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Innovative Learning 2
Lecturer: Dr. Utiya Azizah, M.Pd.

Created by:
Era Melania 18030194085
Pendidikan Kimia U 2018

Education Unit : SMAN 2 Surabaya
Subject : Chemistry
Class/Semester : XI/1
Time Allocation : 45 minutes

A. Core Competencies
CC 1 Live and practice the teachings of the religion they hold.
CC 2 Demonstrate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care (mutual cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite,
responsive, and proactive and show attitude as part of the solution to various problems in interacting effectively with the social
and natural environment and in placing oneself as reflection of the nation in the world.
CC 3 Understanding, applying, and analyzing factual, conceptual, procedural, and metacognitive knowledge based on their curiosity
about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with human, national, state, and civilization insights related to the causes
of phenomena and events, and applying knowledge procedures in a specific field of study in accordance with their talents and
interests to solve problems.
CC 4 Cultivating, reasoning, and serving in the realm of concrete and abstract domains related to the development of what they learn
in school independently, act effectively and creatively, and be able to use methods according to scientific principles.
B. Basic Competencies and Indicators of Competence Achievements
Learning Time Learning
Basic Competencies Indicators Learning Activity Assessment
Materials Allocation Source/Tools
3.6 Explain the 3.6.1 Explaining the Factors Observing  Cognitive 45 minutes Learning
factors that affect effect of That  Reading the  Psychomoto Sources
the reaction rate concentration on Affect the literature on r 1. Chemistry
using the collision the reaction rate. Reaction factors that book for XI
theory. 3.6.2 Explaining the Rate affect the grade Senior
4.7 Designing, effect of surface reaction rate. High School
performing, area on the 2. Students
concluding and reaction rate. Questioning Worksheet
presenting the 4.7.1 Designing  Asking a Learning Tools
experimental experiments on question what 1. LCD
results of the the effect of factors that Projector
factors that affect concentration on affect the 2. Laptop
the reaction rate reaction rate. reaction rate.
and reaction 4.7.2 Designing
order. experiments on
the effect of
surface area on Data Collecting
reaction rate.  Designing
4.7.3 Performing experiments
experiments on on the effect
the effect of of
concentration on concentration
reaction rate. and surface
4.7.4 Performing area on
experiments on reaction rate.
the effect of  Performing
surface area on experiments
reaction rate. on the effect
4.7.5 Presenting of
experimental concentration
results about the and surface
effect of area on
concentration on reaction rate.
reaction rate.  Observing and
4.7.6 Presenting taking note the
experimental experiment
results about the results of the
effect of surface effect of
area on reaction concentration
rate. and surface
4.7.7 Concluding area on
experiments on reaction rate.
the effect of
concentration on Associating
reaction rate.  Analyzing the
4.7.8 Concluding data that has
experiments on been obtained
the effect of to prove the
surface area on effect of
reaction rate. concentration
and surface
area on
reaction rate.
Presenting the

Education Unit : SMAN 2 Surabaya

Subject : Chemistry
Class/Semester : XI/1
Primary materials : Reaction Rate
Sub materials : Factors That Affect the Reaction Rate (Concentration and
Surface Area)
Total meetings : 1 meetings
Time allocation : 45 minutes

CC 1 Live and practice the teachings of the religion they hold.
CC 2 Demonstrate honest behavior, discipline, responsibility, care
(mutual cooperation, cooperation, tolerance, peace), polite,
responsive, and proactive and show attitude as part of the solution
to various problems in interacting effectively with the social and
natural environment and in placing oneself as reflection of the
nation in the world.
CC 3 Understanding, applying, and analyzing factual, conceptual,
procedural, and metacognitive knowledge based on their curiosity
about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities with human,
national, state, and civilization insights related to the causes of
phenomena and events, and applying knowledge procedures in a
specific field of study in accordance with their talents and interests
to solve problems.
CC 4 Cultivating, reasoning, and serving in the realm of concrete and
abstract domains related to the development of what they learn in
school independently, act effectively and creatively, and be able to
use methods according to scientific principles.
3.6 Explain the factors that affect the reaction rate using the collision
4.7 Designing, performing, concluding and presenting the experimental
results of the factors that affect the reaction rate and reaction order.

