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5 Planetary Disasters of the End

Copyright © 2021 by Phil Evangelinos

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First edition

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1 Foreword 1
2 We will not fear 2
3 When earthquakes come 5
4 The Mountains will fall in the Sea 8
5 The oceans will roar and foam 11
6 The Drying up of the Sea 14
7 The waters will surge 20
8 The City of Corruption 25
9 The City of Refuge 28
10 The Rapture 31
11 God is our refuge 34


We live in difficult times, and as Jesus foretold we are about

to enter a time in human history that has been described as a
time that “was not since the beginning of the world to this time,
no, nor ever shall be” (Matt. 24:21). For this reason, many in
the body of Christ today seek direction in the prophetic word of
God. This is the right thing to do. Peter,the apostle of Christ,
admonished all Christians living today to follow “the prophetic
message as something completely reliable, and you will do well
to pay attention to it, as to a light shining in a dark place, until
the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts.”(2 Peter
1:19) The aim of this book is to shed light in the first 7 verses of
the 46th chapter of the book of Psalms, a Psalm that for along
time has been treated by most Bible Scholars as nothing more
than a poem with application to the old Jerusalem of the Old
Testament Times.In reality this text is a prophesy for our times
and crucial in understanding the physical disasters that will
befall our planet in the run up and during the Great Tribulation.


We will not fear

“God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in

trouble, therefore we will not fear”(Psalms 46:1,2)

The last days are the most terrifying period of time that hu-
mankind will ever face. “If those days had not been cut short,


no one would survive, but for the sake of the elect those days
will be shortened” (Matt.24:22). In the same line of thinking
the Psalmist anticipates also an element of fear on our behalf.
The “we” of course is not a reference to all people living
during the time of the End facing those disasters. The book
of Revelation divides the people living at that time into two
categories, the “earth dwellers”, the people alienated from God
and deserving punishment, and the “Woman”, the assembly
of faithful Christians deserving God’s protection. We read
in Revelation 3:10: “ Because YOU (the Church) have kept
My command to persevere, I(=Jesus) also will keep you from
the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to
test those who dwell on the earth(=earth dwellers).” Notice
how Jesus is not promising immediate relief but rather divine
protection throughout those terrible physical disasters.
There is an ancient parallel to this in the famous account of the
book of Exodus and the 10 plagues of Egypt.In the same way the
Israelites that lived during that time in Egypt were not spared
from all the plagues we also won’t be spared initially from all
the worldwide calamities of the End Times. We read in Exodus
concerning the 9th plague: “Then the LORD said to Moses,
“Stretch out your hand toward the sky so that darkness spreads
over Egypt–darkness that can be felt.”So Moses stretched out
his hand toward the sky, and total darkness covered all Egypt
for three days. No one could see anyone else or move about for
three days. Yet all the Israelites had light in the places where
they lived.”(Exodus 10:21-23) In the same way the Israelites
were affected from the previous eight plagues as much as the
Egyptians did, we will also witness many of the changes on this
planet along with the rest of the world too during the time of
the End.


“God is always ready to help in times of trouble (and he will

provide a place of refuge”(Psalm 46:1). At the time of the 10
plagues the land of Goshen proved that place of protection for
the Israelites and in the time of the End, God will provide a place
of protection for us as we shall see later.


When earthquakes come

“We will not fear when earthquakes come”(Psalms 46:2)

When the disciples asked Jesus shortly before his arrest, “when
will these things be,and what will be the sign of your coming?”
Jesus described among all other signs earthquakes as being


