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In the future I would love to have a great family with a wife and children.

I want to have children for

many reasons. Personally, living alone or with only a wife for the rest of my life seems too lonely. I want
my family legacy to continue and not end with me. I also want children because I would find it extremely
satisfying to see another human being learn about life and grow as a person.

My ideal family situation would be having a few kids. I'd be happy with two or three. Four or more
would be a bit more than what I would prefer, but it wouldn't be a terrible thing. Life would just be a bit
more difficult for me and my wife. I hope to have at least one child of each gender. Besides my mother,
my family consists of only men. It would be a pleasant change to have more women in the family. I
might consider adopting children if I feel like I could handle having the extra kid or kids. I like adoption
and have immense respect for anyone who adopts a child because it is an extremely kind and tough
thing to do, going through the trouble of raising a child who was not your own, and giving them the love,
care, and attention that they did not have and maybe even never had at all.

I'm not sure what i would name my children. It'd be nice to give them names that have some
connection to my religion, as to give their names good meaning, and I would also like for the name to
sound nice to me. As someone who has lived in America for their whole life it's a little tough to meet
both requirements. I'd definitely incorporate my wife's opinion when naming my children. Not only
would I be pleasing her but I won't on only myself to come up with a good name for the child. I would
also consult other members of the family, so long as they are not too dictating about it, because after
all, it is my and my wife's child, not theirs.

Being a father requires me to make a lot of sacrifices for my family. One of the biggest things I would
give up is my time. I would spend less time relaxing and doing what I want to and more time with the
kids. I need to do so because it is important to be there for my children as a father. I need to teach them
through experiences and by ultimately being with them more. I really love to relax, listen to music, surf
the internet, play video games, and play sports, and while I can still do these things, I'm going to have to
spend less time on them. By spending less time doing these things and going through the stress of
parenthood I am definitely going to have to give up a lot of my personal happiness and freedom, but
ultimately I will be satisfied knowing that I played a huge role in making a group of tiny infants into
beautiful people

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