3.6.1 Explaining the effect of concentration on the reaction rate.
3.6.2 Explaining the effect of surface area on the reaction rate.
4.7.1 Designing experiments on the effect of concentration on reaction
4.7.2 Designing experiments on the effect of surface area on reaction
4.7.3 Performing experiments on the effect of concentration on reaction
4.7.4 Performing experiments on the effect of surface area on reaction
4.7.5 Presenting experimental results about the effect of concentration on
reaction rate.
4.7.6 Presenting experimental results about the effect of surface area on
reaction rate.
4.7.7 Concluding experiments on the effect of concentration on reaction
4.7.8 Concluding experiments on the effect of surface area on reaction

D. LEARNING OBJECTIVES Given an experimental data, students can explain the effect of
concentration on reaction rate correctly. Given a phenomenon of concentration effect, students can predict
which is the faster reaction correctly. Given an experimental data, students can explain the effect of
surface area on reaction rate correctly. Given a phenomenon of surface area effect, students can predict
which is the faster reaction correctly. Given the experimental equipment and materials, students can
design experiments about the effect of concentration on the
reaction rate correctly. Given the experimental equipment and materials, students can
design experiments about the effect of surface area on the reaction
rate correctly. Given a procedure, students can perform experiments about the
effect of concentration on the reaction rate correctly. Given a procedure, students can perform experiments about the
effect of surface area on the reaction rate correctly. Based on the experiment, students can present the experimental
results about the effect of concentration on reaction rate correctly. Based on the experiment, students can present the experimental
results about the effect of surface area on reaction rate correctly. Based on the experiment, students can conclude the experimental
results about the effect of concentration on reaction rate correctly. Based on the experiment, students can conclude the experimental
results about the effect of surface area on reaction rate correctly.

What is Rate of Reaction and How Does it Apply to Chemical
In a chemical reaction, how quickly or slowly reactants turn into
products is called the rate of reaction. A reaction that takes a long time
has a low reaction rate. A reaction that occurs quickly has a high
reaction rate. A rate describes how quickly or slowly a change occurs.
Every chemical reaction proceeds at a definite rate. However, you can
speed up or slow down the rate of a chemical reaction.
Some reactions can proceed at explosively fast rates like the
detonation of fireworks, while others can occur at a sluggish rate over
many years like the rusting of barbed wire exposed to the elements
The four main factors that affect the rate of chemical reactions are
temperature, concentration, surface area, and the presence of a catalyst.
Concentration Factors
One way chemist can change the rate of reaction is by changing the
concentrations of the reactants. Remember that collision theory states
that particles must collide in order to react. The more particles that are
present, the more often collisions occur. Think about bumper cars at an
amusement park. When more cars are in operation, the number of
collisions increases. The smae is true for a reaction in which Reactant A
combines with Reactant B collide to produce AB at a particular rate.
What happens if the concentration of B is increased? Molecules of A
collide with molecules of B more frequently because more molecules of
B are available. More collisions ultimateky increase the rate of reaction.

At a higher concentration, there are more particles in the same

amount of space. This means that the particles are more likely to collide
and therefore more likely to react.

Lower Concentration Higher Concentration

Surface Area Factors
Surface area is the measure of how much area of an object is
exposed. For the same mass, many small particles have a greater total
surface area than one large particle. For example, steel wool has a larger
surface area than a block of steel of the same mass. This allows oxygen
molecules to collide with many more iron atoms per unit of time. The
more surface contact between reactants, the higher the rate of reaction.
The less surface contact, the lower the reaction rate. Surface area can
also be important if a reaction occurs between tow liquids that do not
mix. In this case, the reaction occurs only at the boundary where the
two liquids meet. It is also important to note that not all reactions
depend on surface area. If both reactants are gases or liquids that mix
together then there is no surface, and surface area is not a factor.

Low Surface Area High Surface Area

This means that there is an increased area for the reactant particles
to collide with. The smaller the pieces, the larger the surface area. This
means more collisions and a greater chance of reaction.

