
tion and less comprehensiva and elaborate The general finding is that the greateI tha elab oration-or extensiveness-of one's encod
ings, the batter the subsequent mamory
(Craik & Tulving, 1975). For example, Craik
Encoding Operations and Tulving (1975) asked participants to de
cide whether a word would fit meaningfully
From the preceding discussion it should be in either a simple, medium, or complex sen
clear that severa! factors are important ingre tence. Although ali three types of sentences
dients of good encoding. Sorne factors are in- involved conceptual processing, the most
complex sentences were ramamberad best,

,, 0.9
·o2, 0.8
e (,) 0.1

u 0.4
oc. 0.2
.t: 0.1
O.O -+-- ..

Case Rhyme Category

Level of

Figure 6.1 Mean proportions of words recognized as a function of

processing condition (data from Craik & Tulving, 1975, experiment 1).

presumably because the complex sentences

ries of numbers may be recodad into chunks
activated lm:ger, richer cognitiva structures
of adjacent numbers from dates, repetitions, o:r
than did the simpler sentences.
simple arithmetic sequences; as an example,
A related issue with rehearsal concerns the
the series 771968246333 can be broken into 4
timing of the rehearsals: retention after e
chunks, namely 77-1968-246-333. This stret
delay is best when rehearsals are distributed
egy of chunk ing may be quite useful during
or spaced out over time, rather than massed
the initial stages of encoding, given claims
to gether in a short period of time. The
about the limitad capacity of short-term mem
spacing of rehearsals may be mimick.ed by
ory (e.g., Millar, 1956). Tulving (1962, 1968)
actually presenting itams to be learned twice,
extended the notion of grouping on the basis
either at short or long intervals. The finding
of previous learning to that of "subjective or
here is that longar spaced repetitions are
ganization," measured by the consistency of a
associated with hígher levels of subsequent
subject's responses in a series of recall trials
retention (e.g., fodigan, 1969). Why should
from the same list. Tulving's argument was
this be? One sug gestion is that items re-
that "similar" items (however defined by the
presentad after longar intervals are more
subject) will tend to be recalled together, and
likely to be encoclad some what differently
the growth of leaming over a series of trials
from how they were on their first
will be correlated to the strengthening of
presentation. This encoding variability may
inter item associations and thus tosubjective
be associated with a richer, more elabo rate
organ ization. In fact, the results showed a
encoding of the item, which in turn sup ports
correla• tton between subjective organization
better retention {Martín, 1968).
and learning (Tulving, 1962 , 1968).
In addition to eleborative and distributed Finally, the distinctivenessof encodings, or
rehearsal, organizetion has been shown to be the p:rocessing of stimulus-specific character
helpful when learning new information. Or istics, has been shown to improve memory.
onization refers to the grouping together of Moscovitch and Craik (1976) had subjects en
tems into larger units, usually basad on cade words either shallowly or deeply, and ei•
meaningful relationships between ltems. One ther each word was given its own unique en
type of organization is callad chunlcing, coding question or groups of 10 words shared
which im-ol,-e.s grouping items ínto largar the same encoding question. These encoding
units on is of previous experience. Thus,
a se-