harbingers of His Return. Interestingly this is not the only part

in the Bible where we are warned of this sign. The Psalmist was
also inspired to record for our benefit earthquakes as part of the
composite sign of the End. The original word used here is be-
ha-mir which literally means “changed or removed” and is the
poetic language used for earthquakes. The earth is convulsing
through earthquakes and its surface is changed. In a similar
manner Isaiah 24:19,20, an end-time prophecy, conveys this
picture: “The earth has broken up. It has utterly collapsed; it is
violently shaken. The earth reels like a drunkard, it sways like a
hut in the wind; so heavy upon it is the guilt of its rebellion that
it falls–never to rise again.”
Now, we as mankind have witnessed earthquakes since the
beginning of recorded history, and although these events cause
fear in the heart of man they are nothing compared to what
will occur in the near future. Such will be the intensity of
those earthquakes that men will be “fainting from fear and the
expectation of the things which are coming upon the world”
(Luke 21:26). The book of Revelation is also warning us about
a super earthquake, the kind of which hasn’t been felt since
the beginning of time. We read in Revelation 16:18: “And there
were voices, and thunders, and lightnings; and there was a great
earthquake, such as was not since men were upon the earth, so
mighty an earthquake, and so great.” It is a well-known fact
that earthquakes are caused by the friction of continental plates,
but is this super earthquake part of something bigger?
Scientist Dr. Henry M. Morris in his book “The Revela-
tion Record: A Scientific and Devotional Commentary on the
Prophetic Book of the End of Times, “ describes in scientific
terms what John saw in vision: The great earthquake described
here … for the first time in history is worldwide in extent.


Seismologists and geophysicists in recent years have learned a

great deal about the structure of the earth and about the cause
and nature of earthquakes. The earth’s solid crust is traversed
with a complex network of faults, with all resting upon a plastic
mantle whose structure is still largely unknown. In any case,
the vast worldwide network of unstable earthquake belts around
the world suddenly will begin to slip and fracture on a global
basis and a gigantic earthquake will ensue. This is evidently,
and naturally, accompanied by tremendous volcanic eruptions,
spewing vast quantities of dust and steam and gases into the
upper atmosphere. It is probably these that will cause the sun to
be darkened and the moon to appear blood-red. The earth’s
crust, highly unstable ever since the great Flood, will be so
disturbed by the impacting asteroids, the volcanic explosions,
and the worldwide earthquakes, that great segments of it will
actually begin to slip and slide over the earth’s deep plastic
mantle. Geophysicists for many years have been fascinated
with the idea of “continental drift”. Some such phenomenon
may actually be triggered under this judgment of the sixth seal,
dwarfing the damage occasioned by all the mighty earthquakes
of the past.
This kind of event can only cause fear in the heart of man, but
we “will not fear” as the Psalmist encourages us. We have a
good reason not to! Firstly because the Lord is our fortress, and
secondly, because we will be protected in the city of God during
those tumultuous times. Now more than ever the words of the
apostle Peter sound urgent : “Since everything will be destroyed
in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to
live holy and godly lives”(2 Peter 3:11).


The Mountains will fall in the Sea

“The mountains (will) fall into the heart of the sea”(Psalms

The disintegration of mountains is not a single event but
rather progressive in the final moments of the fallen humanity.
We see that at the begining of the Tribulation, during the 6th
Seal the mountains are just “being moved” for what it looks


like a precursor of things to come. We read in Revelation 6:14:

“Then the sky receded as a scroll when it is rolled up, and every
mountain and island was moved out of its place” but later on at
the end of the Tribulation mountains “flee away” all together
and disappear.We read in Revelation 16:20:“Every island fled
away and the mountains could not be found.”
Geophysicists have established that there is a spherical core
of very dense material at the centre of the Earth.This core is
magnetic and its responsible for all the Earth’s magnetic field
on its surface. This core is also well lubricated and so it is capable
in rotating in any direction in response to external magnetic
fields and this would explain the constant variation in position
of the Earth’s magnetic poles.At times the Earth’s magnetic
field has been reversed and this is also consistent with the core
being a giant magnetic ball that can change its axis of rotation
probably as a result of conventional currents within the fluid
that surrounds the core.
The mantle of the earth contains a great deal of radioac-
tive material which constantly generates heat.When internal
temperatures reach a critical stage, volcanic eruptions and
earthquakes become more frequent and the Earth may even
change shape slightly. This also results in dramatic sea level
changes and flooding of the land mass.Geologists use the term
‘orogeny’ or ‘episode’ to describe these events and there can be
little doubt that the Earth has undergone several such events
during the course of its history.
Interestingly the Bible makes reference to this End Time event
in Deuteronomy 32:22: “For a fire is kindled in My anger,And
burns to the lowest part of Sheol,And consumes the earth with
its yield,And sets on fire the foundations of the mountains.”
During the End Times God can and will increase temperatures


