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SEPTEMBER 28, 2021

BSInT 1-B /DT ADT 111A

Drawing is one of the oldest skill that a human can do. According to some artifacts and
discoveries from the past, as humankind evolves drawing is the first skill that human can do
because it was already a way of expressing their imaginations to living things. A proof for this
explanation is the cave art painting that was discovered in France which is believed to be
35,000 years old. The paintings were often animals created with charcoal and clay. It was also a
way of communication to other people because drawing exist before the alphabet. That is why
drawing is the foundation to all artistic disciplines.

In art history, drawing is a form of visual art created by artists that using instruments
that can mark a surface. It began by using charcoal and clay which then added with colors and
improvised instruments and this brings us to painting. Painting is related to drawing because it
is also a way of expressing the art but in different way. This is a visual art known by applying
paint, pigment, color or other liquid form medium to a solid surface. Another way of expressing
the art is the sculpting. It is a branch of visual art that is created in three dimension. This
requires drawing skills that is applied to a solid structure like wood, rocks, soil and cement.

In the neoclassical period (1770-1810), pencils were created and became the preferred
tool of many artists. It was the beginning of the different architectural arts used by artist. It is
also because pencils are portable, easy to use and it can also be erased easily..

The “Mona Lisa” portrait painting, was the most famouse painting during the 15 th
century which is a portrait of Lisa Gherardini, the wife of Francesco del Giocondo. It was
painted by a famous painter Leonardo da Vinci. It was painted on wood using oil. The painting
shows the half body of Lisa which has a backdrop a distant landscape. Perhaps it was declared
the most famouse painting because of its realistic view of the subject in that era and it was the
beginning of the standard way of making portrait until now. I was amazed by the painting on
how detailed it was even though instruments are limited during that period of time.

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