questions were later presentad as retrieval

in encoding, much research has supported the
cuas, and the finding was that the benefit of
notion that the type of material employed also
u.Dique cues relativa to sbared cues was
determines the effectiveness of an encodin g.
greater for deeper levels of encoding. Mosco
In particular, there is the fi.nding that pictures
vitch and Craik concluded that deepar encod
are typically remembered mucb better than
ing establishes a higher ceiling on potential words, known as the picture superiority
memory performance, and that the extent to effect As described previously, Paivio (1971)
which this potential is realizad depends on has ar gued that this is the case because
the specificity of the cue-target relation. It pictures are more li.kely to be encoded and
therefore seems that, ideally, information stored in two independent codes (e.g., both
should be encoded in terms of both item-spe verbal and lmag inal codes) than are words
cific features (characteristics that are unique (but see, e.g., Pyly shyn, 1973, for an
to a particular stimulus) and associative fea alternativa view). Instruc
tures (charaoteristics shared with other infor tions also play an important role, as most
mation presentad either concurrently or pre people are not fully knowledgeable about
viously). In fact, several researchers (e.g., opti mal learning strategies. Therefore,
AUBubel, 1962; Einstein & Hunt, 1980) have instructions to procesa ilems coherently and
suggested that both distinctive processing, or meaningfully ( word lists into
the encoding of differences among sti.muli, and stories or ínter·
organization, or the encoding of similarities, acting images, for example) are typically bene
are important for successful remembering. ficial (Bower, 1970¡ Paivio, 1971). On the
There is also ampla evidence that encoding other hand, the intention to leam something
may be guided by an individual's prior does not seem to be a factor in its own right,
knowl edge, values, and expectations (e.g., but simply a means of ensuring that soma
Bartlett, 1932; Bnmsford & Johnson, 1972). In effi cient encoding strategy willbe used. Tbis
particu lar, individuals call upon semantic con clusion follows from studies showing that
memory or general world knowledge when in cidental (nonintentional) learning can be as
encoding and retrieving new information effective as, or even more effective than,
(Neisser, 1998). The implication of these inten tional learning provided thal the
factors for memory is that subjects typically incidental orienting task induces the learner
encade more than is presentad to them in the to procese the informati.on in a meaningful,
stimulus, especially if the stimulus is rich in elaborate, and distinctive fashion (Craik &
meaning-a sentence or a picture, for example. Tulving, 1975; Postman, 1964).
Barclay (1973) dem onstrated that subjects
encocle inferences from meaningful sentences,
and Barclay, Bransford, Franks, McCanell, and Retrieval Operations
Nitsch (1974) .furthar showed that different
contexts biased a word's encoding in different Modero psychological research on memory
ways. In a relatad dem onstration, Ande:rson et developed from work on learning, and this
al. (1976) showed that people tend to encade shift resultad in an emphasis on the processes
particulars rather than generalities; after of encoding or acquisition; very little thought
encoding the phrase, "Fisb attacked was given to the equally important problems
swimmer," for example, SHARK was a better of memory retrieval. This state of a.ffairs was
retrieval cu.e than FISH for later recall of the recti.fied by a series of studies from Endel Tul
phrase. ving's laboratory in the 1960s (see Tulving,
Similatly, ex'Pertise may provide an impor• 1983, for a summary account). First, Tulving
tant mental framework to which incoming in distinguished two majar reasons for forget
formation may be attached. For example, in a ting- either the relevant memory trace was no
study of expert versus novice chess playera, longar available (i.e., ithad been lost from
experts were bettar than novices at the system) or it was sti.ll present but not
remember ing the positions of chess pieces on
a "legal" chessboard, but were no better than
accessi ble by means of the present cuas &
Pearlstone, 1966). It is difficult to prove with
novices when recalling a "random" chess certainty that a given trace is truly unavail
layout, where pieces· positions did not able-it maybethat the appropriate cuas bave
conform to the rules of chess (e.g., Chase & not yet been provided-so Tulving's further
Simon, 1973; see also Bransford et al., 1979; work focused on the effectiveness of variou s
and Kimball and Holyoak, chapter 7). types of cues. He proposed the notion that
With regard to the role of externa! successful remembering is a joint function of
variables trace lnformation (reflecting encoding vari-