in the earth’s mantle “the lowest part of Seol”.This increased

temperatures when they reach critical point will “set on fire the
foundations of the mountains” resulting to volcanic activity and
earthquakes in a scale never seen before.
The “disappearing” of the mountains in Revelation describes
the same event of Psalms 46:2 when the mountains will be
sliding into the sea.


The oceans will roar and foam

“Let the oceans roar and foam” (Psalms 46:3a,NLT)

There is only one other occurrence where the Bible speaks of
the activity of the oceans being a sign of the times of the End,
and that is when Jesus made mention of it in Luke 21:25, NLT:
“And there will be strange signs in the sun, moon, and stars. And
here on earth, the nations will be in turmoil, perplexed by the


roaring seas and strange tides.”

The verse is talking about “echos thalassis” which can only
be explained as noises coming from the sea. The word “echos”
appears only a couple more times in the New Testament. For ex-
ample, in the book of Acts 2:2, we read about the “noise(=echos,)
like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled
the whole house where they were sitting(in the upper room
at the Pentecost)”. Although most translations render Luke
21:25 as “roaring and tossing of the sea” this is not the word
for word translation of the first and only few render as sounds.
For example the Aramaic Bible in Plain English speaks of “the
alarm of the sound of the sea.”
Unfortunately for us Jesus didn’t elaborate on what these
“sounds” will be like, but we do see as a result of these “sounds”
the nations will be perplexed as to their nature, origin and how
to deal with them. Considering that man currently possesses
technology that can record and detect objects deep under the
surface of the oceans, it remains to be seen what exactly these
sounds will be like.
God put in place many restrictions upon nature for the protec-
tion of mankind. These restrictions will be removed during the
End. We read in Proverbs 8:29: “I(=wisdom) was there when
He(=God) set the limits of the seas, so they would not spread
beyond their boundaries. And when he marked off the earth’s
What is more interesting is that the book of Revelation speaks
of the planet Earth as being void of oceans at the end of the
thousand years of Millennial Rule. We read in Revelation 21:1″ I
saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and
the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.“
Consider for a moment the fact that the current constitution


of the planet where 71% is covered by water is not God’s

original purpose for the planet but the result of the destructive
after-effects of Noah’s Flood when God deluged the Earth with
massive quantities of water in order to destroy the Antediluvian
World. We read in Genesis 7:11:“In the six hundredth year of
Noah’s life, on the seventeenth day of the second month–on
that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the
floodgates of the heavens were opened.”
Most of the water currently occupying the oceans was at one
time part of the “great deep” ocean under the earth. Will God
return the planet to its previous state with cataclysmic events
during the End? Are these “sounds” coming from the oceans
part of this planetary change? It remains to be seen.


The Drying up of the Sea

“Then the Sovereign LORD showed me another vision. I saw him

preparing to punish his people with a great fire. The fire had
burned up the depths of the sea and was devouring the entire
land.”- Amos 7:4, NLT
The strange behaviour of the seas in the last days both de-
scribed by Jesus and the Psalmist are also connected with an


