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Eastern Concept of the self

 A concept of the self that concerns with what should a person be towards the
society that abides with the tradition.
Virtues of potential self by Confucius which a human being should develop in his/her

• heart of compassion – leads to Jen

• heart of righteousness – leads to Yi

• heart of propriety – leads to Li

• heart of wisdom – leads to Chih

 Refers to living a life in harmony with the universe. It means each and everyone
should be developing themselves as time passes in order to make the world a
better place.
 It’s called anatta which means “not-self”.
A concept that sees self as an illusion. However, the reason why self is merely an
empty notion is because every living being is a changeable and transitory complex of
components that do not possess any
 It’s called atman which means “non-material self”
 This concept emphasizes the idea of reincarnation. It entails the spiritual being
rather than the material one.

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