ables) and cue information (reilecting retrleval

variables). That is, it is nol possible to under responses by means of a subjective recognition
stand memory by considering either encoding test. The generate-recognize theory predicts
or retrieval in isolation; remembering reflects that memory performance should be worse
the interaction between encoding and when two processes are required of the
retrieval processes. subject (e.g., recall) than when only one
These ideas then led to the eocoding speci process is re quired (e.g,. recognition).
ficity principie, which st.ates in essence that a However, Tulving and Thomson found the
retrieval cue wiil be effective to the extent that opposite result, sug gesting that the degree of
information in the cue was iocorporated in the overlap between study and test conditions is
trace of the target event at the time of its or more predictiva of memory performance than
is the requirement to generate a response.
iginal encoding (Tulving, 1983; Tulving &:
Nonetheless, as dis cussed later, it seems
Thomson, 1973). Thus , if the word BRIDGE is
certain that constructiva, reconstructiva, and
encoded asan engioeering structure, the sub
generativa processes do play an important
sequent cue "a card game" will be ineffective,
part in retrieval under cer tain circumstances
but the cue words "girder" or "spao" would
(see, e.g., Jacoby &: Hol lingshead, 1990).
probably be quite effective. More subtly, if a
A further dramatic example of encoding
certain characteristic of an object or eveot is
specificity is provided by Nilsson, Law, and
stressed at encoding, then other salient as
Tulving (1988). They had subjects learn lists
pects of the object will not function as effec tive
of famous names (e.g., George Washington,
cuas. Barclay et al. (1974) demonstrated this by Charles Darwin) and well-known cities (e.g.,
showing that if the word PIANO was encadad Toronto, Stockholm). At the time of study
as "something heavy," then the later these names were encoded in the context of
cue "a musical instrument" was not associated compatible phrases (e.g,. "A well known
with higb Jevels of recall. generation p!a..,;!ble candidatas basad on the available
Tulving and Thomson (1973) illustrated fullo,nld by selecti on a f items for overt
the encoding specificity principie in a 4-stage
par adigm. First, target words were presentad
for subjects to learn in the context of a second
word; for example, the target word BLACK
was presentad with the context word "train."
In a second(ostensibly unrelated) phase, sub
iects were asked to generala 6 associations to
a series of words; thus the word "white"
might be provided and the subject might
-sheet, snow, color, black, grey, crayon"). In a
third (recognition) phase the subject was
asked to circle any of his geoerated words
,rere on the ioitial list of target words to be
lea:med. Finally, in phase 4, the original coo
text words (e.g., "train") were re-presentad as
enes far a cued-recall test. The spectacular re
.sult of the study was that subjects recogoized
(24%) of the target words from the
words they had previously generated,
but were
7>nably successful (63%) at recalling the
t words when the context words were
pmrlded in phase 4. The conclusion is that
BLACK in th e con te xt of "train" is encoded
¡pec.ific fashion, and this specific encoding
cat •contacted" by BLACK in the context
ium.·• The res ul t also casta doubt on tha
. ::::e.-ate-recogniz"e theory of recall (e.g., Ba-
19;0; Kintsch. 1970), which states that
:!ICa!l reflects two processes: covert
building far music in VIENNA").
In a subse quent test of names in
the absence of context, subjects
failed to recognize many of the
names, although they were able
to recall the nemes later when
reprovided with the study
contexts. Thus the pheoomenon
ofrecognition failure of recallable
words extends even to sa
lient and well-known proper nouns.
Perhaps the main message of
the encoding specificity principle
is that successful re trieval
depends on the similarity of
encoding and retrieval
operations. This point is gener
ally accepted, and is embodied in
other cur reot views of retrieval.
For instance, Kolers (1973, 1979)
suggested that recognition mem
ory performance improves to the
extent that the processing
operations carried out during
retrieval replicate those carried
out at tha time of encoding. In a
similar vein, the concept of
transfer-appropriate processing
postulates that good memory
performance is a positiva func
tion of the degree of overlap
between encod ing and retrieval
processes (Morri.s et al., 1977;
Roediger, Weldon, &: Ch allis,
1989). But it does not appear to
be the case that compatibil ity
between encoding and retrieval
operatioos is all that matt.ers; the
depth (or type) of initial encoding
also playa a major role. For
instance, Monis et al. (1977)
demonstrated that when words
were testad for recognition in
terms of their rhyming
characteristics, rhyme encoding
cues were more effective than
semantic encod ing cues, but on
the other hand, the combina-

1 tion of semantic encoding and semantic re

trieval (standard itero recognition) was
superior to thet of rhyme encoding and rhyme
evident in memory (Bartlett, 1932). By and
large these constructiva influences are posi
tiva and helpful, but they can also lead to er
retrieval. The data from their Expetiment 1
rors, soma of which may occur during the ini
are sbown in table 6.1. Far target words
tial encoding of an event (or in storage; see,
associ ated with positiva responses at
for exemple, the work of Loftus, 1998), but
encoding, the semantic-semantic and rhyme-
most of which probably occur et retrieval.
rhyme encod ing-test combinatio ns yielded
The best evidence far these false memorias
recognition seores of 0.84 and 0.49,
comes from the recent work of Roediger,
respectively. Mortis et al. argue thet semantic
McDermott, and their associates, and the
processing is not nec essarily superior to other
reader is referred to that work for further
types of encoding memory performance will
details (Roediger, McDer mott, & Robinson,
depend both on the competibility between
1998; Roecliger & McDer mott, chapter 10).
encoding end test, end on the purposes and
expertise of the leamer. lnte:restingly, table
6.1 also shows that the su periority of Encoding/Retrieval
rhyme-rhyme over semantic rhyme does not
hold for targets essociated with negativa lnteractio ns
responses et encoding, perheps because in
this case the target words are not so richly State dependency is a special example of en
coding specificity or trensfer-appropriate pro
encadad in terms of their rhyming
cessing. Tbe notion is that, just as retrieval
cheracteristics. One way of summing up the
de penda on the effectiveness of retrieval
situation is to sey that the type of initial en
cuas, it also depends on the person's "state" or
coding sets limits on the probability of later
mental conclition when he or sbe was encoding
:retrieval; the degree to which this potential is infor mation. Moreover, the person's state at
realized then depends on the competibility
re trieval should ideally match that at
be tween encoding and retrieval information
encoding in arder to ensure retrieval of the
(Moscovitch & Craik, 1976).
encadad in formation. For instance. if a
One further salient characteristic of re person has learned certain facts or
trieval is its constructiva or reconstructiva na experienced particular events while "high"
tura. The cognitiva approach to perception, on drugs or alcohol, or while in a certain
learning, and the higher mental processes mood, then he or she may be better able to
stresses the notion thet the whole cognitiva recall the facts or events when in a similar
system is active end constructive, as opposed state of mind. lnterestingly, state dependent
to the more passive and :reactive view engen effects appear to be strongest when retrieval
dered by bebaviorist approaches. Thus, even cues are weakest-for example, with free recall
perception depends substantially on past ex as opposed to recognition memory (Eich,
perience end whet we expect to perceive, and 1980). One possible interpretation of this
such "top-down" in.fluences are particulatly finding is that the person's mental state