obscure prophesy delivered by one of the “small” prophets of

the Old Testament, the prophet Amos.
The Word of God warns people today of earth’s destruction
in the near future by fire. The apostle Peter made mention of
this impending worldwide catastrophe almost 2,000 years ago
when comparing the Flood of Noah with the destruction by fire
in the future. We read in 2 Peter 3:5-7: “But they deliberately
forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens came into being
and the earth was formed out of water and by water. By these
waters also the world of that time was deluged and destroyed.
By the same word the present heavens and earth are reserved
for fire, being kept for the day of judgment and destruction of
the ungodly.”
In Noah’s days, God didn’t just flood the world with water
from the heavens. The earth was devastated by the waters from
above and the waters from below. We read in Genesis 7:11: “In
the 600th year of Noah’s life, in the second month, on the 17th
day of the month, on that day all the springs of the vast watery
deep burst open and the floodgates of the heavens were opened.
It is obvious from this verse that God flooded the earth from two
opposite directions, the “springs of the deep” from below and
the “windows of heaven” from above. That is why every living
thing on earth was wiped out so fast and so efficiently, leaving
little to no trace of an antediluvian civilization.
Surprisingly the world will end in a similar fashion in the
future from fire coming down from above but also fire coming
up from below. The Bible provides evidence for this two-fold
event in great detail in the book of Revelation but also in the Old
Testament specifically in the book of Amos.
In the 16th chapter of Revelation, where several plagues are
described as attacking the planet during the time of the End, one


of them sounds like a giant solar flare. We read in Revelation

16:8-11: “The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and
the sun was allowed to scorch people with fire. They were seared
by the intense heat, and they cursed the name of God, who
had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and
glorify him. The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of
the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People
gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven
because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent
of what they had done.”
Here we see an indication of the Earth being adversely im-
pacted by a major solar flare in the future. The sun is the
aggressor when it uses the power it is given to scorch men with
fire. It is likely that the sun will send a massive amount of solar
energy towards Earth during that time via a solar flare. The fact
that men will be scorched with great heat suggests this is not an
ordinary solar flare. Something extraordinary will happen.
Perhaps the solar flare will be extraordinary, because it will
be given power by a divine source to punish people on Earth,
and/or perhaps the Earth’s atmosphere will be weakened by
prior events to the point that it struggles to shield the planet
from the incoming solar energy. The description of this plague
further strengthens the idea that Earth is going to be scorched
by a major solar flare during those judgments. The planet is
going to fall into complete darkness in the aftermath of the
sun’s attack, which is consistent with the idea of the electrical
grid being knocked out after a major solar flare: God created the
universe, including the sun. It is well within God’s authority to
empower the sun to scorch people on Earth. Therefore, it should
not be surprising to read how men will be scorched by the sun
and how darkness will envelop the planet afterwards.


This is the “fire from above”, God will increase solar activity
in order to destroy human civilization, and ultimately that
increased heat from the sun will be used to destroy the planet.
But as in the days of Noah, the fire will come from two directions,
one is from the sun above and the other is fire from below. How
is this possible? And is this development described in the Bible?
The prophet Amos lived during the 8th century BC and was
moved by God to prophesy against Judah and Israel. While
prophesying against Israel in the 7th chapter of his book he
stops and in verse 3 and makes space for a vision given directly
to him by God, it is a vision that didn’t come to be during his
time but it is the ultimate missing piece of the puzzle for the
future destruction of the planet by fire. We read in Amos 7:4:
“Then the Sovereign LORD showed me another vision. I saw him
preparing to punish his people with a great fire. The fire had
burned up the depths of the sea and was devouring the entire
land.” This is an interesting development. Amos is not making
mention of the sun scorching the earth in the future but turns
our attention to a different part of the planet, the depths of the
sea. What kind of fire can make the depths of the sea disappear?
Let’s consider two possible developments.
Underwater volcanoes
This is not the only place in the Bible where we see increased
volcanic activity as part of the signs at the time of End. In a sim-
ilar manner the book of Deuteronomy describes God engaging
in similar activity in the future. We read in Deuteronomy 32:22:
“For a fire is kindled in My anger, And burns to the lowest part of
Sheol, and consumes the earth with its yield, and sets on fire the
foundations of the mountains.” As in the book of Amos, where
the fire is set in the deepest parts of the sea, so it is here where
God sets fire in the lowest part of Sheol, this is a similar kind of


