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1. Do you agree with the data presented by the author? Why?

Both yes and no. I said both because in my own opinion and in what I see and experience in
our world today, no matter how long your screen time period is, it does not make you happy nor
unhappy. As we all know in our world today, we see that people judge others base on their own
perspective. And also the reason why I said both yes and no is because we should not just look at
a one sided opinion that all people are being unhappy because of their long period of screen time.
Also in my own opinion, it is not the period of screen time that is the problem but the people
who judge based on their own understanding only. Even if you are partaking in some non-screen
activities, you still see people talk about you because they think that they are better. Actually for
me, playing computer games and using social media is actually fun and even if I know that there
are some people who are judgmental, I just let them be because you can be happy if you just
ignore the negative people that surrounds you. As stated in one of the posts that I see on social
media itself, “You are responsible for your own happiness.”

2. What are the effects of prolonged screen time to the respondents of the study?
According to the study, prolonged screen time cause the respondents who are the 8 th to 12th
grades stated that it affected their life satisfaction, self-esteem and happiness. Maybe some of
this is caused by people that they encounter or just strangers who judged them through online.

3. What conclusion did you form after reading and analyzing the article? Support your
answer with pieces of evidence.
I therefore conclude that the use of digital media should be used appropriately and should be
monitored by their parents or by themselves. As the author Jean M. Twenge said “The key to
digital media use and happiness is limited use.” We as people who are developing alongside our
world today must know what is the right thing to do and limit things that we know that might
affect ourselves. Because in the study, according to author, 2012 was the advent of smartphones
where 50 percent of people uses their smartphones. Now think of our world today, we develop
every day and we even discover things using our more advanced technology. So if we do not
understand our limits to the use of digital media, we might be the ones who will destroy the
future of our world that we know today.

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