1. Learning Models : Cooperative Learning
2. Learning Approach : Scientific Approach
3. Learning Method :
 Students Teams – Achievement Divisions (STAD)
 Presentation
 Experiment
1. Learning Media
Power Point
Experimental Video
2. Learning Sources
Chemistry book for XI grade Senior High School
Student Worksheet
3. Learning Tools and Materials
Beaker glass
Erlenmeyer flask
Mortar and pestle
Na2S2O3 1 M
HCl 1 M
Activities Activity Details
Phase 1: Delivering Learning Objectives
and Motivating Students
 The teacher gives an opening
 Teacher and students pray in the
beginning of learning.
 The teacher checks the student's
Preliminary  The teacher gives apperception to 5 minutes
students by linking the previous
material about the definition of
reaction rate and present two
picture (fireworks and rusty iron.
 The teacher motivates students.
 The teacher explaining the learning
objectives and the benefits of
learning reaction rate.
Core Activity Phase 2: Presenting Information 35 minutes
 The teacher presents a phenomenon
about reaction rate in daily life.
 The teacher asks the students to
analyze and observe the
phenomenon about reaction rate
such as a crowded road and a quiet
 The teacher asks the students
"Which is the higher chance of a
collision for each vehicles? In the
crowded road or in the quiet
 The teacher gives a short
explanation about reaction rate and
factors that affect the reaction rate.
Phase 3: Organizing Students into Study
 The teacher divides the students
into five groups.
 The teacher distributes the
worksheet (one worksheet for each
 The teacher engages students to
design an experiments based on the
student worksheet given.
 The teacher gives an experiment
video to give an overview to the
students about the experiment will
be done.
Phase 4: Guiding the Work and Study
 The teacher guiding students to do
an experiment about concentration
factors and surface area factors.
 The teacher guiding students how
to processing and writing the
experiment result on the worksheet.
Phase 5: Evaluating
 The teacher gives a chance to the
students who want to present their
 The teacher reinforces the concept
obtained from the experimental
Closing Phase 6: Giving Rewards 5 minutes
 The teacher gives a reward to the
group has the highest score based
on participation in evaluation
 The teacher and the students
conclude the experiment result that
had been done.
 The teacher asks students to
prepare for the next lesson.
 The teacher and the students pray
 The teacher gives a closing

1. Assessment Technique
Cognitive assessment
Psychomotor assessment
2. Assessment Instrument (Attached)
Cognitive assessment sheet
Psychomotor assessment sheet

Sudarmo, Unggul dan Mitayani, Nanik. 2014. Kimia untuk SMA/MA Kelas
XI. Jakarta: Erlangga

Surabaya, November 14th, 2020

Principle of SMAN 2 Surabaya Teacher
(____________________) (Era Melania)
Attachment: Assessment Instrument


Education Unit : SMAN 2 Surabaya

Subject : Chemistry
Class/Semester : XI/1
Programs : Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Primary materials : Reaction Rate
Sub materials : Factors That Affect the Reaction Rate (Concentration and
Surface Area)

Core Competencies
CC 1 Live and practice the teachings CC 2 Demonstrate honest behavior,
of the religion they hold. discipline, responsibility, care
(mutual cooperation,
cooperation, tolerance, peace),
polite, responsive, and
proactive and show attitude as
part of the solution to various
problems in interacting
effectively with the social and
natural environment and in
placing oneself as reflection of
the nation in the world.
CC 3 Understanding, applying, and CC 4 Cultivating, reasoning, and
analyzing factual, conceptual, serving in the realm of
procedural, and metacognitive concrete and abstract domains
knowledge based on their related to the development of
curiosity about science, what they learn in school
technology, art, culture, and independently, act effectively
humanities with human, and creatively, and be able to
national, state, and civilization use methods according to
insights related to the causes of scientific principles.
phenomena and events, and
applying knowledge
procedures in a specific field
of study in accordance with
their talents and interests to
solve problems.
Basic Competence
3.6 Explain the factors that affect 4.7 Designing, performing,
the reaction rate using the concluding and presenting the
collision theory. experimental results of the
factors that affect the reaction
rate and reaction order.

Indicators of Competence Achievement

3.6.1 Explaining the effect of concentration on the reaction rate.
3.6.2 Explaining the effect of surface area on the reaction rate.
4.7.1 Designing experiments on the effect of concentration on reaction rate.
4.7.2 Designing experiments on the effect of surface area on reaction rate.
4.7.3 Performing experiments on the effect of concentration on reaction rate.
4.7.4 Performing experiments on the effect of surface area on reaction rate.
4.7.5 Presenting experimental results about the effect of concentration on
reaction rate.
4.7.6 Presenting experimental results about the effect of surface area on
reaction rate.
4.7.7 Concluding experiments on the effect of concentration on reaction rate.
4.7.8 Concluding experiments on the effect of surface area on reaction rate.