language used here, but the interesting thing is that the book of
Deuteronomy sheds additional light, this fire is a result of the
fire being ignited in the “foundations of the mountains”. This is
another way of describing volcanoes and in this case underwater
We might feel in awe of the eruption of volcanoes on the
surface of the earth, likely because we can see them and record
their activity far easier, or because their eruption affects our
everyday life in more tangible ways, but the number of volcanoes
found underwater is beyond compare. According to NASA, the
most productive volcanic systems on Earth are hidden under an
average of 8,500 feet (2,600 m) of water. Beneath the oceans,
a global system of mid-ocean ridges produces an estimated
75% of the annual output of magma. An estimated 0.7 cubic
miles (3 cubic kilometers) of lava erupts. Research shows that
there is MORE THAN ONE MILLION!!! Submarine (underwater)
Perhaps as many as 75,000 of these volcanoes rise over half
a mile (1 kilometer) above the ocean floor. This is staggering!
If God was to allow all these volcanoes to become active at the
same time, then is not difficult to see how most oceans can
disappear and along with them, part of the land. As the prophet
Amos saw under inspiration, “the fire (=of the underwater
volcanoes) burned up the depths of the sea(=all the oceans) and
was devouring the entire land.”
Earthquakes as a result of volcanic activity
Jesus also spoke indirectly of the increased volcanic activity
around the globe right before his coming, when he spoke of
“nation rising against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.
And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in
various places” (Matthew 24:7) We know that one of the reasons


causing earthquakes is volcanic activity, and that can well

explain the increase of earthquakes during the time of the End
because more and more volcanoes both over and under the sea
will become active.


The waters will surge

“Let the mountains tremble as the waters surge!” (Psalms


It’s hard to imagine “water surging” being a sign of the times


of the End especially when the apostle Peter warned that fire
rather than water will be used as a way to destroy the planet
this time around, “by the same word the present heavens and
earth are reserved for fire, being kept for the day of judg-
ment and destruction of the ungodly.”(2 Peter 3:7)So, is this
a contradiction? No, these are two separate events when seen
in a prophetic timeline. God will destroy the earth with fire
at the end of the 7 years Tribulation but way before then a
devastating activity of the oceans and the surge of waters around
the planet will challenge mankind and it’s governments to a
breaking point. Many supranational organizations especially
the United Nations and some of the most powerful nations in
the world have advanced knowledge of this event, for reasons I
will not be explaining here,and so they have been exposing the
masses to constant news items,newspaper articles, films and
documentaries.They do not call this event“water surging”as
the Bible does but “increasing sea levels”. Have we not been
bombarded with articles, news items and documentaries for
years about the melting ice poles and the rising of sea levels
around the world? Most people remain sceptical but the people
in power know what is coming and are “psyching” everyone in
advance to accept these changes.
According to a new research published by scientific magazine
Nature Communications(published Feb 11 2020) 200 million
people in the world will live below the sea level line by 2100. An
additional 160 million will be affected by higher annual flooding
due to rising ocean levels. These numbers are much higher than
those published in previous studies, which used different coastal
elevation models and assumed that only 250 million people in
total would be affected by these adverse events.
Out of the 200 million directly affected by rising sea levels,


researchers estimate that 70 percent will live in just eight

countries in Asia. Most people affected would live in China:
43 million or around 20 percent. At 32 million and 27 million
affected people, Bangladesh and India would also be hit hard,
as would be Vietnam, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines and
In Europe, the Netherlands would theoretically be the most
affected. Here, more than 4 million people are expected to
live below sea level in 2100. Yet, the country has one of the
most effective flood control networks in the world (not taken
into account by the study’s modelling), which is expected to
keep citizens safe. Other countries in Europe where rising sea
levels could be a problem are the UK (1.5 million people at risk),
Germany (1 million people), Turkey, France and Italy (500,000
people each).