Table 6.1 Proportions of wor ds recogni.ze d (bits minus false alarms) as a function of
encoding and test conditions (Morris, Bransford, & Franks, 1977, experiment 1).
Positiva responses Negative responses
Test Test
Standard Rhyme Standard Rhyme
Semantic .84 .33 Sementic .86 .33
Rhyme .63 .49 Rhyme .52 .18

Note. At encoding, subjects a111wered semantlc or i:hyme qut1Stions about targel words. These questions led eitber
to a positiva response (e.g., "Rhymes with legel?"-EAGLE) or a negativa resporue (e.g.• "Rhymes with sound?u
EAGLE). Subsequent recognitlon seores for targets associetod wlth posit!ve nnd negativa responses are shown on
lheleft and rlght respectlvely. The recognllion testwBS eithor for tbe targot word itself (e.g.. EAGLE ?) or for a ward
rhyming with any target word (o.g.. REGAL ?).

influences and guidas the constructiva aspects

with the idea that older people are particu
of retrieval, and that top-down constructiva
larly dependent on help from compatible con
operations play a bigger part in recall than
texts when attempting to remember. Obvi
they do in recognition, which is relatively
ously people can remember facts and events
more data chiven.
when they are not in the original encoding
Just as a person's mental state can appar
context, and such remembering is therefore
ently modulate the and retrieval of
more reliant on "self-initiated mental activi
infonnation, so too can the externa! context,
ties." In fact, commonly used retrieval para
provided that it is sufficiently rich and dis
digms may be classified with respect to how
tinctive. An interesting example of this phe
much environmental support they provide
nomenon is Godden and Baddeley's (1975)
and (in a complementary sense) how much
finding that when scuba divers learned lists of
self-initiated activity they require. Crailc
words eitber underwater or on dry land, they
(1983) suggested that paradigms such as :free
subsequently recalled more words when they
recall and prospectiva remembering typically
were testad in the study location, as opposed
require a lot of self-initiated activity, whereas
to tbe alternativa location not used at study.
recognition memory and many procedural
Figure 6.2 shows subjects' mean recall perfor
memory paradigms embody more environ
mance as a function of encoding and retrieval
mental support and thus require less self-initi
condition (Godden & Baddeley, 1975, experi
ated activity. There is reasonable evidence to
ment 1). Reinstatement of the encoding con
support the conclusion that adult age-related
text at the time of retrieval can thus be very
memory decrements are greatest in situations
b81.le:ficial to remembering-an effect encoun
where environmental support is least avail
tered in daily life under the term "revisiting
able (see Anderson & Craik, chapter 26).
the scene of the crime" or less dramatically
by returning to room A after failing to Earlier in this chapter, the lmportance of
remember what it was you went to room B to elaborate semantic processing operations was
fetch! This notion was developed by Craik emphasized. Typically, the involvement of
(1983, 1986) into the concept of meaning at encoding, combinad with the pro
"environmental support" vision of compatible retriaval cuas at the