Indicators of
Question Cognitive Question Question
No. Competence Materials Instrument
Indicator Level Form Number
1. 3.6.1 Explaining Concen- Given a data table C2 Essay Consider to the following experimental data 1
the effect of tration of concentration below!
concentrati Factors factors Concentration (M) Time (s)
on on the experiment, 10-2 30
2 x 10 25
reaction student can 3 x 10 -2
rate. explain the effect 4 x 10-2 15
Based on the data, explain what happen if
of concentration
the concentration is increased or decreased?
on reaction rate
Given three C5 Essay Beaker A Beaker B Beaker C 2
substances with
student can 1 M of HgCl2 2 M of HgCl2 0,5 M of HgCl2

predict which is If HgCl2 is react with C2O42- as in the

the faster reaction following reaction:
correctly. 2HgCl2 (aq) + C2O42- (aq)  2CO2 (g) +
Hg2Cl2 (s) + 2Cl- (aq)
Predict which is the faster reaction and give
your reason!
Given a data table C4 Essay Look at the reaction below! 3
of concentration H2SO4 (aq) + 2NaOH (aq)  Na2SO4 (aq) +
changing, 2H2O (l)
students can
analyze the If the initial concentration of H2SO4 is 1 M
relation between and NaOH is 0,5 M and the time needed to
concentration and react is 6 second. Then the reactant
reaction rate concentration is changed like in the
correctly. following table:

No. [H2SO4] [NaOH] Time

1. 0,5 M 0,25 7s
2. 1M 1M 5s
3. 2M 0,5 M 4,5 s
4. 0,5 M 0,5 M 6.5 s
Based on the table, analyze the relation
between changes of reactant concentration
and reaction rate!
2. 3.6.4 Explaining Surface Given a data table C2 Essay Consider to the following experimental data 4
the effect of Area of surface area below!
surface area Factors factors Limestone
Form Time
on the experiment, Mass (gr)
reaction student can 5 Granule 3 minutes
5 Coarse
rate. explain the effect 1 minutes
of concentration 5 Fine
14 second
on reaction rate powder
correctly. Based on the data, explain what happen if
the limestone is pounded from the granule to
the coarse powder then into fine powder?
Given three C4 Essay 5
substances with
different particle
size, students can 1st experiment 2nd experiment 3rd experiment

analyze the
relation between Look at the picture above! If the particle size
surface area and is decreased in every experiment and the
reaction rate data obtained as follow:
correctly. 1st experiment 10 second
2 experiment 7 second
3rd experiment 4 second
Analyze the relation between particle size,
surface area, and reaction rate according to
the collision theory!
Given three C5 Knowing a reaction as follow: 6
substances with AX (s) + BY (aq)  AY (aq) + BX (g)
student can
predict which is Beaker 1 Beaker 2
the faster reaction If a scientist react 2 grams of AX with 0,2 M
correctly. of BY in the beaker 1, then he pounded the
AX granule become powder and reacted 2
grams of AX powder with 0,2 M of BY in
the beaker 2. Predict which is the faster
reaction and give your explanation!

1. Based on the data, in the first experiment the concentration is 10 -2 M and the
time required is 30 second. Then, in the second experiment the concentration
is increased become 2 x 10-2 M and the time required is 25 second. It means
when the concentration is increased, it will take less time. But, if the
concentration is decreased, the time needed becomes more. So, we can
conclude that if the concentration is increased, the reaction rate will be faster
which is shown by the less time required. But, if the concentration is
decreased, the reaction rate will be slower which is shown by the more time
2. The order of reaction from the fastest to the slowest are: Beaker B, Beaker A,
and Beaker C. Beaker B is the fastest because has the greatest concentration
(2 M) then Beaker A (1 M) and the slowest is Beaker C because has the
lowest concentration (0,5 M). The higher the concentration, the faster the
reaction rate because the chance of particle to collide become greater.
3. Based on the data, if the concentration of one or more reactant is increased it
will take less time than the initial experiment. So it means that the reaction
rate is increased when we increased one or more reactant. Because there are
more particle collision in the higher concentration.
However, of the concentration of one or more reactant is decreased it will
take more time than the initial experiment. So it means that the reaction rate is
decreased when we decreased one or more reactant. Because there are less
particle collision in the lower concentration.
4. If the limestone's form is changed from granule to the coarse powder then to
fine powder it means that the particle size is decreased so the order of surface
area from the highest to the lowest are: fine powder, coarse powder, and
granule. Based on the data, the smaller the particle size, the less time needed
and the bigger the particle size, the more time needed. It happens because
decreasing the particle size will increase the surface area. If the surface area is
higher it will lead to the more an effective collision. So the reaction rate is
increased indicated by the less time needed.
5. Increasing the particle size, will increasing the surface area. So that, the
chance of particle to do an effective collision also increased. Chemical
reaction is happen if there are effective collision. So if the effective collision
is increased it will lead to the faster reaction or it will increase the reaction
6. The faster reaction is in the beaker 2. Because the particle size is smaller than
in the beaker 1 and it will increased the surface area. If the surface area
increased it will increased the reaction rate.