Although man-made pollution is always blamed for these “in-

creasing sea levels” the Bible is quite clear that God and not man
is the motivating power behind it.God is preparing the sea for
its End time upheaval.“I am the Lord your God, who churns up
the sea so that its waves surge. The Lord who commands armies
is his name!”(Isaiah 51:15)
Man has no power over the planet and despite his best efforts
to destroy God’s creation God has always set limits to the ocean
levels that can not be crossed. Only His future judgement upon
mankind can and will remove this barrier. “Do you not fear


Me?This is the Lord’s declaration.Do you not tremble before

Me,the One who set the sand as the boundary of the sea,an
enduring barrier that it cannot cross?The waves surge, but they
cannot prevail.They roar but cannot pass over it.” (Jeremiah


The City of Corruption

“Come, I will show you the judgment of the great whore(=Baby-

lon the Great) who is seated on many waters.”-Rev.17:1
At the time of the End 2 cities feature prominently in Bible
prophesy. The worldly city Babylon the Great is set against
God’s city New Jerusalem. These two cities promise protection


and refuge for mankind that struggles to deal with all the
natural disasters befalling the planet. The one,Babylon the
Great, promises safety without reliance on God whereas the
other, the New Jerusalem, is the city where God resides.
The two cities are introduced in similar manner in the book
of Revelation. We read in Revelation 17:1 concerning Babylon
the Great:“Come, I will show you the judgment of the great
whore(=Babylon the Great) who is seated on many waters.” In
a similar fashion the city of God is introduced few chapters
later: “Come, I will show you the bride(=New Jerusalem), the
wife of the lamb.” In Biblical prophetic terminology a woman
represents a city. For example the ancient city Jerusalem is
described in the book of Lamentations as a woman: “Jerusalem
has sinned greatly and so has become unclean. All who honored
her despise her, for they have all seen her naked; she herself
groans and turns away.”(Lam.1:8)
Babylon the Great represents the dead-end street of human-
ity’s attempt to build a world alienated from God. It has every
appearance of being the paradise for which humanity has always
longed. It is no coincidence that its gold and jewels recall those
of the New Jerusalem (Rev. 17:4). Like New Jerusalem, Babylon
the Great exercises authority over the nations and receives their
wealth (note the references to “the merchants of the earth” in
Rev. 18:3 and the lament of the sea traders in Rev. 18:15–19).
But it is in fact a counterfeit, doomed to be exposed by God in
the final judgment. The proclamation heard at the begining of
the Last Days for “peace & securiry” will offer people around
the world a false sense of security behind the protective walls of
Babylon the Great. “For when they shall say, Peace and safety;
then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a
woman with child; and they shall not escape.” (1 Thess. 5:3,KJV)


No human edifice can ever offer lasting security without God’s

blessings.The Lord is not to be mocked, there can be no life
away from Him without consequences.Therefore the protection
Babylon the Great will offer will be shortlived and will come
to a bitter end. Half way through the last 7 years of this dying
world Babylon the Great will be attacked and destroyed by its
very custodians.We read in Rev. 18:10: “‘Woe! Woe to you, great
city, you mighty city of Babylon! In one hour your doom has
There is only one place for protection at the time of the End and
that is the celestial city where God resides, the New Jerusalem


The City of Refuge

“God dwells in that city; it cannot be destroyed. From the

very break of day, God will protect it” Psalms 46:5,NLT


There is only one city that provides refuge for all those believing
in Christ during the time of the End.It is a city that is described
in the book of Revelation as the safety place and the place where
God resides. It’s name is New Jerusalem; “And I saw the holy city,
new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared
as a bride adorned for her husband” (Rev.21:2)
Unlike the old Jerusalem that is confined here on earth the
New Jerusalem is in heaven and will arrive on earth’s vicinity
at the most crucial point in human history in order to save the
persecuted Church here on earth.As in the days of Noah God
instructed His faithful servant to build a place of safety for him
and his family to protect him from the impending Flood so has
God instructed His greater Noah,Jesus Christ, to build a new
celestial city,the New Jerusalem, that will be used as a place of
safety for us before God destroys the earth with fire. Jesus spoke
about his intention to build this place to his disciples when He
was here on earth 2,000 years ago, we read in John 14:3 “And if
I go and prepare a place(=New Jerusalem)for you, I will come
back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I
There are 2 distinct identifiers that help us identify with
confidence this city as the the New Jerusalem and no other city.
Firstly, we are told that “God dwells in that city”(Ps. 43:5)
There is only one city where God resides in the Bible.We read in
Revelation 21:23 about the New Jerusalen: “And the city has no
need of sun or moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it
light, and its lamp is the Lamb.”
Secondly there is a mention of a river that crosses that
city.Many Bible scholars that have tried to connect the old
Jerusalem with Psalms 46 ignore the fact that no river ever
flawed through Jerusalem and therefore this earthly city can


not be what the Psalmist had in mind. We read in Psalms 46:4:

“There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, the
holy place where the Most High dwells” The Psalmist is looking
forward to heavenly New Jerusalem where the river of life flows
through the city.We read in Revelation 22:1:“Then the angel
showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal,
flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb”
These two identifiers ,the presence of God in that city and
the river that flows in it makes it quite clear that the place of
salvation from all those escaping the physical disasters of the
End Times is no other that the heavenly New Jerusalem.The
question then is how can we here on Earth be saved in that
celestial city? How will we be transferred in that city and when?


The Rapture

“For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with
a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with


the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise
first” 1 Thess. 4:16,NIV
The word rapture does not occur in the Bible. The
term comes from a Latin word meaning “a carrying off,
a transport, or a snatching away.” The concept of the
“carrying off” or the rapture of the Church is clearly taught
in Scripture.
The Rapture of the Church is the event in which God
“snatches away” all believers from the earth in order to
make way for His righteous judgment to be poured out
on the earth during the tribulation period. The Rapture
is described primarily in 1 Thessalonians 4:13–18 and 1
Corinthians 15:50–54. God will resurrect all believers who
have died, give them glorified bodies, and take them from
the earth, along with all living believers, who will also be
given glorified bodies at that time. “For the Lord Himself
will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with
the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of
God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. After that, we
who are still alive and are left will be caught up together
with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And
so we will be with the Lord forever” (1 Thessalonians
The Rapture will involve an instantaneous transforma-
tion of our bodies to fit us for eternity. “We know that
when he [Christ] appears, we shall be like him, for we
shall see him as he is” (1 John 3:2).
The doctrine of the rapture was not taught in the Old
Testament, which is why Paul calls it a “mystery” now
revealed: “Listen, I tell you a mystery: We will not all sleep,
but we will all be changed—in a flash, in the twinkling of


an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, the
dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed”
(1 Corinthians 15:51–52).
The Rapture of the church is a glorious event we all
long for but where will all these faithful go when they
get raptured? Will they float with Jesus amongst the
clouds? Will they be transferred to God’s presence in the
3rd heaven? Or is there another location?
As we have already seen Jesus is coming back in the
celestial city that He build called New Jerusalem.For lack
of better explanation the world will witness what it looks
like a massive spaceship shrouded in clouds when this
happens. That is the connection between Psalms 46 and
the Rapture.On one hand the apostle Paul explains the
process whereas Psalms 46:5 the destination of all those
being raptured.
Isaiah too saw in vision the very same event, the trans-
ference of the Church from earth to the New Jerusalem in
Isaiah 26:1-3: “In that day this song will be sung in the
land of Judah: We have a strong city; God makes salvation
its walls and ramparts.Open the gates that the righteous
nation may enter, the nation that keeps faith.You will
keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast,
because they trust in you”
The “righteous nation” which is no other but the rap-
tured Church will be welcomed through New Jerusalem’s
“pearly” gates at this final stages of the Last Days of this
sinful planet.


God is our refuge


“The LORD of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our

refuge”-Psalms 46:7
The Lord God of the heavenly armies will be with us
when all these physical disasters befall mankind.He set


in action a plan for our salvation two thousand years

ago through His Son, Jesus Christ. This wasn’t a vague
promise but a solidly build celestial city that will house
millions of faithful when the the lights go out for this sinful
world.God promises the perfect security of the Church, an
assurance of lasting peace. Let us pray for the speedy
approach of these glorious days, and in silent submission
let us worship and trust in our almighty Sovereign. Let all
believers triumph in this, that the Lord of hosts, the God
of Jacob, has been, is, and will be with us; and will be our
Refuge. Mark this, take the comfort, and say, If God be for
us, who can be against us? With this, through life and in
death, let us answer every fear.


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