-.- Dry recall envlronment
l 13
ftJ -e- Wet recall envlronment
i.. 12
1 h
- e11
¡ 10
::, 9
: 8
Dry Wet
Leamlng envlronment
Figure 6.2 Mean number of words recalled as a function of learning
and recall environment (data from Godden & Baddeley, 1975, experi
ment 1; adaptad from Anderson, 1980, p. 210).
of testing, yields the highest levels of
memory performance. However, onstration of savings in reading speed one
102 a refinement

to this general principie is suggested by year later in subjects reading texts in trans
investiga tlons of paradigms that tap implicit formad typography. It now seems that the res
memory (see Roediger & McDennott, 1993; olution of the puzzle may involve cliffere nces
Schacter, 1987; and Toth, chapter 16, for between i.mplicit and explicit tests
reviews). In these paradigms, subjects are not ofmemory. In the latter cases, when subjects
asked explic itly to recollect sorne earlier are asked to recollect an earlier event, sensory
event; rather, the initial experience affects or surface information appears to play little
current performance, often in the absence of part after a few seconds-in line with Craik and
any conscious recollec tion of the original Lock hart's suggestion. For implicit tests, on
situation. In one such ex periment, Jacoby the other hand, sur.fa.ce informa.tion is often of
and Dallas (1981) found that a levels-of- pri mary importance (Craik et al., 1994;
processing manipulation had no ef fect on later Jacoby, 1983) and is very long lasting.
perceptual identi.fication of re presentad
words, although re-presentad words were better Memory Enhancement
identified than were new words, and the LOP
manipulation did have the stan dard effeot on and lmpairment
explicit rocognition memory. In a later study,
Jacoby (1983) demonstrated that (visual) This final section deals briefly with soma se
perceptual identi.fication was sensi tiva to the lected situations in which memory perfor
amount of visual processing that had been mance is either increased or reduced. The
done at the time of encoding. In gen eralit more general question of what factors lead to
seems that several implicit memory par memory improvement or memory failure is
adigms (e.g., word identification, word-frag better answered after a consideration of ali of
ment completion, word-stem completion) are the chapters in this handbook!
positively affected by the compatibility of sm Slameck.a and Graf (1978) showed that
face characteristics between study and test, memory for words was enhanced by requiring
whereas they are unaffected by semantic vari subjects to complete fragments of the words at
ables (Crai.k, Moscovitch, & McDowd, 1994). the time of leaming. In most cases the
Other implicit memory tasks do deal with se comple tions were extremely easy, and might
mantic or conceptual processing, however, be helped by an associated context word. For
and they are sensitiva to the type and amount ex ample, the word SLOW might be
of conceptual processing carried out at encod presentad in its entirety (the "read" condition)
ing (e.g., Blaxton, 1989). Transfer-appropriate or with some letters missing (the "generate"
condi tion); that is, fast-SLOW or fast-S_
processing again appears to be the key in un
W. Sur prisingly, the generate condition is
derstanding variations in performance in these
consis tently associated with higher levels of
paradigma (Roediger et al., 1989),
recall and recognitlon (sea, e.g. , Hirshman &
A further interesting characteristic of at Bjork, 1988, for a review). What underlies the
least some implicit memory tasks is that the
compatibillty effects between study and test effect? One possibility is that the necessity to
are extremely long lasting. As one example, com plete the word forces the subject to
Tulving, Schacter, and Stark (1982) found process its meaning to a slightly greater
very little "forgetting" in a word-fragment degree, and that the generation effect is
completion task between 1 hour and 7 days therefore another man ifestation of "deeper"
after initial presentation of the studied words. processing. This ac count is speculative,
These long-lasting priming effects may be re however.
garded as examples of perceptual learning A somewhat similar phenomenon is found
rather than as episodio memory in the usual in a paradigm requiring subjects to perform
seuse (Jacoby & Dallas, 1981), and they may simple actions with common objects. These
be relevant to a puzzle in the literatura on "subj_ect-performed tasks," or SPTs, are con
lev els of processing. Craik and Lockhart trastad with a list of verbal commands, with
(1972) postulated that shallow sensory codes the formar condition yielding better later
were quite short-lasting, in Une with current memory for the items. Thus commands such
evi dence from studies of sensory memory. as "pick. up the toy car," "point to the book,"
How ever, Baddeley (1978) pointed out that or "stamp your foot" are either given in a list
soma surface codas can be extremely long to be learned or are actad out by the subject.
lasting; one dramatic example is Kolers' Both recall and .recognition are enhanced by
(1976) dem- the SPT condition (Cohen, 1983; Engelkamp,

