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Which part captured my interest?

The part in the light novel that it captured my heart is chapter 3, it is when Mai

and Sakuta should go for a date , Sakuta has a work so they would meet up at

the place at exactly 2 pm , but several things happened bef re he goes to the

venue of their date . So he ends up late for 1 hour and 30 minutes at their date

venue , he thought that Mai will not wait for him , but a beautiful and gorgeous

girl named Mai Sakurajima still waits for Sakuta . It most captured my interest ,
because for me it is impossible to have a girl like that , will wait a guy for a long

period of time , and their culture which is Japanese Culture , is very strict with

the time , so that moment capture my interest to know more about Mai

Sakurajima and the story .

What is the most significant/Most

effective part on the
reading material?
The most significant and effective part of the reading material is chapter 4, when

Mai and Sakuta has a big problem , because Mai got Adolescent syndrome again , so

Sakuta asking many person about Mai , ’

but stil they didn t know about her . Because

the syndrome symptom is other people would forgot Mai , but Sakuta is the one who

could remember her , so after he asks many people on different kind of station , they

end up sleeping with a hotel . It is the most effective part of the reading material , for

the reason that in this moment of the story , even though it is not part of their date ,
they end up like Sakuta s ’ effort didn t ’ go to nothing , because Mai enjoy those

moment and it looks like it is part of their date , those memories and effort that

Sakuta does makes the reading material effective , Because the author shows how

great and enjoyable the story plot is .


What is the major conflict of the

The major conflict ( Conflict with the supernatural ) of the story is when ,
Sakuta found out that people who knew Mai , ’
didn t know her anymore like

they already forgotten the famous Mai Sakurajima .

How did the characters solve the

The characters solve the conflict by , Sakuta is asking his friend about what Mai is

going through , and he realized that this is not part of the Adolescence syndrome

anymore , his friend also told him that if the two of them slept they would forget

Mai . ’
So Sakuta didn t slept for 3 days , but Mai gave him a sleeping pills while they

are reviewing for the exam , so when he wakes up he forgot Mai , but while he was

taking the exam , Sakuta saw a writing on a notebook about Mai , this is when they

reviewed for their test . So while he is reading the text , he cried a lot and run to the

. ,
What happened
hallway up to their field After that he shouted that he loves Mai so that shouting

moment that he does is a bridge for the students that they would not ever forgot

after the conflict
Mai Sakurajima anymore

was solved?
After the conflict was solved

, the issue What significant life lessons were
exemplified in the reading
about Sakuta s hospitalization just flows like

before , but Mai will not experienced

Adolescence syndrome anymore because

students will remember how Sakuta

confessed to him by shouting on school s ’

field . So their bond just grows more as time

goes by . Significant life lessons that are in the story , there is nothing impossible if we

really want to value and pursue a thing . By the help of hard work and faith , all

the things were possible . The story make me realized that if you really love a

person , you should do all your best for the person whom you love , like how

Sakuta does to Mai , that he gave his best , so that Mai will not experienced

Adolescence syndrome again . Lastly the story makes me realized that nothing

beats hard work and dedication , because if you really pursue a thing or a

person , you would do your best for them .


Overall rating of the material

If I would rate the material up to 100, I will give a perfect score of 100,
because the story is so perfect and addicting to read . The characters and

the plot of the story is great , because you will see different kind of people

in the story that is relevant to the world we living in . That every teenager

who didn t like to read light novel , will be enjoying Rascal Does Not Dream

Of Bunny Girl Senpai .

What made the material effective?

IThe material is effective , because when you are reading the light novel you

will feel many emotions like , joy , sorrow , surprise and many more . Those

emotions can be felt by reading the text . But for me the main reason why

the material is effective is because of the characters , they are the

foundation why the story is so good , The way how the author makes the

character is developing through challenges makes the story super

effective , example of this is Mai Sakurajima , she is a tsundere or a cold

person , but as time go through in the story , you will see how Mai changed in

terms of her attitude . ’

So that s the reason why the material is effective .

Probable points to consider

For me there is no probable points or need to change in the

story , ’
because the story goes well and it don t need any change .

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