n Student's Answer Criteria Value
1. Students explain what will happen to the reaction if the
concentration of the reactant is increased and decreased 12
Students only explain what will happen to the reaction if
the concentration of the reactant is increased/decreased 6
Students explain what will happen to the reaction if the
concentration of the reactant is increased or decreased 2
2. Students predict which is the faster reaction and give the
reason correctly.
Students correctly predict which is the faster reaction and
give the incorrect reason.
Students peredict which is the faster reaction and give the
reason incorrectly.
3. Students correctly analyze the relation between increasing
and decreasing concentration with reaction rate.
Students can only analyze the relation between increasing
or decreasing concentration with reaction rate correctly.
Students incorrectly analyze the relation between
increasing and decreasing concentration with reaction rate.
4. Students explain what will happen to the reaction if the
particle size of the reactant is increased and decreased 12
Students only explain what will happen to the reaction if
the particle size of the reactant is increased or decreased 6
Students explain what will happen to the reaction if the
particle size of the reactant is increased and decreased 2
5. Students correctly analyze the relation between particle
size, surface area and reaction rate.
Students can only analyze the relation between two item
Students incorrectly analyze the relation between particle
size, surface area and reaction rate.
6. Students predict which is the faster reaction and give the
reason correctly.
Students correctly predict which is the faster reaction and
give the incorrect reason.
Students peredict which is the faster reaction and give the
reason incorrectly.

 Maximum value = 100

 Value criteria
A = Excellent (80-100)
B = Good (70-79)
C = Enough (60-69)
D = Less (< 60)

Rated Aspect Score Score Description
1. Completeness of Safety Students wear mask, lab coats and
Work gloves.
3 Students only wear 2 safety items.
2 Students only wear 1 safety items.
Students do not wear clothes that
1 are suitable for safety in the
2. Prepare equipments and The equipments and materials to be
materials that will be used in used are taken with the correct
comparing reaction rates at amount, measurement and function
different concentrations according to the instructions.
The equipments and materials to be
3 used is only completed in 2 criteria
points on score of 4.
The equipments and materials to be
2 used are only completed in 1
criteria points on score of 4.
The equipments and materials to be
used are incompatible, both in
amount, measurement, and
3. Prepare equipments and The equipments and materials to be
materials that will be used in used are taken with the correct
comparing reaction rates at amount, measurement and function
different surface area according to the instructions.
The equipments and materials to be
3 used are only completed in 2
criteria points on score of 4.
The equipments and materials to be
2 used are only completed in 1
criteria points on score of 4.
1 The equipments and materials to be
used are incompatible, both in
amount, measurement, and
4. Assembling the equipments The equipments that are
to be used in the experiment 4 systematically assembled, correct,
of compare the reaction rates usable, and easy to measure.
The equipments that are assembled
at different concentrations
3 only completed in 2 criteria points
on score of 4.
The equipments that are assembled
2 only completed in 1 criteria points
on score of 4.
The equipments are incorrect and
cannot be used.
5. Assembling the equipments The equipments that are
to be used in the experiment 4 systematically assembled, correct,
of compare the reaction rates usable, and easy to measure.
The equipments that are assembled
at different concentrations
3 only completed in 2 criteria points
on score of 4.
The equipments that are assembled
2 only completed in 1 criteria points
on score of 4.
The equipments are incorrect and
cannot be used.
6. Calculation of experimental The calculation of experimental
data of concentration factors 4 data is systematic, thorough and
The calculation of experimental
3 data is only completed in 2 criteria
points on score of 4.
The calculation of experimental
2 data is only completed in 1 criteria
points on score of 4.
The calculation of experimental
data is not complete the criteria.
7. Calculation of experimental The calculation of experimental
data of surface area factors 4 data is systematic, thorough and
The calculation of experimental
3 data is only completed in 2 criteria
points on score of 4.
The calculation of experimental
2 data is only completed in 1 criteria
points on score of 4.
The calculation of experimental
data is not complete the criteria.

 Maximum score = 28
Score Obtained
 Value = x 100
Maximum SCore
 Value criteria
A = Excellent (80-100)
B = Good (70-79)
C = Enough (60-69)
D = Less (< 60)

Rated Aspect Score Value

No. Name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

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