1998). As with th.e generation effect, there is practicad ítems' recall is inhibited relativa to
no final agreement on the mechanism under appropriate controls. According to Anderson
lying the SPT effect. It seems likely that sorne and his colleagues, this iB because nont.arget
item-specific encoding enhancement is in items are inhibited or suppressed during the
volved (Engelkamp & Zimmer, 1994), possibly initial retrieval practica session, and this re
either greater elaboration of the phrase when trieval-induced inhibition persists to the sec
it has to be enacted or possibly the verbal in ond retrieval session. Apparently retrieval
formation is enriched by the addition of fur acts to facilltate the recall of wanted items by
ther visual and motor information in the case sup pressing the recallability of associated but
of SPTs{see Nilsson, chapter 9, forfurther dis un wanted items.
cussion). Finally, several studies have now shown
Although it seems paradoxical at first, an asymmetrical effects of divided attention on
act of retrieval can either benefit or impair encoding and retrieval. Subjects in these stud ies
subsequent memory performance. The posi carry out a secondary task while encoding or
tiva effects of retrieval are easier to un.der retrieving lists of words, say, and the find ing is
s tan d. Tulving {1967) showed that test trials that division of attention has a strongly negative
were as effective as furtber study trials in effect on later recall and recognition when the
boosting learning; similarly, the simple proce secondary task is performed during encoding,
dure of retrieving some newly learned fact re but relatively little effect when per fonned
peatedly (a new name, for instance), prefera during retrieval (Baddeley, Lewis, Eldridge, &
bly at progressively longar spaced intervals, Thomson, 1984; Craik, Govoni, Naveh-
boosts subsequent recall performance (Lan Benjamin, & Anderson, 1996; Kellogg, Cocklin,
dauer & Bjork, 1978). This effect of retrieval & Boum e, 1982). This finding is of interest first
practica may have two mejor un.derlying because it may shed further light on the
causes. First, repeated successful retrievals similarities and differences between encoding
may somehow reinforce the appropriate se and retrieval processes (Craik, Na veh-Ben
guence of retrieval operations. Second, it is jamin, & Anderson, 1998), and second because
arguably the case that any conscious mental divided attention appears to have very similar
operation acts as an encoding operation what effects to those causad by aging, intoxication,
ever its primary purpose; so by this principle, and sleep deprivation (Nilsson, B!:ickman, &
retrieval processes (like perceptual processes) Karlsson, 1989). The common fac tor in these
will provide further encoding opportunities various conditions may be the temporary or
(Bjork, 1975). Further, an act of retrieval is permanent loss of processing re sources (e.g.,
likely to be more effective as a second encod Craik & Byrd, 1982), but an alter nativa
ing to the extent that the retrieval processes possibility is a breakdown of control of
involve deeper, semantic processing opera cognitiva operations (Jacoby, 1991).
On the other hand, retrieval processes can
act to inhibit the subsequent recall of Conclusion
informa tion associated with successfully
retrieved tar get information. In one such It seems likely that the next 10 years will see
demonstration, Brown (1968) had subjecta
a clarification of severa! issues regarding en
study 25 of the 50
coding and retrieval processes. Specifically,
U.S. states, followed by a recall attempt of all investigators will continua to identify the sim
50 states. Relativa to a control group that had ilarities and differences between these two
no preliminary study session, the first group types of processes. In addition , recent devel
recalled more of the studied 25., but fewer of opments in neuroscience (see, e.g., Nyberg &
the unstudied 25. Apparently study had inhib Cabeza, chapter 31; and Rugg & Allan,
ited recall from the complementary subset. A chapter
similar phenomenon was observad by Sla
32) will likely provide us with a clearer ac
mecka (1968) and has been studied exhaus
count of the neural correlatas of control or
tively under the heading of "part-list cueing
processing res01irces, and a fuller understand
inhibition" (e.g., Roediger, 1973). In more re
ing of how they affect the processes of encod
cent work, Anderson, Bjork and Bjork (1994)
ing and retrieval.
had subjects practica retrieving half of the
items from each of several categorías. The Acknowledgments The authors wish to
finding iB that in a subsequent recall attempt thank Nicole Anderson and Aaron Benjamín
in which all items must be recalled, the non- for helpful comments on an earlier draft of

this chapter. We are also grateful to the Natu

ral Sciences and Engineering Research Coun
na/ of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behav
ior, 13, 471-481.
cil of Ganada for a grant to FIMC that facili
Bartlett, F. C. (1932). Remembering: A study
tated preparation of th.e chapter.
in experimental and socíal psychology.
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